Val & Terry Merrick
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Lockyer Valley Colonics - Colonic Irrigation
Servicing area
Laidley, Ipswich, Gatton, Warwick, Brisbane and ToowoombaFocus areas
Do You Need a Hydrotherapy Treatment
Colon Hydrotherapy assists and supports in the treatment of many health conditions and also in restoring and maintaining good health:
- Constipation, abdominal pain and discomfort, irritable bowel syndrome
- Bloating, acne and skin conditions
- Headaches, low energy, weight problems allergies, PMS, bad breath, infertility and stress
- Arthritis, psoriasis, candidiasis, diverticulitis, colitis, Crohns disease
- Even people with cancer may benefit and many other conditions
The results of colon hydrotherapy treatment has a positive effect on the whole body. It can benefit the entire system including the mind and vitality is increased.
What Do We Do?
Lockyer Valley Colonics applies the specialised "Brunelle Method" which uses pure medical oxygen circulated into the water during the therapeutic treatment, producing an antiseptic and healing effect on the colon.
Research shows that, not only is this life-giving element readily absorbed by the body, it also destroys anaerobic pathogens and rejuvenates the tissue wall. Few colon treatments can equal this method in its comprehensive and effective result.
Why Come & See Us?
The most beneficial detox is a 7 day deep cleanse for the liver and a gall bladder flush. There is no ailment, sickness or disease that will not respond to treatment quicker and more effectively than it will after the administration of a series of colon irrigations.
At LockyerValley Colonics, the Therapist has qualified certificates by the Australian Institute of Health.
What To Expect
Lockyer Valley Colonics values each client and treats them all individually. We like to allow one hour fifteen minutes for each appointment. To ensure our clients receive the best possible service, information is carefully gathered and an Iris reading is taken to ascertain the condition of the colon and other organs before treatment.
Any questions the client may have about the colonic equipment is fully discussed and we also have a chart on the wall to help explain the relationship of the colon to all parts of the body.
Terry will then give the client a gown to put on, which has an opening at the back but also covers the body completely. You are then positioned comfortably on your back and covered with a sheet.
The colonic irrigation takes 40 minutes and is a very stimulating and gentle wash of the colon. We use a closed system, which means that all expelled faeces and excrement will pass through a viewing tube and out to the sewerage.
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