Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2005

Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc

Optimum Learning & Health Centre

12 Bayview Crs Beaumont SA 5066

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Most chronic diseases such as Autism, inflammatory diseases (-itis) & degenerative diseases are in principle reversible. To achieve this, we need to identify & remove the things that stop your cells from functioning optimally and add the things your body needs to be able to heal itself nutritionally, emotionally & biochemically. My RAD programme and RAPID gut repair programme are designed to do just that. For more information on these programmes, please email me on:

What Our Clients Have Said

Servicing area

Adelaide, Eastern Suburbs, South Australia

Focus areas

Autism spectrum disorders Brain injuries Dementia Early intervention Learning disabilities Colitis

My daughter Justine wasn't saying any words at the age of 3 1/2 and was sent to a speech therapist. She made some progress and at the age of five, when she began school, she was speaking in short phrases. Learning problems in all areas were recognised and a special school programme was devised. At this stage she began to display an aggressive and withdrawn behaviour. As a mother it is very upsetting to witness your sweet natured child (although always strong willed) change into an aggressive child with very few friends.

Around this time I took her to Anke as very little progress had been made at school in regards to her learning abilities and her behaviour.

The change in her behaviour and in particular her learning ability was dramatic. After just one session she was able to learn to read and her writing improved. I can't stress enough the success Justine's sessions were at the Optimum Learning & Health Centre.


Kate came to see me because she lacked confidence at school. She was 10 years old and had problems with decoding in reading (working out how to say the word) and spelling. As too much energy went into the decoding process, she also had trouble understanding what she had read. The LAC test (see Assessments)showed that Kate had a problem with processing the sounds within the words.

Our first goal was to increase access to the area of the brain that is responsible for processing the sounds (using a variety of Kinesiology techniques). Once this was achieved Kate was taught those Auditory processing skills that Kate's brain was not able to learn as a toddler and young child.

Her mother commented: "Anke worked on sounds and other areas. Her spelling and her comprehension improved. Her confidence has risen and she has moved from the lower section of the class to the middle. Kate is now in high school and has settled in very easily. However the transition for some other friends was not so easy."


Dear Anke,

Hello there, here is a sort note to report on Fiona’s progress.

So here I am. We are very grateful for your expertise and help. She is doing really well. First up I noticed little things like being able to talk to her whilst she was watching TV, she was a lot more affectionate, and more aware of things around her – like if I was to sit down next to her on the sofa and there was a toy in the way, instead of my having to ask her to move it, she automatically moved it out of the way whilst still watching TV.

After 3 weeks back at school following her treatment, her teacher said that he would have classed her about 3rd lowest in the class and now 3 wks later at about upper middle of her class. Since that time she has remained fairly constant. I feel confident that another session with you will motivate her to her full ability.


Dear Anke,

Thanks for your efforts with Tom, much appreciated.

Tom is progressing fabulously - he has just had his first good school report and his ability to focus is much improved. His confidence level is way up and he can begin to see the product of his efforts. He shows marked ability in maths and science in particular and his reading is also much better. So, overall great - his listening skills still need some work, but we are delighted with his improvement since the beginning of the year.

So, we are greatly appreciative of your work with him.


I am a junior primary school teacher. My Grandson Scott was born in 1990. His mother is an avid reader and read regularly to him from birth. When he began school there seemed to be problems with him settling down and I was concerned that he did not appear to be making any progress during his first 2 years.

He was changed from the public system to a small church school. His new classroom teacher and Special Ed teacher suggested that he had ADHD, dyslexia and later Asperger Syndrome. His mother gave permission for him to see the school psychologist. I wrote a lengthy cover letter as well; stating that in my opinion he had a slight thread of dyslexia but was not dyslexic and a slight thread of ADHD but was not that either. I felt strongly that a settled classroom and a firm teacher with some structure and a positive attitude towards him was essential for Scott.

My husband and I had spent over a thousand dollars buying sets of reading books of high inherent value based on different methods or schools of thought. All of these books had excellent illustrations. I just hoped that the ‘mothers hearing reading’ at school did not ask Scott to laboriously sound out all the unknown words.

I had regularly discussed Scott’s learning difficulties with my neighbour who was the Principal at an R-5 school. She suggested that we should take him to see Anke Koelman.

Anke decided very quickly that Scott indeed was not ADHD or dyslexic. Although there was nothing wrong with his hearing, she concluded that Scott was having problems hearing the sounds in order. She taught us how to use coloured cubes with the vowels written on them and how to design exercises for their use, I did a lot of work with Scott in this area. Anke recommended particular Brain Gym exercises for Scott, which she taught us. Anke also discussed syllabification (the process of breaking words into syllables) with me and I realised I did not know enough about that area myself!

With Anke’s knowledge, skilful input and correct diagnosis, Scott developed into a very good reader with the ability to spell well. This ability allowed him to settle into a classroom environment, progress normally through the rest of his schooling and to complete year 12!

Scott (31 March 2008)

Peter was a year 10 student and a boarder at Rostrevor College. His parents lived overseas and during his Primary school years when he lived with them he had visited many primary schools as they travelled a lot. As a consequence he had missed out on building a strong foundation in mathematics.

