Lisa Carter
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After years of running a successful practice, I am an experienced and compassionate health care practitioner. My knowledge of the body and it's natural healing abilities combined with my understanding of the human psyche, enable me to successfully treat the individual in a truly holistic manner.
Focus areas
Stress Management
Alternative medicine
Lisa Carter Homeopathy
It was through personal experience that I came to homeopathic medicine. I had suffered from psoriasis for many years. After seeking homeopathic treatment my symptoms were greatly relieved and have not been a problem since.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine based upon the Law of Similars (like cures like). Any substance, which can produce symptoms when administered to a healthy person, can also cure those same symptoms exhibited in a sick person, if given in the right dose.
Homeopathic medicines work by stimulating the body’s natural immune defense systems triggering a healing response on a physical, mental and emotional level.
Over the past 200 years the clinical effectiveness of homeopathy has been clearly demonstrated. Today homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world, and is acknowledged by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Homeopathic medicine treats the whole person. Homeopaths see all symptoms as a representation of an underlying state of ill health, an inner imbalance of the person, rather than a disease of a single part.
Homeopathic medicines are made from any substance in the natural world. They are prepared by a specialised method of serial dilution and succussion where powerful healing properties in the substance are liberated.
The medicines are safe, natural, non-toxic, non-addictive and they do not interact with conventional medicines. Homeopathic medicine is proven to be a safe and effective treatment for all ages. There are no risks of side effects and any aggravation is short-lived.
Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, Bereavement and Loss, Sleep Difficulties
Headaches and Migraines, Recurrent and Acute Infections, Allergies, Asthma, Hayfever,
Trauma, Burns, Bites, Stings,
Digestive Complaints including IBS, Reflux, Diarrhoea and Constipation
Chronic Illness, Auto-immune Diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Menstrual Irregularities, Menopause, Fertility and Pregnancy, UTI's, Cystitis, Prostatic Conditions, Sexual Dysfunction, STIs
Childhood Conditions and Illnesses, including Teething, Colic, Glue Ear, Sticky Eye, Nocturnal Enuresis, Tantrums and Behavioural Disorders
Skin Conditions, including Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Warts, Urticaria
Homeopathic treatment is specific to the individual, so in order to find the best medicine for you, I need to fully understand you and your symptoms.
The initial consultation can take up to 1½ hours where a full case history is taken. This consultation covers, in detail, your symptoms and may go into things such as medical history, family history, lifestyle, sleep patterns, reactions to things such as food and weather, and consideration of your mental and emotional state.
Follow-up, acute conditions and children’s consultations are generally shorter.
"My daughter Matilda had a sticky eye from two weeks after birth. Every day her right eye would weep a yellow discharge that, whilst not being that bad, just wouldn’t go away. When Tilda was 4 months old, with no sign of the problem resolving itself, I made an appointment with Homeopath, Lisa Carter. Although I had never seen a Homeopath before, I decided to go down this road after talking to a friend who had a great deal of success treating her children with homeopathic remedies. The consultation with Lisa was extremely thorough; she asked many questions about my and my daughter’s physical and emotional well-being and behaviour patterns.
It made perfect sense that most of Lisa's questions were directed to me due to my innate connection to my daughter through pregnancy and breastfeeding. The consultation was fascinating and through her many questions Lisa prescribed a homeopathic remedy for Tilda, which we started her on straight away. After three days of treatment Tilda's weeping eye had completely cleared up and I was nothing short of amazed! Lisa was diligent with her follow up phone calls and gave clear and precise instructions on administering the remedy. Lisa has subsequently treated other members of my family with success and I now consider homeopathic practice an important part in my overall approach to my family's health and wellbeing".
Clare Perkins
"I was recently diagnosed with Bells Palsy. This is a condition where, due to a virus, a swelling occurs around the facial nerves impairing their ability to function. The result of this is that one side of the face doesn’t move. I found not blinking to be the most distressing effect of the illness as my eye was constantly burning and there is a possibility of eye damage due to the eye not being lubricated. The palsy typically lasts from a month to three months.
I was prescribed an anti viral medication and cortisone by my GP. I had been taking these for a week when Lisa prescribed Homeopathic drops. A day after I commenced on the homeopathic drops I could feel an immense improvement. There was a very slight movement in my face, but mostly I felt that the fatigue and general feeling of being unwell had passed. By the next day there was even more movement in my face. The movement then came back reasonably quickly and a week later I had complete movement back in my face.
In all, the facial palsy was resolved only two weeks after I was diagnosed. This is an unusually quick recovery time for Bells Palsy. I was on a number of treatments so I can’t say conclusively which had the greatest effect, but I felt the most immediate improvement after taking the Homeopathic drops. My experience with Homeopathic treatment and with Lisa as a practitioner was very positive. Due to the marked decrease in my symptoms following the treatment, I would now look to Homeopathy as the first line treatment for sudden illness and would highly recommend Lisa as a Homeopathic practitioner."
