Mind & Body Equilibrium
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Mind & Body Equilibrium - BodyTalk
Focus areas
No matter what your symptoms or condition, BodyTalk is a catalyst for the body and mind to heal itself, restoring your health and wellbeing.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, they may be your body letting you know that there is a break down in communication in your body and it’s unable to heal itself as a result.
- Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Heart Disease
- Endocrine Disorders
- Arthritis
- Learning Disorders
- Digestive Disorders
- Chronic Fatigue
- Phobias
- Stress
- Addictions
- Viruses
- Infections
- Parasites
- Allergies
- Back Pain
- Grief
- Worry
- Sports Injuries
- Weight gain
- Weight loss
- Anxiety
- Depression
- and many others
BodyTalk focuses on re-establishing the communication within body and mind, enabling the body to heal itself. When the "root cause" is balanced, symptoms will subside.
Unlike other health systems, BodyTalk does not diagnose.
BodyTalk is simple, safe and efficient. The BodyTalk System allows the body's innate healing abilities to bring about change, with clients seeing enduring, ongoing improvements in their health versus short-term symptomatic relief. It is non-invasive, gentle and nurturing.
Not sure which treatment you need?
Your body knows what it needs!!
When you book yourself in for a BodyTalk session, you may experience all or a few of these treatments during your 1 Hour consultation:
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Lymph Drainage
- Applied Kinesiology
- Spinal/Skeletal Alignment
- Emotional Release
- Hormone Balancing
- Meridian Balancing
- Chakra Balancing
- Allergy/Intolerance Balancing
- Craniosacral
- Muscle Release
For more information about how BodyTalk can help you experience better health, or to book, call, visit Mind and Body Equilibrium’s website or click on one of the buttons below to instantly message us.
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