KARA BELGROVE Naturopath therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2015



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If you've never visited a Naturopath before, here's what you can expect from yoru initial and subsequent visits with Kara Belgrove.


Focus areas

Stress Management Natural medicine Leaky gut syndrome Food sensitivities Love Bloating

What should I expect in a first consultation?

Your initial consultation will take up to an hour. A detailed health history will be recorded, and your reason for coming will be discussed.

If you have any blood tests from your doctor, please bring them along with you - even if they indicate you are “fine”.

You may also receive simple in-clinic testing during your initial consultation including iridology or zinc taste testing. Following our initial discussion, I will prescribe you an appropriate treatment plan which may include: herbal and nutritional supplements, and or dietary and lifestyle advise.

How long will it take me to feel better?

Everyone is different and this depends on the reason for your consultation. A person who comes to discuss boosting their immune system may feel much better in a few days, while a person needing help with chronic arthritis may find it takes 3 - 6 weeks to notice an improvement.

Will I need to keep coming back?

This depends on the complexity of your initial reason for coming in.

Does a Naturopath always order tests?

Not always. I will only order functional testing such as hormone level testing or food intolerance testing if I think there is a genuine need for it. You will always be included in the decision-making process and made completely aware of any potential costs. I work with a range of pathology labs to ensure that recommended testing is the best available, and also that it’s cost efficient.

Can I see a Naturopath if I'm already taking medications from my Doctor?

Yes, Naturopaths have the training to know what supplements and remedies are safe in combination with medications from your doctor and what interactions, if any may occur.

Can I claim my visit to a Naturopath on my private health fund?

Kara is registered with all of the major health funds. Please give your private health fund before your initial first visit, to ascertain the level of rebate available to you on your policy.

Do you have more questions? Call Kara Belgrove to discuss your specific needs and situation. Alternatively, click on the 'Make an Enquiry' button below.

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