Massage Association of Australia Ltd
When you join the MAA, you’re contributing to the massage industry, practitioners, and schools. Because the profession can only flourish in a context of mutual respect and cooperation, within the framework of care and respect for the whole person. Learn more about the MAA and its membership, call them today!
Professional Association for Massage Therapists & Students
Servicing area
AustraliaFocus areas
About MAA
The massage profession in Victoria was only comprised of a small and insular group of practitioners in the early 1980s.
It was inevitable that several associations emerged, each concerned with promoting and maintaining its own method. Naturally, there was a desire for growth, and certain mergers took place.
It was one of those mergers that prompted the launch of the Massage Association of Australia Ltd.
At the time, the Association was formed to accommodate those who weren’t accepted by the various massage associations or didn’t wish to join them.
MAA Vision and Mission
To become the leading professional association that supports all Massage Therapists.
The MAA aims to:
- Be of service to members, practitioners, massage profession and associated schools.
- Communicate with other health professionals and build bridges between them.
- Educate the public about the many benefits of massage.
- Maintain a realistic perspective on massage. Massage can flourish only in a climate of mutual respect and cooperation, within the context of care and respect for the whole person.
MAA Membership
Membership in the MAA is open to anyone with a diploma or certificate in a massage modality issued by a reputable school or institution. This applies whether schools and institutions are located in Australia or abroad.
Applicants are required to submit copies of their documentation and, if needed, an official translation.
The Association can ask the applicant to follow a course with a specified school if the standards or credentials of the school they attended are doubtful.
Expectations of MAA Members
Members are expected to:
- Display their membership certificate and Code of Conduct prominently in their practice room
- Abide by the Code of Practice and Conduct and Rules of the Association
- Conduct their practise holistically
- Engage in MAA activities to the fullest extent possible
MAA Membership Levels
Accredited Professional Practicing (Therapeutic, Remedial, Myotherapy Practitioner)
Therapists wishing to apply to become recognised as Health Fund Providers should apply to this entry-level.
Applicants must possess the following AQF Qualifications:
- HLT Certificate IV in Massage
- HLT Diploma of Remedial Massage
- Myotherapy Advanced Diploma or equivalent University Degree in Myotherapy.
Certificates/Testamurs must be issued by a Recognised Training Organisation (RTO) with the qualification listed on their Scope of Registration.
Non-Accredited Professional Practicing (Health and Wellbeing Practitioner)
This entry-level is most suited to therapists with the following credentials:
- Overseas qualifications approved by the MAA
- Pre National Training Courses (2002)
- Qualifications issued by non-RTO delivered courses not listed on the National Training Register or with old State Training qualifications not recognised by Health Funds
- Therapist not wishing to provide rebates through Health Funds
- HLT qualified massage therapists who completed 100% distance learning education
- HLT qualified massage therapists that do not have a private practice like those working for an organisation providing subsidised treatment to their clients or patients.
Not in Professional Practice (Therapist in training)
Students enrolled in FT study massage and related modalities from Cert IV to Bachelor Degree
Benefits of MAA Membership
- Lowest cost liability insurance
- Members can list their business on the MAA website.
- Reduces fees by focusing on practitioner essentials.
- Provides a convenient “Find A Practitioner” service for potential clients.
- Belonging to one of the country's established associations lends credibility to your work.
- Access to continuing education, information and publications
Learn more about the MAA or their membership by getting in touch with them today!
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