Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc
Clicking on the Send Me Details Now button opens an enquiry form where you can message Anke Koelman, Spec. Nat., MHSc directly
Workshops & Courses
Servicing area
Adelaide, Eastern Suburbs, South AustraliaFocus areas
At the end of the last century AD(H)D was on the rise but in the 21st century Neuro-Developmental Disorders such as Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have increased dramatically and the effects are now noticeable in most classrooms of Preschools, Kindergartens and Primary Schools in Australia. From 1987 to 2007 the occurrence of ASD has increased by 1500% and it is still increasing.
There are some similarities between children with ASD compared to children with learning and behaviour problems:
- They do not have access to all areas of the brain required for learning
- Some or many prerequisite skills have not been acquired by the time they go to school
- Brain and sensory integration and development is less advanced, which affects their state of Reading, Writing, Spelling and Maths Readiness
The difference is in the cause and degree of severity in which brain function is affected.
What can we do to help improve brain function in these children?
We can:
- Help improve access to all areas of the brain required for learning and behaviour through specific brain exercises
- Improve brain and sensory integration
- Check for the presence of prerequisite skills
- Teach the missing prerequisite skills
- Check for their Brain Dominance profile and start with teaching them according to their preferred brain and sensory learning profile
- Improve learning in all sensory channels
The full spectrum of courses will be offered during the January 2020 school holidays:
- Autism - Brains in Crisis: Monday 13th January
- Autism - Moving out of Crisis: Tuesday 14th January
- Autism - Moving towards Literacy: Wednesday 15th January
- Reading Readiness: Friday 17th January
- Syllabification Rules: Monday 20th January
- Live Maths: Tuesday 21st January
The Optimum Learning & Health Centre specialises in treating children with Neuro-developmental conditions such as Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders, AD(H)D, learning and behaviour difficulties.
For more information and special group discounts for the courses please contact me on: tel. 8379 4755 or by email: akoelman@ozemail.com.au.
Kinesiology is an exciting modality that uses Bio-energy testing as a Bio-feedback technique. Anyone can learn it and no prior knowledge is required. In this course you will learn how to do Bio-energy testing for yourself, your family and/or your patients. Could you use Kinesiology in your life?
During the Introduction to Kinesiology course you will be able to learn how to Muscle Check yourself and others. You will then learn how to use the Muscle Checking as a technique to identify the cause(s) of health and learning related issues. Muscle Checking will be used again to identify which foods, supplements, techniques and modalities will be most successful in dealing with these issues.
Using Bio-energy testing, learn how to determine the best:
- Food
- Lifestyle
- Therapy
This is a fantastic technique that anyone can learn - no prior knowledge required. In this course you will learn how to use Bio-energy testing for yourself, your family and for your patients/clients.
Book Now Or Call Anke on 08 8379 4755
Upcoming Courses
Please click on the images below to download flyers about my upcoming courses (incl. course outline, dates and times... )
Autism - Brains in Crisis |
Autism - Moving out of Crisis |
Autism - Moving towards Literacy |
Reading Readiness |
Syllabification Rules |
Date t.b.d. Please contact us if you are interested: Tel. 08-83794755 or email: akoelman@ozemail.com.au.
For more information click here
Free half hour introductory phone consultation
30minIf you have any queries or if you want to discuss your or your child's issues with me, you can ring me on 0423763273 or email me: akoelman@ozemail.com.au with some dates and times that suit you & I will book you in for the free consultation.
Business Hours
We're open 7 days.
Monday |
2:00 pm | To | 6:00 pm |
Tuesday |
4:30 pm | To | 7:00 pm |
Wednesday |
9:30 am | To | 6:00 pm |
Thursday |
4:30 pm | To | 7:00 pm |
Friday |
1:30 pm | To | 6:00 pm |
Saturday |
9:30 pm | To | 12:00 pm |
Sunday |
12:00 pm | To | 2:00 pm |
- Diploma In Western Herbal Medicine
- Specialised Autism Recovery Therapy Practitioner
- Master of Health Sciences In Nutrition Medicine
- Master of Health Science In Biochemistry
- Level 6 Kinesiology Specialist Practitioner (KSP)
- Fully Registered Teacher In SA
- Diploma of Homeopathy
- Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Advanced Diploma In Naturopathy
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
- AKA - Australian Kinesiology Association
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