Lyle Paul Naturopath
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Lyle Paul Naturopath
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As a passionate Herbalist and lover of Nature, I believe that when we are most connected and in tune with our bodies and the environment we have the best chance of listening to them and benefitting from their inherent wisdom. This allows us to know for ourselves what is necessary and beneficial for our health and ultimate well-being. Everything is intimately connected and nothing operates in isolation; what happens in one sphere of life or one part of the body affects all the others. The more we recognise our interconnectedness, the greater will be our individual and collective wellbeing.
Illness is an indication that something is out of balance and symptoms are one of the ways our body communicates that something needs our attention. Causes of imbalance may be dietary, lifestyle, emotional, environmental or energetic in nature. Identifying what is most out of balance and taking steps to gently bring it back into balance will resolve many health complaints. I strongly encourage clients to listen to their own bodies’, emotions and heart. I find that most people are very capable of healing themselves and intuitively knowing what they need, but often need help in trusting and reconnecting with this inner knowing.
One of the ways I assist people in their healing Journey is to ‘tune in’ to see what is happening beneath the surface. Being energetically sensitive and intuitive I often perceive what is happening on an emotional or energetic level, which can give a valuable insight and understanding of the symptoms being experienced and offer a new way to understand what has become out of balance. It can alert someone to place attention to an area they may have otherwise neglected, or confirm something they already intuitively knew for themselves. When this information is followed up with appropriate action, healing can occur.
Healing is a journey rather than a destination. My belief is that it’s a process of becoming whole, of accepting all of ourselves and others with love and compassion. Ultimately it is Love that heals. This can be a lifetimes’ journey and take longer than expected, but is well worth it. The personal growth and discoveries along the way are truly remarkable!
I practice in the Sydney CBD.
What is Naturopathy?
The fundamental philosophy of naturopathy is that given the right support and conditions for healing, the body in it’s innate wisdom knows how to heal itself. Symptoms are the body’s language that something is out of balance and needs to be addressed. Naturopathy is the use of several natural tools to support and stimulate this process. The ‘tools’ include diet and lifestyle modification, prescription of herbal medicines or nutritional supplements, the prescription of flower essences and counseling where necessary.
An important underlying principle of Naturopathy is the recognition that the body operates as a complete system, that nothing can be separated out of the whole. Everything is interconnected. All the components of the body influence and communicate with each other, and are influenced by the external circumstances and the physical environment we live in. The quality of diet and nutrient levels, sleep, degree of stress and amount of toxicity exposure are all things that affect our health and wellbeing. Likewise, any beneficial changes made will affect the body in its entirety.
A significant amounts of stress is experienced by most people in our current society. Reducing and managing the amount of stress experienced is an important focus, as part of an overall treatment plan. It may not be directly perceived by the client as stress, however it affects the body as one. Nutrient deficiencies, inadequate rest, insufficient exercise, environmental toxicity, chronic illness and emotional issues are all perceived by the body as stressors; and can all be positively addressed with the Naturopathic approach.
A Naturopath’s aim is to educate and support a client to make the changes necessary to restore health and vitality. It is a process of empowering a client to reclaim their own ability to heal and take command of their health, to listen to their body and take notice of their body’s messages and to make adjustments where necessary. The best results are seen with clients who recognise the importance of this and take responsibility for their own healing journey.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!
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