Meredith Doddrell therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Meredith Doddrell

Boreen Point Yoga Studio

Move your Body , Cleanse your Mind , Connect with your Self

Boreen Point Yoga Studio

Focus areas

Growth Body alignment Emotions Love Facial Relaxation


Meredith Doddrell has been a dedicated practitioner of Yoga since 1982, and has been teaching and meditating since 2000. She is a fully registered and certified instructor with the Australasian Yoga Institute, has a Bachelor of Education and Diplomas from the Ashish Institute of Pranic Healing and in Australian Bush Flower Remedies.

Meredith teaches with an emphasis on optimal body alignment; grounded in a thorough knowledge of posture. Professional progressive instruction with the support of yoga props, provides a supportive, non-competitive and encouraging atmosphere. Yoga Therapy enables students with injuries or illness to create a path of personal healing that suits their individual needs.

A life long interest in Astrology has led Meredith to co-ordinate her teaching of Yoga with the seasonal and planetary cycles. She also incorporates the Zodiacal system of body correlations; in order to harness the healing energies of the prevailing skies within the yoga practices.

Meredith studied Art at University and spent five years in Life Drawing classes which has given her an eagle eye when it comes to alignment of the body and accurate adjustments. When she is not teaching or practicing Yoga; she loves to create art, photography and gardening. She currently contributes the Yoga page for Spiritual Wisdom Magazine.

Astro Mojo

Aries = Head

When the sun moves into Aries, it is the beginning of the new Astrological year. It is Spring in the Northern hemisphere and the Autumnal equinox in the Southern hemisphere. The corresponding body part for Aries is the head. The head is where the brain resides; central station for the majority of information collected by the five senses, and where it is translated into the experience of thoughts, feelings and perceptions.

Where and how are you looking?

The features of the face are the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, forehead, jaw and cheekbones. It is the mask that we present to the world. The eyes are the windows to the soul and can reveal much about the body through the study of Iridology. The markings in the iris reflect the condition of the various organs of the body. When practicing yoga the eyes should be open with a relaxed and consistent gaze at eye level. If the gaze is towards the floor, we are often reflecting on past events. If the eyes are looking up we tend to be speculating on the future. Observe this in your practice as well as your daily life. Soften your gaze and endeavor to remain alert and aware; in the present moment.

The muscles of the brow, forehead and the cheekbones are exercised in conjunction with almost every motion of the face and exhibit chronic feelings and tension brought about through thinking and rationality. Try to bring awareness to your facial expressions whilst practicing Yoga, aim for a relaxed and gentle continence. Breathe through your nose at all times. If you are struggling; bring your awareness to focus on releasing any tension with your exhalation breath. Your mouth should be closed with a relaxed jaw.

The bearing of the head reflects directly the ego. For example the person whose head is forward of the body approaches life through the rational self initially; followed by the body or the feelings. If you are wondering about your head’s position in upright postures you can generally drop the chin slightly so the base of the skull lifts, slightly lengthening the back of the neck. Imagine a thread lifting from the crown of your head to achieve this.

Aries Themes

The symbol of Aries is the Ram, a creature known for charging in head first. The planet associated with Aries is Mars, it has a fiery and active energy. Courageous and inspired; the Aries individual leads the way, forging ahead for others to follow. Whilst the sun travels through the sign of Aries we may feel compelled to act, connecting with a raw and vital energy to instigate new ventures. This assertive energy of outward action needs to be counterbalanced with the internal path of self exploration. Remember the power of inaction and take the time to also relax this month.
Remember to Relax, and rest the Head

Savasana or Corpse pose is the ultimate in surrender. Don’t forget to include it in your home practice. Make sure that you support your head and neck, when reclining you do not want your chin to be higher than your forehead. It’s relaxation pose, so take all the support you need. Use an eyebag or fold a blanket so that it covers your eyes and ears and snuggle it around your head to enhance the inward retraction of your sensory organs. Bring your awareness to your heart centre. Surrender to the force of gravity and just be.

