Carrie Faggotter therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2016

Carrie Faggotter

Manifestation Divine – Transform, Empower, Create

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The House Whisperer SA transforms the energy in your home for sale and success!

Manifestation Divine - Feng Shui

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Aches & pains Love Guided journey Loneliness Stress Management Nurturing

All things are made of energy, and just as the energy within our bodies can become tired, dull or stuck, so too can the energy in our homes which have significant implications for our lives.

Carrie developed The House Whisperer SA services when a lady who attended her mediation class was having difficulties selling her home. It had been on the market for two years through multiple agents with no success. Carrie offered her services to undertake energetic styling, space clearing and energetic support for herself and the other occupant of the home. The client was advised not to open her house for inspection for two weeks whist this took place. The house sold at the next open and she purchased and moved into a new home that she had her eye on for some time.

Our homes are an extension of ourselves, and so it makes sense that how we keep them, feel about them and live in them all impacts upon the energy that is created within them. Energy is always present, it only ever changes form.

So, whether you are selling your home or wanting to improve the energy in your current home, The House Whisperer SA can assist you.

Transform the energy in your home for SALE

Unlike the companies that stage or ‘dress up’ a property up for sale, The House Whisperer SA works with the energy in the home to remove any energetic blocks that may be preventing the sale. Carrie can provide styling advice and furnishings, but also work with what is already in the home as much as possible to improve the overall energy flow creating an inviting environment for prospective purchasers.

Transform the energy in your home

The energy of a home significantly impacts upon the lives of those who reside there. Feng Shui understands this principle and has been utilised for thousands of years to harmonise people in their surrounding environments. Poor energy flow results in energetic blockages within a home impacting upon varying aspects of people’s lives: their relationships, health, reputation, family, creativity, children, knowledge and self-development, career and the ability to create and maintain prosperity and abundance. 

Let me assist you to remove any energetic blocks to assist you to create the life you desire.

I work intuitively with the energy in your home, providing styling recommendations and clearing energy in conflict with your lifestyle aspirations.

For further details check out my website

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