Julie Tulloch
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“What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you. Emerson. I work with you to discover the real Self within."
Julie Tulloch
Servicing area
Ferntree Gully, VictoriaFocus areas
Soul Centred Psychotherapy, Counselling, Hypnotherapy, TFT, EFT, Hypnosis, Emotion Code
- Solve the causes of your Anxiety
- Find clarity and harmony in your Relationships
- Understand your emotions and physical sensations and what they are telling you
- Feel confident and trust in yourself
- Obtain a sense of purpose through understanding your life path
- Heal and release the impacts of Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse
- Let go of fears and phobias
- Tackle issues of weight, addictions and what stops you doing what you want to do
- Improve knowledge, competencies and goals, and maximise your abilities
- Improve performance in all study related areas, school, university, etc.
- Improve sporting performance, co-ordination; prevent injuries; shoot more goals, lower your golf handicap, hit more winners, etc.
- Deal with age and sporting related injuries and retirement
- Find new ways to increase your creativity; drawing, painting, writing, acting, dancing, form creation, etc.
- Challenge the beliefs that stall your wealth building and earning potential.
- Feel comfortable taking a leadership role and speaking in public.
Holistic Counselling
Holistic Counselling is an experience of heart and soul which empowers clients to consider issues from different perspectives. It is a journey into your inner being to see, sense and feel who you believe you are and who you truly are. My approach style tends to be intuitive which allows healing to impact on a range of different life areas.
Soul Centred Psychotherapy
Soul Centred Psychotherapy is the name given to a form of therapy that focuses on relationship, mindfulness, attention, lived experience, meaning, honouring, enchantment, and the sacred. It is this focus that differentiates Soul Centred work from other approaches that use similar therapeutic techniques.
I use a range of techniques designed to educate you about how your mind and body are connected and how your physical sensations relate to your emotional well being, Information may also come in dreams, writing, drawing and giving form to images. You may practise new ways of communicating and changing behaviour in a safe environment which is designed to improve your capacity to discover and develop your resources; to discover the real you and allow you to live life fully in the moment.
In my practice as a Soul Centred Psychotherapist and Counsellor, I will incorporate the following therapeutic approaches and techniques as required:
- Bi-Lateral Stimulation Processing - Bi-Lateral Stimulation Processing has arisen out of the body of research stimulated by mind/body approaches to healing, including EMDR and energy psychology. Bi-Lateral Stimulation Processing incorporates muscle testing, sound and kinaesthetic processing, as well as eye movements to process traumas and install positive beliefs.
- Hypnotherapy – Imagery, Relaxation, Safety. Changing patterns and habits and accessing creativity.
- Thought Matrix Meridian Therapy – is based on current research in mind/body healing and incorporates meridian tapping, muscle testing, and specific treatment methods for phobias, anxiety, trauma and more; and is similar to other approaches that have arisen from this research, such as TFT, EFT, etc which make the premise that all illness is due to a disruption in the body’s energy system.
- Body, Breath & Expressive Therapies – Grounding, mindfulness, confidence, awareness.
- Dreams – Linking the unconscious and conscious messages and meanings; sorting through the personal symbolic. “It is much better for the conscious and unconscious to be connected and to move on parallel lines than for them to be dissociated. In this respect the production of (dream) symbols can be a most valuable function.” Jung
- Working with Parts – Identify many parts of self, alliances and conflict within and renegotiating new behaviours
- Working with Defences – Identifying emotions and feelings which have been avoided through anxieties.
- Working with Ritual – Healing the past through respectful ritual to bring peace and create a positive present.
- Myth, Metaphor & Story – Mythology, archetypes and fairy tales can anchor context and meaning in your journey
- Neuro Linguistic Programming – People use maps, models or representations of the world based on their own experience. One way that these representations are coded is based upon the senses, what one sees, hears, feels, smells and tastes. People are normally consciously using one or two main modes of reference. NLP uses anchoring in one state to access resources in other states.
“Your only obligation in this lifetime is to be true to yourself.” (Richard Bach).
