Nikola Wilkie Naturopath therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2007

Nikola Wilkie Naturopath

Nikola Wilkie Naturopath

Cairns QLD 4870

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True Healing Requires Recognizing the Deep Interconnection of Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health—Breaking the Patterns of Pain and Inherited Trauma to Restore Well-Being.

Emotional Work

Servicing area

Cairns, Queensland

Focus areas

Joy Relaxation Wellness Headaches Pain relief Hormones

Over many years, I've come to understand that an individual's health is intricately woven through their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. While we often compartmentalise these aspects to better understand illness, true healing and growth require recognising their deep interconnection.

Physical conditions often dominate our sense of well-being, with pain affecting our mental capacities as we struggle to cope. Emotions arise in response to physical or mental events, often linked to deeply buried memories (Sacks, 1985). These patterns can be inherited or shaped by pre-natal and early childhood experiences (Field, 2011; Isobel et al., 2018; Van der Kolk, 2014). We are highly attuned to the energy of our ancestors and caregivers, absorbing their emotional states as part of our survival instinct. Over time, these experiences and the emotions they evoke create patterns within us, forming an inner narrative that becomes our identity.

Despite not benefiting us, some patterns become habitual and part of our sense of self. However, we have the power to change them. Emotions, as energy forms, are part of our spiritual being and can shift instantaneously (Haramein, 2018). For instance, anger can dissipate immediately when we uncover the truth behind a situation, replacing anxiety with relief. My years as a therapist, along with my personal journey of growth, have shown me how these patterns manifest in the body. Changes in muscle tension, organ function, breathing, mucus production, and neurological symptoms can occur once the underlying emotional issues are addressed. While research into energetic healing is still limited, it is an emerging field that offers rapid healing as interest in pharmaceutical solutions declines.

The key lies in sympathetic resonance, a concept from music that applies to all aspects of life. Molecular biologist Bruce Lipton explains the science behind resonance and its positive effects.

Consider this simple analogy: I have two guitars tuned identically. When I pluck the A string on one guitar, the A string on the other guitar vibrates as well. Why? Because they share the same vibration. This is resonance—constructive interference. When I pluck a string on one guitar, it activates the corresponding string on the other guitar… it's remarkable! (Lipton B., 2016).

Furthermore, physicist Nassim Haramein (2018) explains that sympathetic resonance occurs because everything in the universe is connected. All particles are linked through a universal network, of which we are a part. This connection allows us to alter a field and influence another’s state of being (30 min .30 sec).

One key advantage of this approach is that, unlike other therapies focused on emotions, you don’t need to retell your story repeatedly. Together, we set the intention to address what matters to you, identifying emotions through vibrations that bring deeper understanding into the conscious mind. This process, known as resipiscence, involves recognising the error and returning to good sense. Acknowledging these emotions allows the energy to transform.

Through simple conversation and sympathetic resonance, we can bring about changes that benefit any physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual issue.

The following are some issues that have been addressed:

  • Muscle pain or restrictions like wry neck, tongue tie, joint pain, or the inability to sit cross-legged.
  • Physical discomforts such as migraines, dry eyes, and incontinence.
  • Emotional distress, including anxiety, grief, guilt, shame, post-natal depression, indecision about the future, and fear of driving.
  • Unwanted behaviours like social media addiction, nail-biting, and resistance to attending school.

Over the years, I have honed the skills of sympathetic resonance through the guidance of numerous mentors. I’ve worked with individuals of all ages, animals, and even those at a distance, whether asleep or not present and have seen benefits in all cases. While face-to-face sessions are available, communication via phone or the internet is equally effective, as sympathetic resonance operates within the universal network.


Field T. (2011). Prenatal depression effects on early development: a review. Infant Behavior & Development, 34(1), 1–14.

Isobel, S., Goodyear, M., Furness, T., & Foster, K. (2019). Preventing intergenerational trauma transmission: A critical interpretive synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(7-8), 1100-1113. 

Haramein, N. (2018).

Lipton, B. H. (2016). The biology of belief 10th anniversary edition: Unleashing the power of consciousness, matter & miracles. Hay House.

Sacks (1985). The man who mistook his wife for a hat. Gerald Duckworth and Co. Ltd.

Van der Kolk (2014). The body keeps the score. Penguin Books.


Business Hours

We're open 6 days.


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


8:00 am To 6:00 pm


  • Bachelor of Psychological Science
  • Bachelor of Naturopathy
  • Qualified Practitioner of Bowen Therapy
  • Qualified Practitioner of Emmett Technique
  • Reiki Level 3 Certificate
  • Healing Touch Practitioner Certificate
  • Current Senior First Aid Certificate
  • Naturopathic Clinical Experience For Over 25 Years
  • Bowen Therapy Experience For Over 25 Years
  • Australian Breastfeeding Association Counsellor For 13 Years.
  • Business Sole Trader For Over 25 Years.
  • A Mother of Happy offspring.

Professional Membership

  • ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society

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