Nicole Mychajliw therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2009

Nicole Mychajliw

Nicole Mychajliw

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Suffering with Anxiety, depression, fear or other blockages that are stopping you from really enjoying your life? Find out how to take authority over your issues and use a fast stress release technique to help your brain and body process it quickly with no pain or talk therapy needed. I use the emotion code system and PSYCH K kinesiology. Fast and effective results. PHONE SESSIONS ARE GREAT. This method is great for any physical complaint or emotional / mental issue. Anxiety? Depression? Find out why. Remove Trapped emotions and heart walls so you can create the life you want. RRR is up to $360 for 1.5 hr session. I charge $85 for up to 1 hr session I am passionate about empowering people. When creating wellness and health its important to teach and facilitate self responsibility. I have found over the 19 years I have been in the health industry, people who feel empowered and who are given the tools to get better, actually improve not only physically but mentally and emotionally. I became interested in this field of work when I realised I had a bulged disc at the age of 18 and after xrays found I had an old crush fracture of the spine and a birth defect. After seeing a neuro surgeon who suggested that I live with this, I was determined to get out of the excruciating pain and disablement.

Being your Best Body & Mind Health Clinic

Servicing area

Flagstaff Hill, South Australia

Focus areas

Shin splints The emotion code Growth Anxiety Emotions Digestive system

I currently work from Flagstaff Hill on MONDAY and FRI 9-3. WED nights 5.30 till 8.30 pm and alternate SATURDAY.

I tailor my treatments to suit your needs and in a session I use many modalities to address your concern. The Body/ Emotion Code requires muscle testing to pin point the under lying blockages. IT cuts through the muck fast so you can identify why you still have the pain or emotional issues. It an be inherited trapped emotions, or pathogens, toxins, sabotages, or traumas. These elements hinder our ability to get well and stay well.

The last 19 years treating physical conditions has taught me that there is always an emotional or mental aspect to pain and injury. The body can not heal if these are not address and cleared.

I use Emotion Code and Psych K, Realignment, Massage, Myofascial release, SCENAR therapy, Trigger point.


I had a bad back that was In spasm so I couldn't move with out sharp pains. The patching was incredible and along with the SCENAR I
'm pain free again in as little as 3 days.

I have suffered with anxiety heart palpitations for many years and Im much better since using the brain balancing protocols and aeon on the heart points. Im also much calmer.


I used to be constipated, actually I have been my whole life. Now I use my bowels at least 1x day if not more. Ive had a massive detox too. I have a clearer head during the day and feel better over all.



The Scenar device is a russian medical device that provides biofeedback to your central nervous system allowing it restore function and structure bringing your whole body systems back to health. Scenar is pain free and non intrusive and It teaches your body how to help itself. I have found it useful in my clinic for :

  • Acute and Chronic pain
  • Muscle tears, scar tissue, Shin splints, plantar faciitis and tennis/golfers elbow
  • Frozen shoulder, bursitis, sciatica, arthritic pain and inflammation
  • Stress related issues
  • Dextoification


This is a specific treatment for muscles the are in stress or in spasm. I perform this technique gently so to allow the body to relax. If the body is in pain during the treatment the muscles further lock up to protect from percieved injury and therefore doesnt let go of the tension or trigger point.

I do not work deeply. If there is an area that will not release then it is likely caused by a misalignment/s and a Dorn Spinal treatment is recommended. Once this area is realigned the offending muscle/s release almost immediately and give up their trigger point.


Formally known as Neuro-skeletal Dynamics

This treatment is gentle and non manipulative. It assists in the alignment of the body and helps to balance the whole system. Used for back pain and headache and improves immune system function due to the relaxation effect. It is safe for all ages.


This treatment encourages relaxation of the muscles and mind therefore assisting the realignment process and healing of the body. When the body is in constant stress, the nervous system is out of balance and after time this effects the bodys natural ability to heal. The digestive system is shut down leading to malabsorption of nutrients. The immune system is impacted and we are more prone to infection, bacterial growth like candida, auto immune disorders, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and so much more. Studies show that relaxation massage has a direct impact upon our immune system and our emotions.


Our hip flexors or illiopoas muscles are very large and are the main movers of the lower back, hip and leg. These are easily overloaded especially due to incorrect lifting and twisting and can cause bulged discs, back pain and uneven leg lengths. Releasing these muscles and realigning the hip and spine with Dorn Spinal Method encourages spacing in between the vertabrae so that the disc can heal.

I have health rebates with all health funds for massage



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