Dr Julie Phillips-Moore
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Get to the root of your problems faster with professional Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/tapping) sessions from Dr. Julie.
Dr Julie Phillips-Moore - Emotional Freedom Techniques
Servicing area
Port MacquarieFocus areas
What Is EFT?
EFT (tapping) is a powerful new discovery that combines two well-established sciences:
- Mind/Body Medicine to achieve proper mental and emotional states which enhanced health.
- Acupuncture to provide healing benefits by stimulating (tapping) certain points on the body.
How Does It Work?
EFT blends both of these disciplines into one procedure and this may explain why the reported benefits are often so impressive. Instead of taking months or years using conventional "talk therapy," EFT often does the job for you in one or two sessions ... and sometimes noticeable results are often achieved in a few brief rounds of EFT.
Benefits of an EFT Treatment
Once you have seen how well EFT clears out emotional debris, your next step is to notice how physical ailments start to fade. Headaches, back pains and other discomforts often tend to improve or vanish as emotional issues improve (this is the essence of Mind/Body Medicine).
Who Can Benefit from an EFT Treatment
You can apply EFT to just about everything. That is one of the most astonishing things about it. You use the same basic procedure for eliminating your fears and phobias as you do for improving your performance at sport.
Clinical trials and treatment protocols have demonstrated the effectiveness of EFT for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
People who suffer from PTSD often experience repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past They often have repeated disturbing dreams of this stressful experience, feel very upset when reminded of it, or avoid thinking or talking about it.
You will find that EFT is usually quite gentle and you can often achieve substantial relief with little or no pain. This is not true for everyone, however. Some people's issues are so intense that the mere mention of them causes emotional or physical pain but, given time, even these may be resolved efficiently with EFT.
Click here to enlarge
EFT & Depression : .
Acupoint Stimulation in Treating Psychological Disorders : .
EFT Lowers Stress Hormones : .
EFT and PTSD - a meta-analysis. : .
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment please call
0412 567 577
- Ph.D.
- Master of Behavioural Health Science (distinction)
- B.A. (Psych.)
- Dip. Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Dip. Counselling
- Dip. Homoeopathic Medicine
- Adv. Dip. Nutritional Medicine
- N.D.
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