Linda Beaver
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Linda Beaver - Children's Health
Servicing area
Newtown, Stanmore, Inner West, SydneyFocus areas
Children's Health
Parents are drawn to homeopathy as it provides an alternative to antibiotics and cortisone for everyday complaints. Some parents proudly claim that their children have never had any antibiotics because the homeopath was successfully able to treat the child's ear infections, tonsillitis and coughs.
Chronic glue ear responds extremely well to homeopathy and can often be resolved in one to three months.
Parents can choose homeopathy for physical conditions such as eczema, asthma and allergies as well as emotional problems such as childhood fears, hyperactivity or aggression. Linda has also given lectures on paediatrics both in Sydney and interstate.
The Autism Support Project
Linda Beaver is the director of The Autism Support Project at The Newtown Homeopathic Centre. The aim of this program is to provide affordable treatment to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
In November 2013 Linda launched the Autism Support Project to provide subsidised care for children and families affected by autism.. This is possible because the Autism Support Project receives donations that facilitate both the subsidy as well as our ongoing research into treatments for autism.
The children have difficulties such as speech delay, meltdowns, disinterest in food, constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal bloating, frequent infections, emotional disconnection and slow growth. Parents and siblings are encouraged to receive treatment so that the family as a whole can benefit.
Nutrient and toxic element testing using hair analysis for children can identify defficiencies such as zinc or excesses of mercury, lead and copper.
"Challenging Children, Success with Homeopathy"
Linda is a key contributor to the book "Challenging Children, Success with Homeopathy" by Linlee Jordan, 2007. The book,"Challenging Children", presents cases from homeopaths around Australia; a contemporary look at real cases of Australian kids who have been helped with homeopathy for conditions such as ADHD, autism, tantrums, anxiety and concentration problems.
The cases are easy to relate to and offer inspiration, insight and hope to everyone working and living with challenging children: parents, teachers and health practitioners alike.
Linda's contribution to Challenging children is Angela's story.
A highly sensitive child, Angela was prone to sickness so that even a minor stress would lead directly into a bout of illness. Following a course of homeopathic treatment Angela became more hardy and robust. Now she bounces back without becoming ill and handles stress much more easily.
Linda is frequently called upon to treat sensitive children.
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