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GITTALIFE - Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Servicing area
Ballajura/Morley, PerthFocus areas
Lymphatic Drainage Massage or Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a type of massage which encourages the natural circulation of the lymph through the body. The lymph system depends on peristalsis and the movement of skeletal muscles to squeeze fluid through lymph ducts and vessels. According to Dr. Vodder, MLD is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialized and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow.
Benefits of Using Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
- Relieves fluid congestion, e.g. swollen ankles, tired puffy eyes, swollen legs during pregnancy, swellings after trauma and surgery
- Can improve chronic conditions, e.g. sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, acne and other skinconditions
- May strengthen the immune system and help with the reduction of allergic reactions (eg. hayfever)
- Promotes the healing of fractures, torn ligaments and sprains and lessens the pain
- Promotes healing of wounds and burns and improves the appearance old scars
- Minimizes or reduces stretch marks
- Is preventative and remedial
During the past few years I have started to combine Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Myofascial Release Techniques during my treatment sessions. The positive results reported by my clients, have motivated me to keep continuing with this kind of treatment. It appears to achieve instant benefits for a wide variety of symptoms. The results last longer compared to the application of Lymphatic Drainage as a single treatment option.
If you are not sure if massage will be beneficial in your specific case, please feel free to contact me either by phone, e-mail or by clicking the 'Make an Enquiry' button. I am happy to assist you in your enquiry.
Further information can be found on my webpage:
Give Gitta a call she is happy to answer any questions you might have.
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
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