Mind Body Nutrition
Mind Body Nutrition
Mind Body Nutrition
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About Us
As a Mind Body Nutrition Coach, my approach is empowering and positive. I don’t see your eating challenges merely as a sign that “there is something wrong with you” but as a place where we are better able to work through some of the personal dimensions in life that impact weight, food, and health. Oftentimes, our eating challenges are interconnected with money, work, family, relationships, life stress, intimacy, and a more. By focusing on the areas that are most relevant for your individual needs, success will come a lot easier. I look to support you with coaching strategies and nutrition principles that are doable, nourishing, sustainable, and that yield results to last you a lifetime.
Heal the challenges you have with food today!
Weight Loss
Emotional Eating
Body Image
Family Nutrition
Binge Eating
And much more…
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