Jane Wicks
"Meeting Lisa Carter over 4 years ago and commencing homeopathic therapy for the first time has been an exceptional support to my emotional and physical ‘imbalances’!! I approached homoeopathy unaware and was so surprised on what could be achieved by this unique medicine. Before this, I had done counselling, workshops, herbal medicines, lotions etc but the ultimate results, giving me life-long results, were the potions subscribed by Lisa. They are always so accurate to my personal needs and her professional and instinctive healing powers never cease to amaze me. The determination to heal her patients is obvious in her research and follow-up consultations ensuring that I am always on the right track and any possible side-effects which homeopathy welcomes are well managed and understood.
Being aware of ourselves in both body and mind are the basic steps to healing any ailment. I’m a true believer that homeopathy is a perfect tool. I encourage anyone to find the right homeopath that will take a 100% personal interest in their patient making sure you maximise the benefits of your complete being."
"I have suffered from chronic idiopathic urticaria twice in the past 3 years. In addition to experiencing chronic itching, swelling and bloating, I was deliriously exhausted, stressed, anxious and depressed. After initially consulting with a GP and dermatologist, I was taking antihistamine tablets on a daily basis every 4 hours in addition to cortisone tablets twice a day. All this was having no impact whatsoever.
It was not until I began treatment each time with Lisa, that I noticed remotely any changes or improvement to my condition. Rather than just administer me with pills and tablets and advise me to "just ride it out", Lisa took an individual and caring holistic approach to my condition, treating my symptoms from an "inside-out" perspective. After a few consultations and taking the remedies for a short time, I began to feel calm, relaxed and focused and seemed to develop a new-found clarity I didn’t previously possess. Needless to say, the urticaria disappeared!
I sincerely hope I have seen the last of the urticaria, but should it ever return again, I know exactly who to go straight to!"
Karen Burai
I'm woman in my late fifties, I have suffered for a very long time with a condition. URINARY TRACT INFECTION - CYSTITIS.
I have had this problem since I was a teenager, seeing doctor, best urologists and taking medication almost all my life.
The relief was only temporarily. Having this problem can be very stressful. I was feeling depressed and lost, because I didn't know where to turn. I heard about HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT and NOT KNOWING HOW IT WORKS I made a wonderful decision to have treatment of this marvelous alternative medicine. LISA CARTER, a dedicated and wonderful person, solved my problem with only one treatment. Now I consider myself free from that disease. It is going to be one year since treatment and I haven't had any signs of this problem again, thank you to homeopathic medicine.
Thanks a millions to this wonder and to the dedications of the practitioner of HOMEOPATHY
Ana Chandia
Just a quick not to say thanks for the treatment. It worked - I am now less affected by the preservatives and my joints no longer ache. Appreciate your work!
Lisa Rock
Health Care Rebates Available
It was through personal experience that I came to homeopathic medicine. I had suffered from psoriasis for many years. After seeking homeopathic treatment my symptoms were greatly relieved and have not been a problem since.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine based upon the Law of Similars (like cures like). Any substance, which can produce symptoms when administered to a healthy person, can also cure those same symptoms exhibited in a sick person, if given in the right dose.
Homeopathic medicines work by stimulating the body’s natural immune defense systems triggering a healing response on a physical, mental and emotional level.
Over the past 200 years the clinical effectiveness of homeopathy has been clearly demonstrated. Today homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world, and is acknowledged by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Homeopathic medicine treats the whole person. Homeopaths see all symptoms as a representation of an underlying state of ill health, an inner imbalance of the person, rather than a disease of a single part.
Homeopathic medicines are made from any substance in the natural world. They are prepared by a specialised method of serial dilution and succussion where powerful healing properties in the substance are liberated.
The medicines are safe, natural, non-toxic, non-addictive and they do not interact with conventional medicines. Homeopathic medicine is proven to be a safe and effective treatment for all ages. There are no risks of side effects and any aggravation is short-lived.
Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, Bereavement and Loss, Sleep Difficulties
Headaches and Migraines, Recurrent and Acute Infections, Allergies, Asthma, Hayfever,
Trauma, Burns, Bites, Stings,
Digestive Complaints including IBS, Reflux, Diarrhoea and Constipation
Chronic Illness, Auto-immune Diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Menstrual Irregularities, Menopause, Fertility and Pregnancy, UTI's, Cystitis, Prostatic Conditions, Sexual Dysfunction, STIs
Childhood Conditions and Illnesses, including Teething, Colic, Glue Ear, Sticky Eye, Nocturnal Enuresis, Tantrums and Behavioural Disorders
Skin Conditions, including Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Warts, Urticaria
Homeopathic treatment is specific to the individual, so in order to find the best medicine for you, I need to fully understand you and your symptoms.
The initial consultation can take up to 1½ hours where a full case history is taken. This consultation covers, in detail, your symptoms and may go into things such as medical history, family history, lifestyle, sleep patterns, reactions to things such as food and weather, and consideration of your mental and emotional state.
Follow-up, acute conditions and children’s consultations are generally shorter.
