iDNA Health
iDNA Health
Servicing area
Stirling, Perth, WA & Australia wide via onlineFocus areas
The one size fits all approach to health is over. Personalised health is available now and will empower you to make better choices about every aspect of your health and wellbeing.
Have no doubt, knowing your DNA will change what you are doing. Your DNA profile will enable you to make informed decisions, choose targeted and effective interventions and enjoy all the benefits of better health.
Testing your DNA is not a requirement to booking a consult or undertaking treatment. But from our point of view, it gives so much more insight into your health and allows us to personalise your treatment. Why would you not want the best for your health?
- Sharon Palmer: Director and Medical Herbalist
iDNA Health offers treatment and programs across a wide-range of health services. Your DNA profile will give you additional insight into each of these areas:
- DNA/Genetic Profiles (including 23andMe)
- Allergies
- Cancer Prevention and Support
- Detoxification
- Diet and Health
- Digestive/Gut
- Exercise
- Fertility and Pregnancy
- Healthy Brain
- Healthy Heart
- Men's Health
- Mental Health
- Skin Health and Anti-Ageing
- Thyroid Disease
- Weight Loss
- Women's Health
Online Booking
Rebecca Hall:
Rose Reilly: