Kerry Norman
Kerry Norman
Be inspired & empowered to make a change in your life through the joy of art.
Kerry Norman
Kerry Norman is a Transpersonal Art Therapist and Counsellor who has completed specialised training which allows her to facilitate emotions through the process of creating art. Kerry inspires her listeners and excites them so that they can utilise the benefits of art, tap into a range of different mediums, and find solace through therapy processes you do to create art. Listeners will understand how happiness can be sparked through creativity, which enhances wellbeing and leads to a prosperous life. Her talks are truly insightful and amazing.
"Much of Kerry's works are influenced by the moods & surroundings that is in. Often images are hand drawn hundreds of times in notebooks, on corners of serviettes, on old envelopes or dockets, until her idea is settled and true. Kerry then takes her idea further on canvas selecting the most complimentary medium for the final work. Sometimes ideas come quickly so there is no prior preparation and the work flows directly from hand to canvas."
“Over the years, despite our differences in ages, Kerry and I became good friends…soul mates actually, with limited time spent together. I say limited because Kerry’s life on the land was a very full and busy one. She would sometimes be called away from class to attend the needs of the farm. As Kerry’s children grew and became less dependant, she found some time to pursue this desire and she attended classes and workshops and art schools, culminating when she joined me on a study trip to Greece with Michael Winters as her art tutor and after that, a trip to Italy with Janna to get serious about Sculpture. She returned home from these two trips exhausted but fulfilled and ready to attend to the ideas she had amassed in her sketch book for her exhibition." - Val Fitzpatrick (Canberra) - Kerry's first & lifelong mentor since 1980's.
"Kerry's fearless approach to ambitious design displays her inner confidence. Failure is not a word in Kerry’s vocabulary. The theme Mortal Portals™, came from a set of portraits Kerry made for her children. “It’s taken hold!” And in true Kerry style these unique pieces have been produced with panache and great style. They are her response to an aspect of her life and those around her. Kerry’s sense of humour, fun and joy is apparent in these works. I am very excited about her bold direction. With her enthusiasm… and passion, her art makes her a woman to look out for!" - Janna Parmaijer Sculptor (Maleny) - Kerry's sculpture mentor since 2004.
Professional Membership
- Australian Counselling Association (ACA)