Adam Goss
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A&C Health Solutions
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They always say prevention is the best cure. People do not realise that acupuncture and herbal medicine is both a preventative and curative medicine. A lot of people do not understand how acupuncture and herbal medicine work, therefore they disregard it as a treatment. What we do here is not only treat your problems but to educate you on how and why the treatments you receive work.
- Adam Goss | Principal practitioner
If you've had much experience with Western Medicine, you've probably heard the word 'idiopathic' come up a lot. Idiopathic means literally 'unknown cause.' If you ask persistently, you'll find out that in Western Medicine, quite a lot of diseases are considered idiopathic. There may be some understanding of the underlying mechanisms, but for Western Medicine must admit there is much they do not understand about the causes of disease. This explains their blank-spot in terms of the ability to deliver preventive care.
Western Medicine has no longer looked for causes of illness, but treats it through suppressing symptoms. The education of doctors is largely financed by the pharmaceutical companies. Cures do not make money. The big money spinners for the pharmaceuticals come from drugs to treat cancer, blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol, asthma, mental illness and so on. The irony of this is that many of these disease states arise as a result of micronutrient deficiencies because of our chemicalised farming industry and toxins from pollution created by chemical manufacture and use, all of which are produced by the same companies that produce pharmaceutical preparations.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the only idiopathic disease is the one you have not properly diagnosed. The advantage of Traditional Chinese Medicine is its ability to lucidly explain, in its own terms, 99% of disease processes, and then to right away be able to suggest preventive solutions.
"The sages of antiquity did not treat those who were already sick, but those who were not sick... When a disease has already broken out and is only then treated, would that not be just as late as to wait for thirst before digging a well, or to wait to go into battle before casting weapons?" (Yellow Emperor Nei Jing) These words, from a classic Chinese Medical text about 5000 years ago, express the fundamental importance of preventive medicine. They are proof positive that Chinese Medicine has long valued preventive medicine above emrgency disease intervention.
Adam Goss & Danny Chen
Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of harmonising and bringing balance to the body. Blood and energy is said to circulate through meridians (pathways) in the human body. Through acupuncture, we can manipulate the blood circulation and energy flow by accessing these meridians. Illness is said to be the consequence of an imbalance within the body. If needles are inserted into these points with appropriate combinations it is said that the energy flow and blood circulation can be brought back into a proper balance.
Cupping therapy can reduce pain and inflammation throughout the body. It can promote mental and physical relaxation and well-being. It is particularly popular with athletes. For example, swimmer Michael Phelps famously showed off the marks of cupping during the the 2016 Rio Olympics.
Remedial Massage
Massage is an essential ingredient to enhancing body function, aiding the healing process and promoting relaxation and well-being.Deep states of relaxation can be experienced in massage. How we perceive stress and how ongoing regular stress affects us is constantly under review as researchers try to understand the impact that long term and ongoing stress have on us. Breaking the cycle of stress is an important key factor to improving our health on all levels. Many studies have documented the physiological effects of massage. Massage has the ability to relax skeletal muscles, increase blood and lymph circulation, and reduce anxiety. The immune response in our body is affected positively by regular massage.
Sciatica often did not diagnosed for months or years. Sometimes, in mild cases, suffers will dismiss the discomfort as simple muscle cramping. Doctors may choose not to investigate sciatica symptoms if they aren’t interfering with the patient’s mobility or bladder control, unless they suspect a serious trigger – like a tumour pressing on the spine. This leaves many sciatica sufferers to seek relief from pain and stiffness elsewhere.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
All Chinese herbal medicines have a natural chemical within them that has an effect on the body. Different herbs have different properties and can balance particular parts of the body. Some of these natural chemicals that can be found within these herbs are the same chemicals that western medicine use within their medication. Prescribing a particular herb or concoction of herbs means the practitioner’s diagnosis has to take into account the state of the patient’s constitution, and the elements that are governing the affected organs. Such as the old wives tale goes that when you have a sore throat lemon and honey in tea can help, other herbs have a variety of different properties which can have a healing effect on the body.
Muscular injuries
Muscular pain can be treated with a combination of traditional points and ah-shi points. Ah-shi points are the sore tender points when palpating. Like massage you are looking for the tight knots and nodules within the muscles. However with massage you can only push so far with your thumbs and elbows. The acupuncture needles can reach the depth where the muscles are tight and knotted. The traditional points are used to increase blood flow to the area speeding up recovery time.
Weight loss
Weight loss is a healthy life style change. Acupuncture and cupping enhances the results of exercise and healthy eating. Soft fatty tissue is alot easier to burn than hard fatty tissue. This is where cupping excels. The cups help to break down the fatty tissue so it is nice and soft and easier to burn. Acupuncture helps with digestion and boosts the metabolism.
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mug-wort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. The purpose of moxibustion is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi, and maintain general health.
Acupuncture for children
There are a variety of different techniques we can use to treat children. The same principles apply for children as they do for adults. However, children only require a quick in out insertion of the needle and fewer points are required. This is because their Qi (energy) is new and easily restored to balance.
A&C Health Solutions is located in the heart of Hornsby, Easy access from Hornsby Train Station and Hornsby Westfield shopping centre. we can treat the following conditions using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with a combination of Acupuncture, Remedial, Swedish and relaxation Massage, Reflexology, Cupping and Chinese Herbal Medicine:
Muscular skeletal
- Arthritis
- Stiff neck and shoulder
- Frozen shoulders
- Tennis elbow
- Golf elbow
- Lower back pain
- Slipped disc (pain relief)
- Sciatica
- Increase range of movement
- Improve circulation
- Insomnia
- Reduce Stress/ anxiety
- Low energy
- Fatigue
Womens Health
- Gynaecological disorders
- Irregular menstruation
- Amenorrhea
- Period pain
- Pregnancy assistance
- IVF support
Internal problems
- Digestive problems
- Hepatic (liver) disorders
- Strength Kidney and Liver functions
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Diabetes
- Eczema, psoriasis and rashes
- A migraine and headaches
- Weight loss
- quit smoking
- Birth inducement / assistance
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