Leonie O'Connell Hypnotherapy
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Leonie O'Connell Hypnotherapy
Focus areas
Hypnotherapy, when skillfully delivered by an experienced professional, has been clinically proven to provide powerful medical and therapeutic benefits.
Quit Cigarettes in one session - Eliminate unwanted habits such as gambling, marijuana, alcohol – Become your desired weight - Eliminate stress, anxiety and panic attacks - Remove phobias – Heal trauma & PTSD
and many many other things.
Hypnotherapy is a safe and natural yet extremely powerful therapy which is capable of creating positive life changes on many levels.
There’s nothing strange or mysterious about Hypnotherapy. It is simply a meditative state of relaxation. It helps us connect back with ourselves at a deeper level to create the changes that we want in our life - but seemingly have little or no control over. Hypnosis gives you back control over your feelings, your habits, your behaviours and your choices.
When problems, behaviours and habits are embedded in the ‘subconscious mind’, then communicating with that part of the mind can be the only way to resolve them.
During a session, the Hypnotherapist and the client are working together to achieve the same positive outcome. The Hypnotherapist guides the client to a state of hypnosis which is characterised by a feeling of deep relaxation and focused attention. In this state, communication with the subconscious part of the mind can elicit powerful positive changes in people’s lives as the therapist and client work together to achieve the client’s desired outcome. It is a cooperative, two way process that can provide amazing results with astounding success.
Leonie O'Connell is one of Sydney's leading Hypnotherapists, based in Penrith. She also has consulting rooms in Chatswood and Riverstone. Leonie uses advanced Hypnotherapy and NLP processes to help her clients change their lives in the most positive and amazing ways.
- Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Quit Cigarettes Specialist
- Weight Loss Specialist
- Trauma & PTSD Specialist
- NLP Master Practitioner
- Member: Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists: Australian Hypnotherapy Association: International Institute for Complementary Therapists: American Board of Hypnotherapy.
- Registered Nurse
- Trainer of Hypnotherapy
- Principal: Academy of Therapeutic Hypnosis
Everyone knows cigarettes are not good for them. Everyone knows they are enormously expensive.
So, why do people continue to smoke? And why is it so hard for so many people to quit cigarettes? So many smokers want to quit but they can’t. Why is that?
We are all different but the fact is simply that smoking is not within our conscious control. Consciously we tell ourselves that we are not going to smoke anymore but those unconscious patterns, triggers (and habit) just kick in and we have little or no control over them.
Smoking is something your subconscious mind simply does automatically. It is a habit triggered by deeply embedded unconscious patterns. The only way to quit is to alter those patterns and release that habit. You can try to do this by using all your will power and going ‘cold turkey’ - or you can do it the easy way with Hypnotherapy. The only way to quit cigarettes long term is to deal with your own individual unconscious patterns and triggers.
Most people have tried to quit so many times in so many ways. So what happened?
- It was too hard to deal with the withdrawal symptoms?
- Couldn’t handle the cravings.
- Stopped smoking and started gaining weight?
- Thought one wouldn’t hurt – but it did.
- Had a stressful situation.
- Had a social situation & a few drinks!
- Or some other reason?
Leonie uses an advanced set of processes that removes a lot of the common reasons people fail, before they ever happen. No cravings. No withdrawals. Learning new ways to deal with old stresses. And many people actually lose weight and ‘springboard’ themselves into a healthier, happier lifestyle once they use this solution to quit cigarettes.
Our business is based on happy clients and referrals. Your success is our success. There is nothing else that compares to the effectiveness of this process. Patches, drugs & disappointments are things of the past.
and you’re
And if for any reason you need more help, we will do a follow up session totally FREE of charge to help you be a non-smoker for good. That’s our commitment to you. We take your success very seriously.
You will love the feeling of being a non-smoker and you will be amazed at how achievable it is using our advanced hypnosis techniques.
TRAUMA – PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Your internal life is possibly the most difficult and complex part of your life. This is the part of you that you live with and cope with every day. It’s the part of you that even those closest to you can’t really help with much at all.
It’s the part of you that controls your feelings and can therefore be the basis for unhappiness, fear, insomnia, addictive behaviours, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, destructive relationships and so much more.
Traumatic and distressing experiences are a terrible thing to live through.
We cannot change the experiences from our past – but that doesn’t mean that anyone should suffer into the future.
Hypnotherapy is the safest, gentlest and most natural way to process traumatic memories and release the destructive emotions that are attached to those memories.
There is no need to ever re-live those dreadful and distressing emotions again.
Leave them in the past where they belong and start to live again – for now and the future.
Everybody needs to feel safe and in control.
If you have suffered from PTSD or distressing life events, it’s time to free yourself from the negative emotional attachment to those events.
Advanced Hypnotherapy Solutions obtain amazing effective results in a relatively short period of time by dealing with underlying issues without having to dredge through or re-live them. The process is tailored to each client’s individual needs and deals with the root cause of the problems.
And all this is done safely and gently in the privacy of your own sub-conscious mind.
Your mind can heal itself. Your body can be free of gripping fear, hurt, sadness, guilt and anger.
We all want to feel slim, fit, healthy and happy. So why do people continue to struggle and stay overweight even though there are literally hundreds of diet plans out there?
The reason is that we are all different.
- Some of us feel that it just can’t be done.
- Some of us do not want to go through the pain.
- Some of us just don’t have the willpower.
- Some of us are ‘emotional’ or ‘habit’ eaters.
- Eating can actually be an addictive behaviour.
The biggest reason of all however………… is because there are deep seated unconscious processes that drive you to eat too much too often. And most overweight people eat for emotional reasons. Whether lonely or socializing, sad or happy, angry or calm, stressed or just plain bored, it always seems a good reason to comfort or reward yourself with food. Add to this the fact that most people have no idea about the role that hormones play in metabolism and fat storage, nor do they understand the brain chemistry of food cravings. So it is easy to understand why so many people are overweight.
The patterns and habits that have formed around eating are actually beyond our conscious control. Unless you can successfully deal with your hidden personal reasons for being overweight you will never reach and maintain your “Desired Weight.” Through hypnosis, we can access and reprogram those sub-conscious processes, patterns, triggers and habits that keep us overweight and instil new, healthy patterns that will create permanent and lasting change.
It can be almost impossible for some people to stick to a diet. You suffer cravings, experience emotional or comfort eating or just can’t resist the constant temptation. The pain just becomes too much for the effort involved. And you seem to gain the weight back again far easier than you lost it in the first place.
What makes this system so different is that it addresses a vital element that no diet plan addresses – the mind. You can literally rewire your own brain to break old unhealthy habits and replace them with new healthy habits that empower you to achieve your weight goals.
The other powerful aspect of this system is that it works with your specific needs to boost your metabolism and turn on your inner fat burning capabilities. Your metabolism can be enhanced through the foods you eat, the exercise you do and through hypnosis.
Call Today and Change Your Life Forever
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