"My daughter Matilda had a sticky eye from two weeks after birth. Every day her right eye would weep a yellow discharge that, whilst not being that bad, just wouldn’t go away. When Tilda was 4 months old, with no sign of the problem resolving itself, I made an appointment with Homeopath, Lisa Carter. Although I had never seen a Homeopath before, I decided to go down this road after talking to a friend who had a great deal of success treating her children with homeopathic remedies. The consultation with Lisa was extremely thorough; she asked many questions about my and my daughter’s physical and emotional well-being and behaviour patterns.
It made perfect sense that most of Lisa's questions were directed to me due to my innate connection to my daughter through pregnancy and breastfeeding. The consultation was fascinating and through her many questions Lisa prescribed a homeopathic remedy for Tilda, which we started her on straight away. After three days of treatment Tilda's weeping eye had completely cleared up and I was nothing short of amazed! Lisa was diligent with her follow up phone calls and gave clear and precise instructions on administering the remedy. Lisa has subsequently treated other members of my family with success and I now consider homeopathic practice an important part in my overall approach to my family's health and wellbeing".
Clare Perkins
"I was recently diagnosed with Bells Palsy. This is a condition where, due to a virus, a swelling occurs around the facial nerves impairing their ability to function. The result of this is that one side of the face doesn’t move. I found not blinking to be the most distressing effect of the illness as my eye was constantly burning and there is a possibility of eye damage due to the eye not being lubricated. The palsy typically lasts from a month to three months.
I was prescribed an anti viral medication and cortisone by my GP. I had been taking these for a week when Lisa prescribed Homeopathic drops. A day after I commenced on the homeopathic drops I could feel an immense improvement. There was a very slight movement in my face, but mostly I felt that the fatigue and general feeling of being unwell had passed. By the next day there was even more movement in my face. The movement then came back reasonably quickly and a week later I had complete movement back in my face.
In all, the facial palsy was resolved only two weeks after I was diagnosed. This is an unusually quick recovery time for Bells Palsy. I was on a number of treatments so I can’t say conclusively which had the greatest effect, but I felt the most immediate improvement after taking the Homeopathic drops. My experience with Homeopathic treatment and with Lisa as a practitioner was very positive. Due to the marked decrease in my symptoms following the treatment, I would now look to Homeopathy as the first line treatment for sudden illness and would highly recommend Lisa as a Homeopathic practitioner."
Jane Wicks
"Meeting Lisa Carter over 4 years ago and commencing homeopathic therapy for the first time has been an exceptional support to my emotional and physical ‘imbalances’!! I approached homoeopathy unaware and was so surprised on what could be achieved by this unique medicine. Before this, I had done counselling, workshops, herbal medicines, lotions etc but the ultimate results, giving me life-long results, were the potions subscribed by Lisa. They are always so accurate to my personal needs and her professional and instinctive healing powers never cease to amaze me. The determination to heal her patients is obvious in her research and follow-up consultations ensuring that I am always on the right track and any possible side-effects which homeopathy welcomes are well managed and understood.
Being aware of ourselves in both body and mind are the basic steps to healing any ailment. I’m a true believer that homeopathy is a perfect tool. I encourage anyone to find the right homeopath that will take a 100% personal interest in their patient making sure you maximise the benefits of your complete being."
"I have suffered from chronic idiopathic urticaria twice in the past 3 years. In addition to experiencing chronic itching, swelling and bloating, I was deliriously exhausted, stressed, anxious and depressed. After initially consulting with a GP and dermatologist, I was taking antihistamine tablets on a daily basis every 4 hours in addition to cortisone tablets twice a day. All this was having no impact whatsoever.
It was not until I began treatment each time with Lisa, that I noticed remotely any changes or improvement to my condition. Rather than just administer me with pills and tablets and advise me to "just ride it out", Lisa took an individual and caring holistic approach to my condition, treating my symptoms from an "inside-out" perspective. After a few consultations and taking the remedies for a short time, I began to feel calm, relaxed and focused and seemed to develop a new-found clarity I didn’t previously possess. Needless to say, the urticaria disappeared!
I sincerely hope I have seen the last of the urticaria, but should it ever return again, I know exactly who to go straight to!"
Karen Burai
I'm woman in my late fifties, I have suffered for a very long time with a condition. URINARY TRACT INFECTION - CYSTITIS.
I have had this problem since I was a teenager, seeing doctor, best urologists and taking medication almost all my life.
The relief was only temporarily. Having this problem can be very stressful. I was feeling depressed and lost, because I didn't know where to turn. I heard about HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT and NOT KNOWING HOW IT WORKS I made a wonderful decision to have treatment of this marvelous alternative medicine. LISA CARTER, a dedicated and wonderful person, solved my problem with only one treatment. Now I consider myself free from that disease. It is going to be one year since treatment and I haven't had any signs of this problem again, thank you to homeopathic medicine.
Thanks a millions to this wonder and to the dedications of the practitioner of HOMEOPATHY
Ana Chandia
Just a quick not to say thanks for the treatment. It worked - I am now less affected by the preservatives and my joints no longer ache. Appreciate your work!
Lisa Rock
Health Care Rebates Available
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