Live Well Holistic Wellness Centre
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ACT, Online Telehealth for GP and NaturopathyFocus areas
Restore balance and harmony in your body and mind
To an acupuncturist, symptoms are a sign that something is out of balance
Keeping in balance is simple...in theory.
To stay in balance you follow an active busy day with a restful nights sleep, you counter strenuous physical exercise or mental concentration with times of relaxation and fun, you offset hot spicy foods with a cooing drink.
The reality is, in our demanding and busy lives, it can be hard to maintain your equilibrium. Have you noticed how if you have too many stressful days without rest you might get a headache or come down with a cold, it is your body's way of letting you know you've slipped out of balance.
Acupuncture focuses on fixing the imbalances in your system so the body can heal itself.
Acupuncture treats the underlying imbalances that cause your unwanted symptoms. Fortunately, you already have an inbuilt and amazing ability to heal yourself and acupuncture utilises and maximises your innate healing capacity to get your health back on track.
Acupuncture is a deeply relaxing experience.
If you've never had acupuncture before you might be surprised to know that acupuncture is a deeply relaxing experience. It feels like having all your tension and stress melted away leaving you feeling revitalised in mind, body and emotions.
Acupuncture is one of the most effective treatments for many common complaints.
Most people know acupuncture can help relieve painful conditions including:
- Headaches
- Back pain &
- Arthritis
However as more and more research evidence is established, acupuncture is becoming commonly used for - Infertility
- Digestive disorders
- Anxiety
- Depression
- And much more.
To book an acupuncture appointment online
Click Here
To read more about acupuncture at Live Well please Click Here
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