Margaret Kaye Feldenkrais Practitioner
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Margaret Kaye - Testimonials
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Newtown and Woollahra (Home Visits)Focus areas
"The centrepiece of nine months of renewal away from work was to be eight weeks of walking a Camino 1200 kms across Spain. Unfortunately, my training preparation came to an end with the onset of plantar fasciitis. For months I attended appointments with practitioners including sports physiotherapist, podiatrist, sports doctor and Chinese massage therapy. The result was some improvement but continuing pain. I friend recommended Margaret to me and I attended four individual sessions before departing for Spain.
Margaret taught me to manage the plantar fasciitis and to walk differently. The end result was that I succeeded in my goal of completing 1197 kms on foot, all this while still afflicted with plantar fasciitis. Hopefully, the plantar fasciitis will disappear eventually but I am eternally grateful to Margaret for her support and I am sure the insights from Feldenkrais will endure. If you have a tricky or continuing problem with your body, I can recommend Margaret to you."
- John Lee
"I have been feeling amazing since our last session taller, lighter, more energetic, but also more confident, stronger, and, dare I say it, a little more manly!"
- Charles Cuninghame
I want to tell you how amazing the class last night was for me.
For a long time now I've been unable to move with any fluidity and I believed it was because side affects of both medication and a health condition have meant I am now very large, thus inhibiting free movement. Last night I not only moved but once the class was finished and it was time to stand, I also found myself sitting on my knees when I had to re orientate myself back onto the planet when rising to my feet. I've not sat on my knees for so many years I can't even remember the last time and while I was a long way off the floor because of my size I was nevertheless sitting on my knees. I wanted to leap around the room I was so delighted with myself.
I have experimented with many different therapies and classes as I've looked for ways I might be able to help myself live better with my condition. I've learned much from these experiments and most have offered some sort of relief for a short time. Feldenkrais has been, and remains, the most amazing practise for me... I value Feldenkrais because it is actually teaching me to help myself. Everything else I have done has been effective short term only because the end result has been dependent upon the practitioner. With Feldenkrais you are teaching me how to teach myself and that is so empowering. I am, of course, dependent on you as the practitioner, to teach me but I am also learning how to move myself and learning about my own body. At this time of my life and with this health situation I am learning to be free. I cannot find words strong enough to express how wonderful I think Feldenkrais is, and how equally wonderful your classes are for me.
It sure was a lucky day for me when I discovered you! Thank you from the very bottom of my learning to be limber limbs"
- Susan Kinson
"The movements were so subtle and gentle and painless and nothing much appeared to have been going on, mentally, physically or spiritually. Once outside and walking along the footpath I realized how carefree and energized I felt.
- Jocelyn Winks
"I began a series of individual Feldenkrais lessons with Margaret Kaye. I can only say that these were transformational for me, not only in the gradual improvement in my right shoulder with an almost immediate cessation of pain, and a gradual recovery of movement and flexibility, but also in what I began to learn about the ways in which I moved (or didnt move) my body."
- Susan King
"Everytime I do Feldenkrais, I am amazed how the body is constructed and how all the parts work together."
- Steffi Balzerkiewicz
"Awareness through movement and really feeling in the body helps me to be present every day."
- Angela Higgins
"I really appreciated taking the course with you. It has changed my life. I do the exercises regularly and it really helps."
- Tom Tabacynski
"Margaret, I think you teach and convey the information and the purpose of the movements in a clear, concise and unobtrusive manner which makes the experience of doing the exercises effective and enjoyable in one."
- Paul Williamson
Feldenkrais Functional Integration
45minIndiviual sessions, often involving hands on movement guidance.
Awareness Through Movement classes
1hrEasy-to-Do Health Exercises to Improve Your Posture, Flexibility, Balance, Vision, Imagination, and Personal Awareness
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