Mark Czwerenczuk
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Providing A Range Of Professional Pranic Healing, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Access Bars® And Peiec® Energy Healing Services, Perfect To Help Treat People Of All Ages.
Needa Massage - Healing Services
Servicing area
Areas south of the river, PerthFocus areas
Access Bars®
Access Bars® are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessley, and easily release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life. These points contain all the thoughts,ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!
Access Bars® can feel like hitting the delete button on your computer's cluttered hard drive - only this time, you're creating space in your brain. This like negative thought patterns, or that endless mental chatter keeping you awake at night, can be released and make space for the calm you've been seeking.
Having your 'Bars run' (receiving a session) is relaxing and peaceful; imagine the after-effects of a great massage or walk in nature. At worst, that's all you'll feel! At best, you can feel a sense of total ease, unlike anything else, that starts to change your whole life.
The best way to find out about Access Bars® is, is to experience it for yourself!
How Does it Work?
The objective of the Access Bars® is to rearrange all the contents stored in your memory cells and release the blockages that have been established here for a long time. The release leads to healing and makes room for positive memories that will change the course of your life.
A Bars session is a healing method involoving the simple process of gently pressing each access point on the head to release negative energy. This could last between 60 - 90 minutes.
After the treatment, you will feel a sense of calmness and freedom to receive new experiences and opportunities, If you've never tried the Acess Bars® before, it's worth noting that this treatment effectively opens the subconscious mind and eliminates the negative energy that has been ciltivating problems in your life.
Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing
The chakras are the energy centers of the body.
A chakra clearing & balance involves the therapist moving and clearing away negative, heavy energy in and around the body, followed by the therapist pouring healing, positive energy in to replace this energy.
This helps to encourage a wonderful sense of well-being, emotional balance, mental clarity and deep relaxation as well as treating ailments and conditions of the body and mind.
Regular chakra clearing & balancing helps us in every part of our daily lives. By encouraging healthy energy flow within our chakras and our entire body, we can open ourselves up to all manner of positive experiences, happiness and abundance.
Is a spiritually guided life force energy, which is transferred by the laying of the hands on the individual’s body. It is a beautiful gentle energy, which must be experienced for one to truly have an understanding of what it is.
The energy flows to the blocked areas, clearing and charging these areas with positive energy. It then transforms negative thoughts and feelings as it cleans the energy paths. Unfortunately, the flow of energy is uneven for most people. When stress locks into the body, it reduces the energy potential of the individual, thus causing blocks and imbalances in the natural flow of Chi. Blocked energy that cannot move through the body is what causes illness.
Reiki can balance the body to let the Chi or life energy pass through the body naturally and thus allowing the imbalances to unblock and release. It is at this level that healing can start and when this release begins, so can the healing!
The treatment involves a Reiki practitioner directing/ channelling the energy into the individual’s body via the Aura and Chakras (Energy centres), hence the healer becomes a vessel from which the Universal life energy can flow from their hands into the Person receiving the treatment.
Benefits of Reiki
- Calms and reduces stress and provides deep relaxation, comfort and peace.
- Helps relieve pain and improve blood circulation
- Assists recovery from surgery or long term illness
- Cleanses the bodies organs (liver, kidneys, arteries, spleen, gall bladder, lungs & heart)
- It cleans and clears the emotions from being drained and offers perspective.
- Reiki works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, enhancing everything in your life.
- You don’t have to be ill or injured to benefit from a healing. The Universal energy goes where it’s most needed and re-balances the chi.
- Some people can experience a cure through their healing by having the pain or illness eliminated. Others may receive tools or messages of guidance during a healing, for the things they need to do to help themselves.
Pranic Healing
Pranic Healing is a highly developed and tested system of energy based healing techniques that utilizes "prana" to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes. It is a simple yet powerful and effective no-touch energy healing.
It can give immediate relief to physical, emotional or mental ailments which would otherwise take weeks or even months to heal. It can also be applied for weight loss and addictions such as smoking and drinking, as well as emotional and financial issues which may be affecting your life.
Healing is accelerated on every level. A must for anyone who hasn’t experienced the magic of energy work.
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is a form of healing that uses crystals or gemstones. The crystals are mainly placed on specific areas of the body called "chakras" (energy centers) on the person to enhance the flow of energy. Crystals direct the flow of energy to the person in a particular part of the body and bring balance to a person's energy. They are used to cleanse the person from diseased/negative energy that cause an illness. Clearing out the diseased spiritual energy alleviates the physical ailment.
Crystals are used for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing.
peiec® energy healing
What is peiec energy healing?
Ever wish you had a Reset button to bring back your life without all the traumas and clutter accumulated over the years? These life moments have attached themselves so much so, that you find yourself struggling with living the life you were intended to.
As a peiec® energy healing practitioner we may not be able to press that reset button, but we can start releasing these life moments and clear the path to your true self. Whether it is physical, emotional, intellectual or energetic, we can work on all these layers so that the light at the end of the tunnel is brighter.
Click here for more information
Healing Fees
Reiki, Crystal Healing, Pranic Healing, Distant Healing, Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing
60min - $100
Access Bars®
60min - $110
90min - $150
Gift Vouchers are available for all occasions.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!
Sports Massage
1hrSports Massage is for anyone who exercises, not just athletes. The main benefit of Sports Massage is that it improves muscle flexibility, blood circulation and reduces swelling, aids the prevention of sports injuries and assists the body with recovery and
Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleansing
1hrThe chakras are the energy centres of the body. A chakra clearing & balance involves the therapist moving and clearing away negative, heavy energy in and around the body, followed by the therapist pouring healing, positive energy in to replace this energ
Business Hours
We're open 6 days.
Monday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Tuesday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Wednesday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Thursday |
9:00 am | To | 8:00 pm |
Friday |
9:00 am | To | 7:00 pm |
Saturday |
9:00 am | To | 1:00 pm |
- Reiki Master
- Diploma In Remedial Massage Therapy
- Advanced Diploma In Therapeutic Massage
- Certificate In Crystal Healing
- Associate Certified Pranic Healer
- Access Bars Practitioner
- Access Consciousness BarsĀ® Practitioner
Professional Membership
- AMT - Association of Massage Therapists
- Reiki Association of Australia
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