In Adho Mukha Svanasana or Dog pose the head should be allowed to totally relax and release, remind yourself to let the head let go in this asana.

When practicing Forward bends for any length of time; support the head. You can rest the forehead on your folded arms on a chair or use a bolster and/or a block. Poses with the head down relax the front of the brain and calm the mind. If it is difficult to stretch forward without rounding the spine or collapsing the chest; use extra height under the sit-bones to make forward bends more comfortable and hence more beneficial.

Our approach to practicing Yoga must provide a balance of the inner/spirit and the outer/environment; between action and inaction, in order to create harmony and unity within our lives.

Pisces = Feet

The sun has moved into the sign of Pisces today and the correlated body part is the foot. The feet represent our groundedness, our connection with the earth and our direction in life. Different areas of the foot correspond with balance, support, regulation and control. Our stability is evident in our feet and the way we stand; how we walk and move reflects our spiritual and physical direction.

If the feet are flat we may be skating along the surface of life. Clutching toes and feet can represent an overdeveloped need to hold on and keep things under control. Weight-bearing in the heels can indicate an individual with an exaggerated feeling of determination, which is often accompanied by a false sense of stability. Tiptoeing can indicate a person who is not grounded, often a highly imaginative dreamer.

In Yoga the feet are the foundation for the majority of the asanas. All standing postures are aligned from the ground up; accurate positioning and weight distribution are vital for a healthy practice. When standing in Tadasana the big toes are touching and the heels are slightly apart. The outside edges of the feet are parallel, this may feel pigeon-toed but is the correct positioning to align the legs. Feel the weight in the four corners of the feet….as much into the inner as the outer foot, as well as the front and the back of the feet. Creating a firm foundation with the feet gives you a safe launching place to fly with your practice.

Pisces Themes

Whilst the sun moves through Pisces you may notice the influence of the planet Neptune in your life. A deepening of sensitivity to emotions, a great time to dream and connect with your spirituality, make art, poetry and music. On the down side you may see the low road of addictions, depression, escapism and denial come up. The challenge here is to develop emotional intelligence at a personal and global level. Dream big, but stay grounded, feet firmly planted on terra firma.


Chair Twist – Bharadvajasana on the Chair

This is a safe and simple twist that can be performed whilst sitting on a chair. It stimulates and massages the abdominal organs, improving the digestion and providing a gentle stretch that releases tension from the neck and spine. It can relieve arthritis in the lower back, and alleviates rheumatism of the knees. Before you begin, a reminder to work within your capabilities. Never force a posture and remember to breathe. It’s ok to feel discomfort in muscles as you stretch, but discontinue if you experience pain in a joint.

*Avoid if suffering from a spinal injury, diarrhea, migraine or insomnia.

Sitting on a flat based chair sideways, with the back of the chair on your left.

Make sure your tail is to the back edge of the chair and that your feet are firmly planted on the floor 15cm apart. Place them on a phone book or blocks if need be.

Place your hands on top of either side of the chair back with your elbows extending away from the body.

Bring your spine back slightly so that is directly above your hips.

Inhale and lift from the crown of the head; drawing you abdomen in so that you create height and length to the spine.

Tree Pose


Since ancient times and across all cultures the tree has been considered sacred. The inherent qualities of the tree are generosity, forbearance, balance, strength, flexibility and tolerance. All parts of the tree are useful….roots, bark, branches, sap, leaves, flowers, and fruits…shelter, fuel, oxygen and protection.

From a Yogic perspective the roots represent the foundations of integrity and truth, the trunk represents a dedicated practice and the branches are the asanas and postures. The bark is the protection needed when the mind detaches from the body and focuses inward and the sap is the concentration of the juice of energy at the core of being. Leaves are related to the lungs and breath. The flowers are meditation and the fruits are the attainment of freedom, poise and peacefulness.

Within a seed is a spark of potential which holds all the wisdom of the mature tree. A balance is needed; as above so below. Also between strength and flexibility; if the wood is too rigid it will be brittle, too flexible and it will not support it’s own growth. As you practise the Tree pose, you may like to personalise what the tree means to you.

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