Garry Sullivan therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
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Garry Sullivan

Know Thyself Therapy Center

Lowood QLD 4311

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My aim is to provide a service that enables a person to feel relaxed and peaceful.

Feeling relaxed and peaceful enables a person to feel happier or at least a greater chance to feel happy.

Know Thyself Therapy Center

Servicing area

Lowood,Fernvale and Ipswich

Focus areas

Crystal reiki Tarot guidance Manifestation coaching Chakra balancing

To be happy is the aim of our existence. Without happiness we can only be sad, angry, depressed or anxious which leads to loneliness and despair.

We are all Human Beings. The words Human Being is made up of three words that being Hu, man and being.

HU means Divine. So, it means Divine man in a state of Being. Being means in a state of stillness. A Human being is comprised of three aspects which are mental, physical and spiritual.

All three aspects affect and interact with each other. When one aspect is not functioning correctly it affects the other two

My therapeutic approach is holistic and improves the mental, the physical spiritual aspects which enhances a feeling of wellbeing.

Know Thyself utilises a three-step approach that works on each of the three aspects.

Spiritually we are part of the Divine. The spark that is our life force is linked to our creator, when we were born, we were a part of that divinity but as we aged, we lost contact with that Divine force.

The result of that separation is that spend our lives in our “heads” thinking about life more than feeling mostly consumed by self-doubts, fears, indecision and longing for a better life.

Using Reiki, crystal therapy, aura cleansing and Chakra balancing it’s possible to reconnect to our spiritual self and feel clarity of purpose, peace and contentment.

All three aspects affect and interact with each other.

Our mental aspect is comprised of three aspects which are the conscious, the unconscious and the superego.

We ‘live’ in our conscious mind which is influenced by events of the past and thoughts of the future. We are rarely, if at all, able to live in the present.

We have little control over the type of thoughts that enter our mind unless we “focus’’ on a particular task or subject that requires concentration. The content of these unsolicited thoughts can cause distress and result in sadness, fear, guilt or anger. The thoughts can be obsessive to such a degree that they can drive people literally insane.

Experiencing these unwanted feelings leads to bad habits such as overeating, poor impulse control. smoking or obsessive-compulsive behaviours. When extreme, these feelings especially with severe depression can have disastrous consequences such as self-harm, harm to others, suicide and homicide. It has been said that “Suicide is the greatest form of self-criticism.’’

The thoughts and feelings that cause distress originate from the unconscious.

Every event, everything that happens to us, good or bad is recorded in the unconscious.

This includes traumatic events such as extreme embarrassment, incest, assault and verbal abuse.

If these issues remain unresolved the unconscious mind will manifest itself in the conscious mind in ways that are not easily understood This is especially the case when the original traumatic event occurred in infancy or even in the womb.

The thoughts and feelings that cause distress originate from the unconscious.

If the event is sexual molestation of a child, the child may grow up into an adult who has extreme suspicion of the opposite sex and find it difficult to initiate and maintain a healthy loving relationship.

If the parents never expressed love to each other either by word or deed how on earth will their children ever learn to love another human being if they have never seen or heard love being expressed. The children of this “loveless “relationship also grow up unable to love, filled with anxiety and a desperate, overwhelming need to be loved. The aching emptiness is rarely filled, so the child grows into an adult who has rarely, if ever, felt loved. The weird, terrible truth is the adult is sometimes scared of being loved and will destroy the very thing that they desperately seek.

When a person’s unconscious mind is not functioning in the best interest of that person it leads to confusion and conflict within that person. It is comparable to a man who spends all day building a brick wall only to rip it down the next day. The next day he starts again.

The next day he pulls it down. Without resolution a whole life can pass where everything that’s started is never finished leaving a feeling of unfulfillment and constant wondering of what might have been.

The wonderful thing about the unconscious mind is that it can be accessed, healed and even reprogrammed so that the self-destructive side of our personality can be removed or at least diminished. So, we have a fighting chance of building the afore mentioned brick wall and the next day we keep building it instead of ripping it down like we did before.

Hypnotherapy can be used to ‘reprogramme ‘the unconscious mind to be more beneficial.

There are two ways of accessing the unconscious mind which are Neurolinguistic programming and Hypnotherapy.

Neuro linguistic programming can be used in conjunction with Timeline Therapy to “go back” within a therapeutic session to the time a traumatic event occurred which may have been in infancy or even in the womb. Using NLP techniques, the therapist can get the client to witness and experience the traumatic event in a safe controlled manner and thus develop a new understanding of that trauma .The amazing part of this therapy is that a person who may have anger issues can during therapy ask the unconscious mind when the first episode occurred ,actually witness the first event of anger and ask what are the” learnings” from this experience. The unconscious mind will know what is meant to be learnt which gives a new awareness and this will change the conscious awareness and anger problems are diminished or even resolved.

Hypnotherapy can be used to ‘reprogramme ‘the unconscious mind to be more beneficial. For example, if a person is overeating the therapist can use highly suggestive imagery that influences the unconscious mind to want to eat less.

Using “reinforced visualisation techniques and Smart Goals Setting it is possible achieve a pre- determined goal such as achieving a specific weight such 80 kilo by a certain time which can be realistically achieved.

Smart Goal Setting combined with Hypnotherapy can be used in a variety of ways such as stopping smoking or drinking alcohol to excess.


Neurolinguistic therapy and Timeline therapy

1hr 30min
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
$150 Per session

NLP and Timeline therapy is a powerful tool that enables a person to "discover" the root cause of emotional distress such as fear, sadness, guilt and anxiety. The initial cause may have occurred early in childhood and remains an issue even though forgotte

Business Hours

We're open 4 days.


2:00 pm To 4:00 pm


2:00 pm To 4:00 pm


9:00 am To 4:00 pm


11:00 am To 6:00 pm


  • Registered Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist
  • Registered General Nurse

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