Living Life Hypnotherapy - Achieving Your Outcome
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Overcoming Emotionally Eating?
This a workshop for all of us who are challenged by the emotional impulse to nibble and/or snack. To eat even when you are not hungry or continue eating when you are full.
If you are over the rollercoaster cycle and you want to get back in control in a cost-effective way. Call Lisa on 0422 107 203
Please see under Workshop for more information or go to the website: www.livinglifehypnotherapy.com.au
Focus areas
Workshop Sessions
Overcoming Emotional Eating
Are you an Emotional Eater and Over-It?
6-week workshop – 3 hours each session – Small Groups Only
Do you comfort eat? Is food your go-to when bored? When you feel stuck, stressed, lonely, or restless, and you can’t find that snack in the Pantry, do you get in the car to buy that ice cream, chocolate or pizza at the shopping centre, because you have to have it now?
The problem with snacking is that it can decrease healthier food selections or even replace healthier meals. In the meantime, you are on the scales despairing over your yo-yoing weight issues just because your emotional hunger spurs you on regardless of whether you are hungry or not.
The downside to emotional eating is it will make you feel worse. And no matter what your inner voice or your common sense seems to tell you, you can’t seem to do what it says. Because emotional hunger has no reasoning ability and it can’t be satisfied with food because it’s not actual hunger, it’s a way of coping by taking indirect action.
That is why I designed this course to support you in positively controlling and effectively handling your emotions by:
- understanding the various causes
- releasing and clearing the triggers and other roadblocks
- and allowing you to make empowering choices.
This workshop is for everyone who is over the frustration – All sessions will offer an opportunity for releasing and clearing your barriers. With your willingness to take action to help improve your results, you will be able to let go of emotional eating. If this is you, and you would like more information, please see the website: www.livinglifehypnotherapy.com.au or contact me on 0422 107 203.
Only 6 people in a group.
Group options: Female Only Group; or Mixed Group; (No Men Only Groups currently).
Professional Membership
- HCA - Hypnotherapy Council of Australia
- AACHP - Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Inc
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