Alice Cottee
Owl's Rest Lyneham
Owl's Rest
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With fifteen years clinical experience and a dedicated clientele, I have treated a wide range of physical, emotional and psychological imbalances.
My approach is holistic, which means lifestyle, history, physical, emotional and mental state is taken into consideration. I practice both Shiatsu & Tuina with a focus on female health, including pre and post-natal massage. This includes acupressure for labour induction. Many clients have successfully gone into labour shortly after leaving their massage.
Gift vouchers are also available, a lovely way to show someone you care.
Shiatsu & Tuina
Shiatsu, originally practiced in Japan, is based on the holistic system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where illness is thought to result from imbalances in the natural flow of Qi or life-force energy (pronounced “chee”) within the body. Stretches, mobility techniques and breath awareness combined with finger, palm and elbow pressure is used to balance the flow of energy within the energetic pathways (meridians) to assist the body to heal itself.
A deeply relaxing and grounding experience, Shiatsu feels great whether or not you have an illness. It is common to experience an increase in energy, also an increased range of motion. Traditionally, this modality is practiced for the prevention of dis-ease, as well as for treatment.
Tuina, with it's origins in China, is also based on the philosophy of TCM, but is slightly more vigorous. Like Shiatsu, Tuina uses rhythmic compression along energy channels of the body, as well as a variety of techniques that manipulate and lubricate the joints. Tuina directly affects the flow of energy by holding and pressing the body at acupressure points.
Common conditions helped by Shiatsu & Tuina:
- Stress and associated muscular tension
- Back, shoulder & hip pain
- Neck stiffness & headaches
- Sciatica and over-use injuries
- Joint pain and reduced mobility
- Digestive and sleep disorders
- Depression and anxiety
- Body, mind and spirit are seen as integral to each other, lifestyle and diet must also be considered for optimum healing.
Pre-Natal Massage
In many cultures and throughout history, massage has been vital to the health of pregnant women. Pregnancy is a state of wellness associated with many changes that occur throughout a woman’s body as the baby develops. Massage Therapy is an effective form of adjunctive health care at this time, contributing a wide range of benefits to the expectant mother and her baby. Pregnancy massage can safely, comfortably and effectively relieve much of the increased physical stress and discomforts, plus give a sense of renewed vitality.
Benefits of Pregnancy Massage include:
- Relief from sciatica, neck stiffness, lower back, hip & shoulder pain
- Easier breathing, relief from headaches
- Improved sleep
- Prevention of discomfort caused by fluid retention
- Increased immunity and nutrition for baby
- Relief from stress and fatigue
- Reduced cramping and muscular spasm (often experienced in the calves)
- Regular massage through-out your pregnancy not only prepares you physically for birth, but can also help to alleviate any fears or anxieties you may be experiencing. I encourage my clients to also consider yoga and Calm Birth; as being educated throughout this special time can help you to feel empowered and confident in your body. Whether or not you plan on birthing naturally, sometimes things don’t go to plan. Trust, deep breathing and positive visualisation can all help!
Acupressure for labour preparation and induction is offered from 38 weeks in most cases. Information is also provided for home care.
What to expect?
Your safety is essential. You will be asked some important questions when you make your booking, as there are some contraindications against massage during pregnancy. Clearance from your doctor may be requested if you are experiencing any complications or have a ‘high risk’ pregnancy (multiple pregnancy, for example).
Comfort and support is paramount, which is why I use the MyPOD Pregnancy Support Pillow. It is a patented foam filled two-sided pillow that sits on the massage table, allowing for easy access in the side-lying position.
Additional Services
- Cupping
- Facial Cupping
- Moxibustion
- Reiki
The first session is $120 and goes for 75 minutes. Includes consultation, massage and home care plan.
Treatment menu: Shiatsu, Tuina, Pre & Post-natal Massage, Cupping (includes facial cupping), Moxibustion, Reiki
I often use a combination of these modalities, tailored to your needs.
30 minutes $65
45 minutes $85
60 minutes $110
75 minutes $125
90 minutes $145
$10 discount for concession/students
Health fund rebates
Gift vouchers are available, a lovely way to show someone you care.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!
Pregnancy Massage
1hrNurturing massage to assist in relaxation and the relief of discomfort during pregnancy.
Post-natal Massage
1hrNurturing massage treatment to assist in recovery during the weeks and months after pregnancy.
- Certificate In Level 1 Reiki
- Diploma of Health Science In Eastern Massage Therapy
- Advanced Certificate In Pregnancy Massage
Professional Membership
- Massage Association of Australia Ltd
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