Lilianparrish therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2010



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Registered Specialised Kinesiology Practitioner/Counsellor


Servicing area

Findon, South Australia

Focus areas

Emotional wellbeing Fears Wellbeing Emotions Stress Management Physical pain

Welcome to Lilian Parrish

How does Kinesiology work?

Kinesiology is non-invasive energetic healing science. it encompasses a broad range of techniques. However, the real goal is to identify th eunderlying reason for the imbalance and then resolve it by treating the casuse. An imbalance may be nutritional, emotional, structural, psychological, energetic, spiritual or even something as simple as changing a limiting belief system.

Kinesiology can help with:
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Suppressed emotions
  • Addictions & Weight loss
  • Lack of Self-esteem, Motivation & Confidence
  • Insomnia
  • Energetic, structural and emotional balance
Most illness has an underlaying emotional problem attached to it. If we keep supressing our emotions the body will react.

"I was in extreme emotional, mental and physical pain; i had high fever and burning up, insomnia, sleepnessness and extreme lethargy. It was very difficult for me to make sense of what was happening to me. Because i am seeing Lilian, i can get to the nitty gritty of things which i am not consciously aware of. Thus i am almost complete with my healing.. and i am now able to make some serious life changes. As a person Lilian is very unique, compassionate and caring. She does not judge. We have worked on releasing blockages, but now we are moving towards life planning and setting up goals for the future." Vahid, Adelaide

I highly recommend Lilian to those who are seeking to improve their mental and physical wellbeing.
(Yulia, Adelaide)

I came to Lilian at a very low point in my life and needed guidance to move forward. After a number of sessions I felt my energy change from negative to positive and my life from difficult to stable. The changes that I have made through clearing emotional blockages, has enabled me to live a more balanced life and for me to value myself regardless of the challenges life brings. 1 feel very blessed to have met Lilian who has helped me greatly on my life journey.
(Tanya, North Haven)

Consultation Fees
    Initial consultation $100 (1.5hours)
    Follow up consultation $80 (1hour)
Eftpos available

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