ImagineMORE Coaching therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2010

ImagineMORE Coaching

ImagineMORE Coaching

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Where will your thoughts take you tomorrow?

ImagineMORE Coaching

Servicing area

Tamworth, New South Wales

Focus areas

Parenting Rehabilitation Coaching Injury prevention Mentoring Joy

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Welcome to Imagine More

“Today you are the evidence of yesterday’s thoughts”

That’s why ImagineMORE specialises in coaching ‘Excellence in Thinking’.

Today we are where yesterdays thought brought us. Where will your thoughts take you tomorrow?

About Us

What does ImagineMORE™ do?

We offer a range of services such as:
  • Corporate ‘High Performance’ Training

  • Professional Development Coaching

  • Personal Excellence Mentoring and Coaching

  • Life Coaching

  • Employability and Parenting workshops

  • And more
What is Personal Excellence?

It’s about getting exceptional results in being a person, being able to do this consistently and with a level of ease. Having this type of ‘Personal Excellence’ is a direct result of our thinking, something that we all can learn to do better.

Getting access to more of our untapped potential, which we all have, is the key to ‘excellence’ as a person.

What’s different about ImagineMORE™?

You’ve heard it said, “we use less than 10% of our mind”. That’s over 90% going on that you don’t have control over.
  • We teach you to use much more of your mind, consciously and with precision.
Imagine the difference it would make if you just doubled your thinking capacity?
  • We don’t just tell you what you should do, we get you doing it by using how your mind works.
You know sometimes your responses are out before you think. Then you ask, “why did I do that?”, even though you know it has come from inside your mind.
  • We work at this level your mind, where your responses are generated.

What others say about ImagineMORE! Training

What participants say from a recent course

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou"

"I'm already using what I have learnt"

"I've been able to respond very differently to aggression. I was calm and less reactive, even though this person was screaming and swearing, I was cool like a cucumber"

"Everyone I've spoken to said that is was life changing"

"I enjoyed the training and taken so much from it"

"Everyone was given the opportunity to improve their lives".


This is from a CPA Accountant:

"Someone had a work crisis and was panicking… I managed to calm him down using “certain” techniques and he went back to work relaxed, it’s surprising how easy it was to turn his thinking around!"

About Deb Maes

What’s Deb’s professional background?

Deb’s first qualification is as a Sign Language Interpreter and specialises in legal interpreting in the court system (1989).

Deb then established and managed a training and placement organization in Parramatta NSW Australia. This was funded to train Deaf job seekers to be successful in employment (1995). At CRS Australia she was employed as a Workplace Rehabilitation Consultant and specialized in OH&S Injury Prevention (1992-1999).

What qualifies Deb to coach?

In the field of coaching, Deb has exceptional qualifications; Masters Degree in Communication with a HD in ‘Workplace Communication’.
  • Cert IV Workplace Assessment and Training

  • 20 years experience training ‘Advanced Communication Techniques’

  • NLP Practitioner (INLPTA - International NLP Trainer’s Association)

  • NLP Master Practitioner (INLPTA – 2008)

  • Coaching Intensive workshop (Sue Knight – author of NLP at Work - 2007)
What’s Deb’s professional passion?

Deb believes that effective Communication and quality Interpersonal Relating are the keys to all that is important in life. Facilitating the development of these skills in others (and her self) is what drives her towards excellence as a Coach and Trainer.

Seeing others experience the joy that comes from get these things increasingly better is what lights her fire.

Who is Deb at home?

Deb lives on a property outside Tamworth. She and her husband breed Friesian horses (a rare and very beautiful breed of horse – one of the oldest in the world – imported from the Netherlands).
They have 6 daughters – 5 are grown and married and have together 12 grandchildren.

Free Coaching

To find out more about any of our services including Free Coaching Sessions please visit or call us on 02 6765 6673.

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