On the final maths test in year 9 he had scored only 1 out of 50! As a result he was not allowed to choose mainstream mathematics in year 10 and instead was put in the Business maths class (the easier level).

However during the first term of year 10 he decided that he wanted to be a pilot, for which he needed mainstream maths. This meant that somehow Peter had to catch up with all the maths from primary and secondary school years and to the point that he would be allowed in a mainstream maths class without losing a year.

At the end of the second term of year 10 his councillor recommended that Peter came to see me. Peter was a left hander and his learning style was limited to a right brain approach to maths, which means that the total picture had to be there, before details can be learned (for more information about learning styles see information booklet: How to improve Learning?). I saw him once a fortnight for the next two terms.

Over the years Peter had come to dislike maths so much that even the thought of maths switched him off to the point that he did not want to do his homework or concentrate in class. Our first aim therefore was to teach him how to switch his brain on for maths, so that he could learn and remember. We achieved this through several Brain and Sensory Integration processes (from Educational Kinesiology) and by teaching Peter a number of Brain Gym® exercises (for more information see Brain Gym).

Next we worked through all the primary and secondary school maths topics. We started with a right brain learning style, because it was his preferred learning style. As he learned to use his whole brain more and more, he also became more flexible in his learning style. He was now enjoying maths and happy to study an hour each night after his other homework was finished. His boarding house master commented: “It was an enormous surprise to everyone that he went from being the first to switch off the lights at night to being the last”.

At the end of the third term, we were already doing year 10 mainstream maths, so we discussed whether he could be allowed into the year 10 mainstream maths classes in the fourth term. This had never happened before in the history of the school, so it was agreed upon that he could have a trial period. If he failed the final test, he could further catch up during the Christmas holidays and until the end of the first term in year 11. However he did pass the final year 10 test with a "C", even though we had only completed two thirds of the year 10 material. Over the holidays he completed the rest and at the end of the first term of year 11, he had a "B" for maths. Having had no further sessions in year 11, his teacher reported at the end of year 11: “Peter had an "A" for the final term of year 11 in a main-stream maths class!”


Dear Anke,

I just wanted to write and say thank you so much for the fabulous consultation you did with me over the phone on behalf my daughter. It was only 15 minutes, but it made a huge difference. With my partner away and the doctors not being able to help, I was really at a loose end on how to help with my little girls stomach cramps. You were able to hit the nail on the head as to the cause and provided great advice and follow up herbs etc to help her. Thanks so much. It was great peace of mind for me to have been able to have a consult with someone, and appreciate your willingness to do so 9pm on weekday!!! Also I have to let you know, my husband and I cant believe it, but our daughter now loves the cod liver oil you suggested and always asks for more!!!! Wow! Many thanks.
Will definitely recommend you to friends.

Posted Date: 16/01/2009

It has been a long time since I first came to see you…. I just wanted to let you know that I am still doing very well. Back then I always felt very tired, even though I slept more than 12 hours a day. Even lifting a teacup was too much and taking a shower was so tiring that I couldn't do it every day. I thought then that the maximum I could achieve would be to cycle around the block every now and then.

All my life I have wanted only one thing – to become a mother. This was absolutely impossible given the state of my health at that time. Now it is unimaginable how different my life is. I have 3 children, a husband, a small company, hobbies, volunteer work and even sports. I also cycle everyday for shopping and other things and I don’t get tired at all. I am still so grateful that I met you and that you could help me so fast and so well.


Throughout the last 20 years, Anke Koelman has dedicated herself to learning many different modalities - she is passionate about healing and learning. These years of experience make her versatile and resourceful. She is, in some sense, a one-stop shop. Before seeing doctors and/or going on medication, or before resorting to more expensive and hard-core measures like surgery for any problem, I would strongly recommend checking in with someone like Anke. She helped me with nutritional advice, physical ailments (shoulder problems), and study skills and methods. I have seen her work wonders with kids with learning difficulties - and in some ways she is too good at what she does - her clients only come for 3 or 4 visits, then they are able to move on with their lives and be happy and successful. It's amazing to watch.

The body is an incredibly delicate, interwoven system that it takes someone with a lot of knowledge and experience across many areas to understand it and evolve solutions to specific problems. Anke is an exceptional practitioner and I give her my highest recommendation.



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If you have any queries or if you want to discuss your or your child's issues with me, you can ring me on 0423763273 or email me: with some dates and times that suit you & I will book you in for the free consultation.

Business Hours

We're open 7 days.


2:00 pm To 6:00 pm


4:30 pm To 7:00 pm


9:30 am To 6:00 pm


4:30 pm To 7:00 pm


1:30 pm To 6:00 pm


9:30 pm To 12:00 pm


12:00 pm To 2:00 pm


  • Diploma In Western Herbal Medicine
  • Specialised Autism Recovery Therapy Practitioner
  • Master of Health Sciences In Nutrition Medicine
  • Master of Health Science In Biochemistry
  • Level 6 Kinesiology Specialist Practitioner (KSP)
  • Fully Registered Teacher In SA
  • Diploma of Homeopathy
  • Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Advanced Diploma In Naturopathy

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
  • AKA - Australian Kinesiology Association

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