I find this kind of kinesiology a fabulously fascinating way to work with people. I discovered that the body stores trauma and memories even whilst the person may have seemingly forgotten all about what happened to them. The emotions from that or those events are stored in secret places inside the body. Many of us are also carrying other people’s trapped traumatic feelings because we were in the vicinity. For example; a child can pick up the trapped emotion of a parent during a particularly intense incident. I’m even surprised to find emotions that have been inherited through family lines from a historic traumatic event. For example; the inherited trapped emotion of, ‘Hopelessness’ in the female line that occurred 5 generations before due to a war and famine event affected a person in the current generation. This trapped hopelessness manifested itself in the person being unable to deal with failure and so did not pursue their business intentions to a successful outcome because each step that did not work resulted in them feeling overwhelming hopelessness. After clearing out this emotion (and many others), they successfully studied and pursued an entirely different career.
I have found this way of working to be surprisingly quick. Clients have reported immediate relief and got on with the day’s activities. There is often a sense of lightness in the room after a session has been completed.
Are you a kind and caring person to others yet can’t allow yourself to truly be loved? You might have what is termed, ‘a heart wall.’ This occurs because having trapped emotions in our heart results in unbearable pain and we wish to protect ourselves from this pain at all costs. It’s like a hermit crab hiding in a shell away from danger and vulnerability. The cost to this behaviour is that we are not truly free to be our spontaneous selves and we won’t let others in. A heart wall is usually cleared, one trapped emotion at a time, in 2 or 3 sessions. It’s relatively painless and sets you free to have spontaneous mutually beneficial relationships with others.
If you are curious about any issues in your past and how they might still be affecting you, then it’s time to investigate and explore what changes can occur as a result of doing this therapy.
My pleasure as a counsellor and psychotherapist is to assist you to explore and discover through our relationship with love and understanding, what it is to truly be your unique self.
Therapy can change the way you feel about yourself and others and open up a world of new possibilities. You can be sure that I will not ask you to experience something that I have not asked of myself. A good therapist will have had therapy themselves in order to minimise the possibility of them having any ‘blind spots’ of their own which can affect the way they work with you. I am here to assist you in researching and exploring your own personal truth. Change is often painful and difficult and a great deal of upset may resurface along the way, however it is possible to minimise this upset through my attending to you and through utilising the appropriate techniques that smoothly facilitate this process.
My deeply personal journey has been truly amazing and finally led me be doing the work I’ve always longed to do. I previously worked for 30 years in administration studying part–time to keep my intelligence alive. My training at The Kairos Centre has allowed me to fit together all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of my life and understand how finely tuned our bodies are in order to allow us to survive traumatic experiences and how we make life decisions that arise out of trauma. I have discovered skills and abilities within myself which I never suspected and that I can now fully express and explore. Here are some examples:
“I am standing by a river or lake. There is an old fashioned wooden boat anchored in the water near the edge. Two men on the shore are preparing to go fishing. It is a beautiful place, calm and peaceful, with gum trees and bamboo at the waters edge. I look into the shallows and there are two fish swimming slowly about. I see them clearly; they are big fat colourful trout ...”
She wanders near the cage door
He seems tame at first
She reaches in to touch him
He reaches back to hold her
He pulls her to the bars and captures her attention
"I will never let you go", he says
"I will scream", she says
As he kisses her soft red lips
Her body goes limp as she falls in love
He steals the key
And carries her to the wild woods
Too late,
She screams in ecstasy
All night long!
“… The centre of your heart is opened and you feel the wings of your soul, unacknowledged for centuries, begin an awakening. You raise your arms and take off leaving earthly things behind. You become a spiralling sensation of emotions and feelings as your body sheds its rules and constrictions. She touches you and you are alight with electricity…”
Drawing, painting, working with clay and other forms of artistic expression can be very useful in exploring emotions. Images and themes from the unconscious: from dreams, from sensations, can be explored and transformed in a deeply satisfying way.
I can assist you to find your way of solving the issues or complexes that are preventing you from doing or being the way you wish. I know that for some people, asking for help requires courage. I am dedicated to the pursuit of your transformation through understanding, compassion and awareness.
“Who are you?” they asked.
“I am me, at last”, came the answer.
"Good Morning Julie,
Thank you for the hard work you practiced with me yesterday. I spent the entire day on the couch watching movies.... I just needed to.
