Robbie Chapman
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Robbie Chapman - Kinesiology
Servicing area
Double Bay, Bellevue Hill, Bondi, Woollahra, Rose Bay, Edgecliff, Sydney\'s eastern suburbs NSWFocus areas
In a kinesiology session we look to find answers to these questions:
- in what part (or where?) in my body am I holding my stress?
- what is the emotion or thought process underneath that stress that no longer serves me?
- how would I like to feel?
- what is my body trying to tell me?
Kinesiology is based in the principals of Chinese medicine, in that we have an energy system that sustains us. When this energy system gets blocked this has a flow on effect to our physical bodies and we display ‘symptoms’, or just have a sense that ‘somethings not right’.
These blockages may be caused by subconscious emotions, our electromagnetic system out of balance, nutritional deficiency or a physical block. It is a holistic approach which follows the bodies innate healing intelligence. As a practitioner I am facilitating your healing by following the body’s natural healing process .
Attention is given to acupressure points in the meridian system and reflex points. Use of flower essences, defusing emotional stress, using visualisation and looking at nutritional factors. I also use breath work as a powerful tool to releasing from the body.
You can look at many websites and learn about what Kinesiology is. What I’d like to share with you is how you’ll benefit from coming to me.
Kinesiology sessions will help you:
- find relief from pain and stress
- restore energy and vitality
- resolve recurring health problems
- improve self esteem
- let go anxiety and feel more positive
- connect with your inner wisdom
- gain understanding of the body/mind connection
How long does a session take?
One hour and costs $130
How many sessions will I need?
This is very individual depending on how long you’ve held the problem and how willing your body is to let go. For general purposes 4 sessions will show significant results and if it doesn’t you should see another practitioner. After one session you will often feel a change and have a sense that this is how you want to work.
What should I expect on my first visit?
Initially I would take a full health history and then, through muscle monitoring, get a general overview of what is happening in your body and where the energy is blocked.
It is very individual what you would feel in a session. Some people may drop straight into feeling energy shifts in their bodies, others may take a little longer. Others may never feel this but the changes will be happening anyway.
Are health rebates available?
Yes, depending on the health fund you are with and the level of cover you have.
What would my symptoms be?
A wide range of symptoms will be addressed including: headaches, insomnia, coughs, colds and flu,digestive problems, allergies, back pain, poor memory, acute and chronic pain, to name a few.
Make an appointment with Robbie now....and FEEL the difference.
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