Lorraine Vine
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Are you looking for a natural approach to health? Lorraine has over 25 years experience helping children & young families with homeopathy.
Lorraine Vine Homeopath
Focus areas
Are you struggling with children who pick up every “bug” that goes around? Do allergies affect your quality of life? Are period problems or hot flushes troubling you? Would you like to cope better with the way life’s stresses affect your mood? For more information, see the tabs above, or give Lorraine a call or email, to discuss how homoeopathy can help and make an appointment.
Whilst maintaining a firm interest in the management of a range of health problems, Lorraine is especially committed to assisting children and young families, allergies, women’s health and stress related issues. Her treatment aims to address the underlying cause of your health problems, enhancing your general health and wellbeing.
Frequently asked questions
What is the difference between Homeopathy and Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is an umbrella term that covers the modalities of homeopathy, western herbal medicine, nutrition and massage. Practitioners of each of these modalities follow “naturopathic” principals … that the body has it’s own innate ability to heal itself, that treatment should address the whole person, mind body and spirit and that every person is a unique individual and as such requires their own unique individual treatment plan.
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is one of the most widely used Traditional And Complementary therapies in the world.1 Treatment aims to stimulate the body’s own healing abilities and is tailored to each individual, case by case. Homeopathic medicines are derived from plant and animal sources, prepared according to strict homeopathic pharmaceutical guidelines.
What should I expect?
The initial consultation involves taking a full case history with a detailed assessment of your current health concerns. This will usually take an hour, as the details of your current symptoms, health history, sleep and eating patterns and family health history are discussed. Your mental and emotional state are also taken into consideration. This allows for an individualised treatment, as unique as you are.
What type of medicine will be given?
Homeopathic medicines are given as liquid or pillules and are easy to take - a great advantage when treating children.
Can I use homoeopathy with my current medication?
Homeopathic medicines are suitable to take with conventional medicines and other complementary medicines and generally pose no contraindications. Always check with your medical health practitioner.
1 World Health Organisation Global Report on TCM 2019 https://www.who.int/traditional-complementary-integrative-medicine/WhoGlobalReportOnTraditionalAndComplementaryMedicine2019.pdf
Stress and Hormonal Imbalances
How often do you hear someone say “I’m stressed”?
Stress means different things to different people … for some it’s a sense there’s not enough time, for others a churning in the stomach, or irritability, insomnia, headaches, tiredness, the list goes on.
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, designed to help you in an emergency, the so called “fight or flight” response. So often in our modern lifestyle, people live with a constant level of this fight or flight response, impacting both their mental and physical wellbeing.
Often we can’t remove the stress, we need to find better ways to cope with it. If you are seeking a natural alternative to help you adapt to symptoms of stress and take charge of your health, homeopathy can help, bringing the mind and body back into balance.
Do Hormones rule your life?
Hormonal imbalances can affect a woman at many stages of life. From premenstrual tension and period problems to menopausal hot flushes, hormonal imbalances can cause havoc with what should be normal natural experiences for a woman.
Symptoms can include irritability, mild anxiety, insomnia, tiredness, tender breasts, period pain, heavy bleeding (or absence of periods), prolonged periods or none at all. Or, at the other end of a woman’s reproductive life, hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irritability and mild anxiety.
To restore balance to your life, call or email Lorraine for a chat to see if homeopathy is right for you, and to make an appointment.
In 2014-15, over 19% of Australians reported suffering with hayfever and allergic rhinitis.1 The impact of these allergies often also affect the sufferers on a mental and emotional level, making even a day in the outdoors a misery!
A person with allergies has an abnormal immune response to a substance (allergen) that would not normally cause a problem in those who are allergy free, eg pollen or dust mites.
Homeopathic treatment aims to help the mild allergy sufferer to lessen their sensitivity to these allergens. 2
Allergy related symptoms that can be supported with homeopathic medicine include:
- Hayfever (water, itchy, red eyes, itchy palate, nasal discharge, sneezing)
- Post nasal drip
- Eczema
- Chronic ear infections
- Headaches
- Hives
The two terms are often used interchangeably but they are two distinct problems! An allergy is an abnormal immune system reaction, whereas an intolerance is a chemical reaction to eating certain foods. Food intolerances are more common than allergies and have been linked to conditions such as tiredness, skin irritation, abdominal discomfort and medically diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome.
Let’s get started relieving your allergies, call Lorraine for an appointment.
1 Australian Bureau of Statics (2014) National Health Survey: Summary of Results, 2014-15.
2Asthmatics and those with serious allergies susceptible to anaphylactic shock should always carry their inhalers or “Epipen” and seek medical advise in emergencies.
Babies and Children
Every parent wants good health for their children. More than ever before, I come across children who pick up every “bug” they come into contact with. Let’s work together to improve your child’s health.
Is your baby unsettled, crying for no apparent reason? Are you at your wits end dealing with colic or reflux, trying to get your newborn to sleep?
Babies and children respond positively to homeopathic medicines, which are dispensed as drops or sugar pills and are easy to take. The consultation process is non threatening, so ideal for children! All homeopathic medicines are selected on an individual basis, so the child’s behavior and personality will always be taken into account.
Homeopathy can support children experiencing symptoms of:
- Coughs and colds
- Persistent or recurrent runny noses
- Sore throats
- Minor illnesses
- Colic
- Teething
- Nappy rash
- Tantrums
- Clingyness
- Nightmares
- Sleep problems
- Skin rashes
For any ongoing chronic condition or in the case of severe acute symptoms, it is important to be assessed or examined by your health care professional or specialist, so maintaining a good relationship with your local GP is encouraged! Always seek medical advice in emergencies.
Call or click the 'Send Me Details Now' button to organise your professional consultation.
Business Hours
We're open 2 days.
Monday |
9:00 am | To | 6:00 pm |
Friday |
9:00 am | To | 6:00 pm |
- Diploma of Homeopathy
- Associate Fellow (International Institute of Advanced Homeopathy)
- Aroh Registered
Professional Membership
- AHA - Australian Homoeopathic Association
- AROH - Australian Register of Homeopaths
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