I was quite strange when I woke up. I didn’t feel present and getting words out was quite difficult. After a while I improved. The good news is I’m not ruminating about XXXXX. If the thought pops up I’m able to switch to something else. Had a great night sleep and I don’t think I woke up.
Anyway thank you so much... I wasn’t in a good place and hopefully won’t be revisiting it." A. 24.01.18
"Julie thank you so so much, I’m so grateful. The other therapist I had when I was going through the stuff with xxxx- he was just a soundboard and it didn’t really do anything at all apart from me being able to examine xxxx in a way that allowed me to understand emotions and when I was feeling a certain emotion, his body language would change and that’s how I learnt that there was in fact feelings happening that I had no idea how to comprehend or acknowledge. You Julie, are a different kettle of fish. I know it’s your job and you do it because you love it but, the honest truth is, there are not many therapists that understand how to provide proper therapy and you do just that. I know I have been annoying and frustrating but I can assure you, under all that chaos and previous dysfunction lies a very gentle warm soul that has been very hurt. Thank you for all your amazing work and generosity." V 18.01.18
"Julie, I appreciate the understanding and spaciousness you give me, and the humanity you bring to the way you work, I think it’s a rare quality you have." B 13.01.18
I was a blusher. Especially when I would get excited about something that was meaningful to me. And I hated blushing and this would make me blush even redder because I would get embarrassed that I was embarrassed! I’m not sure it was always noticeable to the other person. I sure sometimes it was. I mean a bright red face? Come on! It was extremely uncomfortable and would prevent me from speaking up in conversations or perusing ideas with people because I was embarrassed that I might blush if I did so. One of those vicious-circle things. After 3 Emotion Code sessions with Julie specifically focusing on this issue I haven’t blushed since. And further more, because I am not afraid that I will blush I now speak up more freely than I have in the past. M. 18.08.15
"I started seeing Julie after i had been through a really tough relationship breakdown where i just couldn't function. I remember the moment when i realised that I had read every self help book under the sun but actually what i needed most was to talk to someone. From the moment i met her i had an instant gut feeling that i was in the right place. Her down-to-earth nature and nurturing spirit allowed me to completely open up and trust in her and the process.
It has been one of the most rewarding things i have ever done in my life! I feel like she is the gatekeeper to the most important thing in my life: feeding and nurturing my soul, my true self and removing and processing the obstacles and habits that i have picked up as a child that have held me back or caused me to make the wrong decisions in life.
I now travel over 2 hours to have a session with her because its always the most brilliant, rewarding and inspiring experience. Its as though her sessions re-set me to live such a better life; free from fear, negativity, able to make the best decisions and create a path that honours my soul purpose. I'm sometimes so blown away by what i learn about myself (through her untapping elements within me) that i could not even imagine not ever realising them!
Recently a huge shift occurred in my life after one of these sessions. I had always been attracted to charming, untrustworthy, player-type guys, something that connected back to when i was a child and needed approval. During ongoing work with Julie I met this child and let this need for validation go. I found that i had actually shifted my attraction and all of a sudden all of these genuine, trustworthy, caring men entered my life!
This kind of work is a lifetime journey and i'm so grateful that she has and continues to be my guide!" B 21/7/15
“I feel like I have been pushed out into life” (after some difficult and intense sessions)." J.
“Now that I am overseas and travelling around a lot, I look back and remember those sessions in our room and I am so happy that I no longer suffer from motion sickness, fear of falling down stairs or having injections." D
“That’s the first time I haven’t been drunk on New Years Eve for 5 or 6 years”. C.
"I had my six-monthly performance review last week. The usual about my accuracy, attention to detail, business acumen, etc. AND A SPECIAL MENTION: "It was noticed that over the past few months that I seemed happier, less tense in my nature and that my communication skills (I think they meant "interpersonal" and not written) had improved immensely". This would not have happened without our lovely, friendly sessions (even though I find then confronting at times!)." A.
"Thankyou so much for the work you did with me. Your techniques for uncovering my hidden emotional issues were both gentle and effective. I am so grateful to you for helping me. I can now move forward in my life with a genuine sense of happiness." J.
"I have found that looking back at my life - I usually have one or more main teachers in my life. You have been one of my greatest teachers and I hope you continue to share your wealth of knowledge and skills with myself and others." K.
