Natalie Wright therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2011

Natalie Wright

Natalie Wright - Kinesiologist & Author.

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Gaining a deeper understanding of your soul's purpose will lead to a higher quality of life. Natalie offers a variety of courses, including crystal healing, Reiki and oracle card reading, to assist you in gaining clarity or pursuing a career in natural therapies. Explore her offerings!

Energy healing & Practitioner Training Instructor

Focus areas

Wellbeing Phobias Trauma Back pain Fatigue Migraine

Natalie Wright - Kinesiologist not only helps people in Berwick, Victoria, live happy, healthy lives; she also gives them the tools they need to face whatever challenges life may throw at them through training programs.

Courses on offer

  • Certified Crystal Healer Practitioner Training without Crystal (7 Chakra Crystals kit)
  • Certified Crystal Healer Practitioner Training with Crystal (7 Chakra Crystals kit)
  • Reiki 3 in 1 Practitioner Training
  • Certified Intuitive Oracle Card Reader Training
  • Manifesting with your Soul

What do people think of Natalie as a kinesiologist and intuitive healer?

Below are some testimonials from people in Berwick and elsewhere who have worked with Natalie.

"I had such a wonderful reading yesterday with Natalie. I have to say I was blown away by her many gifts. She truly helped me more in an hour's time than any other physical and/or spiritual healers that I've experienced before in my 63 years on this earth. Her compassion, authenticity and amazing intuitive abilities shined throughout when she was identifying areas of both physical and emotional healing needed. Having been a therapist for many years, it has never been comfortable for me to share my own struggles, but all of that fell away very quickly. Most importantly, she gave me hope when clarifying what my gifts were, how important it was to recognize them, and reminded me that angels and my guides are always supporting me. I indeed felt a renewed sense of purpose and confidence moving forward in this next chapter of my life and feel truly blessed to have had this amazing opportunity to have a reading from Natalie." - Ali Boni, USA

"My reading with Natalie really helped me to clarify where I am heading and what I need to work on. It also gave me the confidence to continue on with choices I am making. This would be the most accurate reading I have had. Through it all, Natalie's warm personality shone through so I felt less like a client and more like talking with an empathetic acquaintance. Thank you Glenn and Natalie for sharing your gifts and genuinely trying to be help others through the services you offer and the material offered on your site." - Sharon Hennigson, USA

"The other day, a friend asked for advice RE: a lifelong problem of theirs. I instantly recommended they make an appt with Natalie asap. I've been seeing Natalie monthly since the end of last year. As I listed all the shifts I've had in this short time to my pal, I realised I'd never acknowledged how far I'd come! I've completely moved forward from past family trauma, moved on from another major family issue (which I NEVER thought could be resolved - EVER), stopped having painful reoccurring dreams that have lasted 10 years, unblocked decades of issues with self-worth, manifested my own (first) business which seemed out of reach, changed my diet (like turning a switch off) to exclude my intolerances and have never felt better, uncovered and cleared a heap of ancestral ingrained work ethics and blocks to wealth and abundance and cleared self-sabotaging traits that held me back from success. To be free of any ONE of these aspects would be momentous but upon reflection, my life and the way I feel is 100% different now. I never would have evolved into the person I am today without the services of Serenity Natural Health. I'm so appreciative. I highly recommend. Thank you so much Natalie." - Megan J, Berwick Vic

Make an appointment with Natalie online to experience the life-changing effects of her healing services.


  • Level 2 First Aid Certificate
  • Certificate IV In Kinesiology
  • Level 2 First Aid
  • Diploma of Kinesiology

Professional Membership

  • IICT - International Institute For Complementary Therapists

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