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Barbara Beinart, Beauty Therapist
Specialising in Programs for Disability Groups
Innersens 4 Life
Focus areas
INNERSENS has developed a range of programs and services to help clients take responsibility for their own lives, and through training, resources and information help clients reach their full potential.
The programs are for anyone who is interested in personal development, and training classes and workshops are developed based on the interests and individualised needs of the people participating in the program.
INNERSENS specialises in 3 key areas:
- Life Skills Program
For Disability Groups & their Carers. Designed to help make the most of clients abilities and help increase self- confidence and self- reliance.
- Transitition to Work
Program for Disability Groups
- Inner & Outer Beauty
Workshops for Community & Women’s Groups
In addition, Barbara can provide Beauty Treatments - facials, massage, manicure, pedicures, bridal and other make-overs – at the salon or at Magnolia Healing centre in Rose Bay.
Barbara Beinart is a professional beauty therapist and make-up artist and has worked both in Australia and overseas for 20 years. She has a diploma in public relations and is a qualified trainer (Cert 4 in Training and Workplace Assessment).
Barbara has a daughter with a moderate intellectual disability and a teenage son. She currently works at The Magnolia Healing Centre in Rose Bay, facilitating groups for carers and offering unique "meditative facials".
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