"I play golf with a group of about 40 mates. My score was usually in the bottom third. After my first session with Julie, I came second by one shot. And after our second session I came first by 4 shots and I didn’t even play that well." P.
"And a special thanks for the long and fruitful session. On top of the world this morning. And ... sold 3 photos last night." A
"God bless you Julie, how the work we have done together has changed my life so profoundly. Without your generous heart and excellent instinct, I couldn’t have changed so much. You put so much time, energy and love, hard as it was, if you hadn’t of hung in there with me well we know what would of happened. Please know how very precious you are to me and how grateful I am you went above and beyond more than I had a right to ask but I did save me!" G.
"Thanks for our session last Monday to help me prepare for the new job. Nerves still got the better of me..was up most of Monday night/ early Tuesday morning and just couldn’t seem to get on top of things. Was unable to form any clear set-up statements so my tapping was rather woeful to say the least! Physically, I was better than usual; it was just the emotional side of things that crowded in on me so I think I have made some headway thanks to you. One week on and I am starting to feel a bit more at ease; my workmates seem very supportive and I enjoy the essence of the job. I am still worrying about mistakes I am making but even though I am having trouble letting go of them each evening, I think the intensity of my “obsessing” is greatly reduced so once again, some headway has been achieved." L.
"I have had several sessions working with the Emotion Code. Each time I have found the work surprisingly fast, affective and gentle. Even though the memories that were coming up were of upsetting events, I was not debilitated nor traumatised by them. The results keep unfolding over time. Sometimes it is very subtle, and sometimes it is a very different experience when I think back to how I felt before the clearing. I would highly recommend Julie and the Emotion Code as a way to free yourself from the past." R.
"I came to this therapy blind, I had no intention of actually doing anything that day but thank God I did ... so I knew nothing ... literally ... thought well i will just see what it's all about. I have been to therapy before and quite frankly I don;t always want to talk about how I feel, I don;t want to cry in front of a stranger, I don't know why I am sad or angry, I never knew why I felt like I did and without many memories, how do you talk about how you really feel? So the first session, heart wall clearing, really? Oh yeah, really, it's there, and mine I think broke the world record, nothing ot be proud of but enormous, and while it protects you when you need it, it then stays there and builds up until nothing gets in, and you don;t live, you don;t feel, you exist and stagnate and stand in one place, a place of pain and sadness and I've been in that one spot for nearly 19 years. Trauma by trauma we found, heart wall down o zero, phew huge .. then the real work began over several intense sessions over several months. With each session there would be an emotional and physical reaction and you become lighter, brighter and start quickly or slowly processing differently, feeling differently, living, feeling being the operative words, I thought I felt, I did not, I thought I lived, I did not. Only once I truly accepted me, my health, my life, did I start being present in it, there could be more work to do but as of right now in a few sessions I can honestly say I am here in my own life, I do not feel the pain as intensely, its not the focus of my day and I have such good days now. The way to sum up the journey in one sentence would be: "I now feel like I fit into my own skin instead of feeling like I am trying to squeeze in or screaming to get out of my body, I fit and its a perfect size." Plus, Blood results best yet! Therapy is working, TSH down from 381 to 239, Iron up to 14 and unbelievable liver lowest in years and years down from 132 to 105, heartbeat 62 bpm, yes! I feel incredulous but sorta had a feeling to drop 27 points with liver is well a miracle, yes thank you. Its proving it had medical effects so yes, great news." SH.
$120 (Concession by arrangement). A normal session is one and a half hours (this is good value compared to the usual 50 minutes). To ask any questions or to make an appointment please email, or leave a message on my mobile 0434835658. I will call you back at the next available opportunity.
Free mini consultation available to ensure your comfort.
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner 2013 (www.healerslibrary.com)
Diploma Soul Centred Psychotherapy 2006. The Kairos Centre St Kilda (Kairoscentre.com)
Bachelor Arts (Psychology and Politics) 1991. Monash University
Graduate Diploma Management 1985. RMIT
Diploma of Design Preston Institute of Technology 1976.
Member of Association of Soul Centred Psychotherapists (ASCP) which is a constituent member of Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA).
PACFA Reg. 21915
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