Innerworkings Health & Wellness therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2011

Innerworkings Health & Wellness

Innerworkings Health & Wellness

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Clinical Nutrition, Naturopathy, Genetic Testing and Programs, Weight Loss Programs, Food Intolerance, Live Blood Analysis, Dietary Analysis, Bio Impedance Testing, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Dietary Analysis, Coaching.

Innerworkings Health

Servicing area

Servicing Albert Park, Melbourne & Bayside areas

Focus areas

Coping skills Indigestion Hormones Fitness Optimal health Lifestyle

Welcome to Innerworkings Health

At Innerworkings Health we assist and empower you to make appropriate but realistic changes in your diet and lifestyle in order to achieve optimum health and wellbeing goals.

A naturopathic health assessment is employed to identify any underlying imbalances that may be affecting your health, or factors that may be holding you back from achieving your goals.

Depending on your requirements, a simple ‘step by step’ action plan is developed to integrate into your life to make being healthy easy and stress free!

We also offer: Genetic testing & Programs, Live Blood Analysis, Bio Impedance Testing, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Dietary Analysis, Coaching.

Specialising in:

  • Weight Loss
  • Fatigue
    Food Intolerances
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
    Indigestion, bloating, nausea & stomach discomfort
  • Constipation
  • Sleep problems
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Skin conditions (dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, acne)
    Preconception & Pregnancy
    PMS, PCOS, Menopause, Candida (Thrush)
  • Frequent colds and Infections
  • Nutritional therapy and management for inflammatory conditions, diabetes, cardiovascular disease & bone health.

What to expect at your consultation......

Initial consultations are approximately 1 hour and include a thorough health and nutrition assessment. Dietary analysis, diagnostic or in house testing may be arranged to further assess your biochemical, nutritional, hormonal or detoxification processes. Diagnostic testing can help identify the cause of your concern and stream-line treatment.

Lucy will devise a comprehensive treatment plan for you and may incorporate treatment through diet and lifestyle management , nutritional supplementation, homeopathic treatment and mineral celloid therapy.

All Innerworkings follow-up consultations are 30mins, with 15minute consultations offered on a case by case basis for ongoing wellness, weight loss management and coaching support (discount packages are available).

Functional Nutrition

At Innerworkings we specialise in Functional Nutrition.

Everyone knows the saying “you are what you eat,” and it’s true! What you eat has a profound effect on our physical, emotional, and vibrational health, it is therefore a major cornerstone of natural medicine.

Functional Nutrition is looking at the actions of nutrients, individually and co-dependently in biochemical and physiological pathways in the body. By having an understanding of the functionality of nutrients we can better identify which specific nutrients and foods are important for you and your condition.

During consultations we thoroughly assess and analyse your current diet and nutrient status in order to make appropriate recommendations and help you achieve more optimal health and wellness.
order to make appropriate suggestions. Recommendations are made achievable and sustainable. order to make appropriate suggestions. Recommendations are made achievable and sustainable. At Innerworkings we specialise in Functional Nutrition. Everyone knows the saying “you are what you eat,” and it’s true! What you eat has a profound effect on our physical, emotional, and vibrational health, it is therefore a major cornerstone of naturopathy. Functional Nutrition is looking at the actions of nutrients, individually and co-dependently in biochemical and physiological pathways in the body. By having an understanding of the functionality of nutrients we can better identify which specific nutrients and foods are important for you and your condition. During consultations we thoroughly assess and analyse your current diet and nutrient status in order to make appropriate suggestions. Recommendations are made achievable and sustainable.
Biological Terrain Analysis

The body is a complex ecosystem to which constant biochemical adjustments kept it in homeostatic balance.

Each and every cell in the body is a wonder of activity, maintained by the integrity of its membrane, separating the intracellular bodily fluids from the interstitial fluids, and also the blood. Many factors can effect the delicate electrochemical and fluid balance of the body including mineral concentration, acid-alkaline balance and oxidation levels.

