Lisa Eggleston
Lisa Eggleston
Lisa Eggleston
The upheavals in life allow for many things to occur most of which we are not consciously creating, until we choose to make it conscious. It seems that most of the time we allow things to just flow. Then it appears everything crashes, and the curve balls just keep coming and there is no stopping them. Did you ever consider that these curve balls are here to teach a lesson? That if you allow the time to sit back and observe them you can allow to create a new flow in the river that is your life! Carve the riverbed that was your natural destiny, not just play the part but be the role that is you. Learn how to evaluate you, like you evaluate others. Take a step back, ask yourself am I giving to another and myself with the equal love, respect and responsibility? The more honest you can be with yourself, the more you will see the truth in the situation and others surrounding you.
I personally have chosen to become the observer in life for a period of time for the reason to see the next levels of truth that has been presented to me. Over the last 9 years I have been melding and moulding myself, as I look at and assess not only myself all so my aspects of that which surrounds me, and what I attract into it. The correlations that rose to the surface bought amazing awarenesses. The generations that are alive today have been on a cusp of understanding that we are outgrowing the nature of abuse of power to find balance and allow some wisdom into the fold. Which brings forth the ability to break what seems like the unbreakable cycles. This is a bigger picture space. And before you start to wonder too much whether I have done this myself the answer is yes, I speak from experience I have chipped away at the different variants in my life, and will continue to do so.
I have been a practitioner for over 12 years.
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