Natalie Stanicic
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Noosa Bowen Centre - Women's Health
Focus areas
Natalie understands the unique challenges that women face at each of these life stages and with Certification in Hormone Release Bowen, is able to assist with alleviating many symptoms related to hormonal changes that women are faced with.
Menstrual Symptoms and Fertility
Hormone Release Bowen has a unique ability to activate nerves which can have a profound effect on the reproductive organs and hormonal system. Many women, from teens to peri-menopausal women have had great success in reducing symptoms related to Menstruation including severe period pain, heavy flow, headaches and migraines related to hormone fluctuations and irregular periods. In regulating periods, this style of Bowen can successfully assist couples having fertility difficulties to conceive by addressing both partners.
Pregnancy Symptoms, Preparation for Birth and Newborn Symptoms
Dealing in a natural way with the many pregnancy related symptoms that women are faced with is one of the reasons that led Natalie to study Bowen Therapy to begin with. Lower back pain, Sciatic pain, indigestion, leg swelling and Carpel Tunnel symptoms can be troublesome for many women but can be easily treated with Bowen therapy. Especially important in the last 6 weeks leading up to birth, specific release work through the hips and pelvis can assist with optimal fetal positioning by helping to relax the many ligaments and muscles which are becoming stretched and strained by this late stage.
Newborn symptoms of reflux and colic can be distressing for mother and baby alike and can play havoc with what should be a wonderful time for love and bonding. Bowen work can gently address these issues to help calm the immature digestive system of a newborn. Breastfeeding issues such as poor supply, oversupply, and breast pain can be addressed as well as a baby who is having difficulty effectively feeding from one side may also be helped with simple but specific Bowen moves. Natalie’s in depth understanding of midwifery care and the birthing process can help unravel the reasons behind some of these symptoms such as complications of shoulder dystocia or forceps delivery placing extra strain on baby’s neck and shoulders, as well as help alleviate the discomfort by performing gentle release work on specific muscles to help baby return to a state of symmetry and health. Bowenwork on babies is particularly gentle and consists of no forceful manipulation of bones in order to achieve it’s calming result. Just a few simple moves can make a massive difference to a baby’s comfort level.
Menopausal Symptoms
Menopausal symptoms can be many and varied, and Hormone Release Bowen has been found to be reliable and consistently achieve excellent reduction in symptoms for many women in as little as a few sessions. Women who have been treated report massive improvements in hot flushes, energy levels, libido and vaginal dryness symptoms. Partial loss of bladder control can be an issue for many women and can be assisted by stimulating nerves in several precise points on the pelvis with hormone release work. Many women also report a reduction in feelings of anxiety and improved sleep. The results can be outstanding and can help many women through what can for many be a very difficult time of their lives.
For enquiries and appointments, please phone Natalie on 0421 471 012
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