Dr Wayne Gard
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Liverpool Natural Health Care - Chiropractic Services
Servicing area
Liverpool, Cabramatta, Bankstown, Campbeltown, Moorebank, Prestons, Cecil Hills, Horningsea Park NSWFocus areas
Chiropractic can be beneficial for the following conditions Pain Relief (Back, Neck, Arms-Shoulder, Legs-Hip,Knee)
Why Come & See Us?
A Local Expert Reveals A State Of The Art, Natural Method To Get Rid Of Back Pain With Amazing Results
At long last a treatment has been discovered that treats the REAL cause of your back pain. Find out about this recently available technology that helps back pain with amazing results. If you want to find out why you are in pain and how it may be helped, see us today!
Our sole objective is to determine whether you have structural stresses. Chiropractic is a profession trained to locate, analyse and correct structural stresses. For more information about our Chiropractic services, just give us a call
What Happens During a Consultation?
1. HEALTH HISTORY AND CONSULTATION . . . We only perform services after we’ve explained them and obtain your consent.
After making a convenient appointment, you'll provide us with a comprehensive history of when you slipped from health to ill health. During private consultation with the Chiropractor, you'll probably be surprised to find that the symptoms, which brought you to our centre, are only the most recent indications of a deeper health problem.
2. EXAM . . . discovering the cause of your problem.
The exam will include a thorough physical (observing spinal and postural distortions), orthopaedic (study the way you turn and bend), neurological (testing reflexes, muscle activities and sensory activities), and specialized Chiropractic examinations. When necessary an X-ray exam (X-rays and other types of images can confirm our findings and make your care more precise). We're interested in the cause of your problem.
Computer Scanning On All Patients
3. REPORT OF FINDINGS . . . the most important decision of your care.
After correlating our findings we'll sit down and review everything with you; what's wrong and why, your chances for recovery and the cost. If we find that you'd benefit from consulting a different practitioner, we'll make the proper referral. Otherwise, we'll recommend a program of specific Chiropractic adjustments.
4. CARE . . . beginning the Chiropractic correction process.
We'll begin care by gently correcting the spinal malfunction, which is adversely affecting your nerve system and health. The correction process is comfortable and even children love the correction process.
5. EDUCATION . . . the Human Performance, Seminar series.
We have an educational and entertaining program to assist you in making decisions regarding health that will save you time, money and years of needless suffering. We'll work these presentations into your appointment schedule.
6. PROGRESSIVE EXAM . . . breaking through to excellence.
At your follow-up exams we'll determine exactly how you've responded to care, then you can decide when to begin the exciting realm of Reconstructive and Wellness Care. We'll make recommendations based on our exams, and you make the decisions.
For more information about Chiropractic or to book, call Gard Chiropractic Clinic and chat to our receptionist about your needs. Don't forget to mention the Natural Therapy Pages when you book your Appointment for the Spinal Assessment Consult
Business Hours
We're open 3 days.
Monday |
6:00 am | To | 6:00 pm |
Thursday |
6:00 am | To | 6:00 pm |
Saturday |
6:00 am | To | 1:30 pm |
- Registered Acupuncturist (CMR0001733777)
- Naturopath
- Registered Chiropractor
Professional Membership
- Chinese Medicine Board of Australia
- Chiropractic Board of Australia
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