Using Biological Terrain Analysis (BTA) we can gather data on your bodies cell membrane integrity, mineral, enzyme, pH, electrolyte and amino acid status by testing your urine, blood, and saliva to identify any slight imbalances in these fluid systems which may in-turn be disrupting your optimal health state and could lead to manifestation of disease.

Live Blood Analysis Testing

Live Blood Analysis is a way of studying live whole blood cells under a specially adapted microscope that projects the dynamic image onto a viewing monitor. Using only a small drop of blood from your fingertip we can assess the blood and get an instant snap shot into your current health status.

At Innerworkings we analyse both dark-field live blood analysis and dry layer analysis which can indicate elevations of oxidative stress and toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, immune disruption, and much more.

Best of all LBA testing is FREE with the comprehensive testing consultation.
0433 766 886 Live Blood Analysis is a way of studying live whole blood cells under a specially adapted microscope that projects the dynamic image onto a viewing monitor. Using only a small drop of blood from your fingertip we can assess the blood and get an instant snap shot into your current health status. During the testing you will be educated about the signs appearing in your blood and how they may relate to your health and wellbeing. You will also be provided with dietary and lifestyle advice to help you optimise your health.

For more information phone 0433 766 886 Blood Analysis is a way of studying live whole blood cells under a specially adapted microscope that projects the dynamic image onto a viewing monitor. Using only a small drop of blood from your fingertip we can assess the blood and get an instant snap shot into your current health status. During the testing you will be educated about the signs appearing in your blood and how they may relate to your health and wellbeing. You will also be provided with dietary and lifestyle advice to help you optimise your health. For more information phone 0433 766 886

Bio-Impedance Testing

Bio impedance testing is a scientifically validated assessment that gives an accurate and measurable view of how well your body is functioning on the inside and how well you are ageing.

By analysing the specific biological markers from this assessment, we are provided with an accurate status of your health, which allows you to identify and target the areas of your health that need attention.

The Bio-Impedance test is particularly useful for weight issues. A common issue with weight loss is that inadequate muscle mass, and yo yo dieting can lead to increasing body fat once a diet is stopped. The Bio-Impedance test combined with a proper weight management plan, can help you lose weight by showing you your real weight loss and muscle growth, as well as aid your motivation by tracking the changes.

Bio-Impedance testing is used to: Lose weight, Improve metabolism, increase muscle tone and fitness, improve energy, age healthily, improve inflammatory problems & detoxification, Improve overall health and wellbeing

* Free with Testing Consultation Bio-Impedance Testing Bio impedance testing is a scientifically validated assessment that gives an accurate and measurable view of how well your body is functioning on the inside and how well you are ageing. By analysing the specific biological markers from this assessment, we are provided with an accurate status of your health, which allows you to identify and target the areas of your health that need attention. The Bio-Impedance test is particularly useful for weight issues. A common issue with weight loss is that inadequate muscle mass, and yo yo dieting can lead to increasing body fat once a diet is stopped. The Bio-Impedance test combined with a proper weight management plan, can help you lose weight by showing you your real weight loss and muscle growth, as well as aid your motivation by tracking the changes. Bio-Impedance testing is used to: Lose weight, Improve metabolism, increase muscle tone and fitness, improve energy, age healthily, improve inflammatory problems & detoxification, Improve overall health and wellbeing

* Free with Testing Consultation

Mind-Body Medicine

"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well." Hippocrates

Mind-body therapies use the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health.

Stress and negative emotions can effect your body physically by releasing stress hormones,effecting neurotransmitters, and disrupting other hormone balances. This can contribute to a disrupted health patterns, and may even affect your immune system, mood, reproductive cycles, and natural healing capacity.

Mind-body techniques can be helpful for many conditions because they encourage relaxation, improve coping skills, self awareness, reduce tension and pain.

At Innerworkings we use Flower Essences amongst other mind-body techniques, to help create and maintain balance and harmony of the body, mind, and soul.

Mention this advertisement and receive a free Bio-Impedance Analysis.

Phone Lucy for an appointment today on
0433 766 886

Located in Albert Park & Beaumaris

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