Cheryl Sheriff
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For the very best birth experience?
Ideal Birth Doula Services
Servicing area
Indooroopilly, QueenslandFocus areas
Emotional wellbeing
Postnatal support
What do you want from your birth experience?
Maybe you haven’t given it any thought or aren’t even sure what would constitute a “good birth” experience. A “good birth” is usually defined by how you feel during and after the birth. Will you feel safe, supported, respected, nurtured, fulfilled and empowered? You don’t leave your birth at the hospital you take it with you; birth impacts on how you feel postnatally.
My aim is to ensure you have a safe and satisfying birth - as you define it. Success lies in you having increased feelings of satisfaction during and after the birth of your baby. Feeling nurtured, empowered, calm and confident would usually be considered to be positive outcomes. I recognise birth as a key life experience that you will always remember. It will change you in ways you never imagined, and teach you things you never thought you were capable of.
I am aware that labour and birth are normal physiological processes and understand your emotional needs in labour. We will develop a relationship during your pregnancy and I will help you conceptualise your ideal birth and develop your birth plan. I will help balance these emotions and needs with your Clinical care advice by providing an objective viewpoint and not imposing my personal birth ideals on you but assist you in getting the unbiased information you need to make informed decisions. I will support the decisions of you and your partner and respect your individuality and uniqueness; I will not make decisions for you. I will facilitate communication between you and clinical care providers. My previous experience as a midwife allows me to maintain a balanced perspective of the changing circumstances that occur during labour. The one on one constant support I provide is something unfortunately hospital staff is not in a position to give, much as they would like to.
Your partner’s role will be complemented and reinforced not undermined by my presence. It is a huge and sometimes daunting task being the sole support person especially when it is for someone you care so deeply for. I am aware that this is a very personal and intimate time for a couple. You will need privacy, tenderness, respect and feel you have been listened to and your wishes acknowledged in order to be empowered by the experience. I will do whatever is necessary to ensure this is a reality for you.
Birth can be wonderful and amazing. Plan your baby’s birth with careful thought, with the strength that comes from having the right knowledge and support and with great love.
Visit www.idealbirth.com.au for client recommendations
"Only with trust, faith, and support can a woman allow the birth experience to enlighten and empower her" - Claudia Lowe
The Doula's Role
Doula (doo-la) comes from the Greek word meaning “woman who serves.” The word has come to refer to “a woman experienced in childbirth who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to the mother before, during, and just after childbirth”Women have complex needs during childbirth. In addition to the safety of modern obstetrical care and the love and support provided by their partners, women need consistent, continuous reassurance, comfort and respect. They need individualised care based on their circumstances and preferences.
As your Doula I am an integral part of your maternity care team working closely with the midwives and doctors to provide the best care for you. A Doula does not perform clinical tasks; therefore I am able to focus completely on your well being 100% of the time. This enables me to provide constant physical and emotional support for you and your partner, and maintain the birthing environment you want. The type of support I provide varies depending on your individual needs but may include massage, relaxation, positioning, breathing techniques, aromatherapy, and music. I am not in a position to make the same unique contributions your partner makes. I am there in addition to, not instead of your partner. Together we make the perfect support team for you, complementing each other’s strengths.
Birth is a natural process - an experience that can be powerful, beautiful and have a profoundly positive effect on the entire family if the environment is right. This is the journey of a lifetime for you and your baby and is worthy of the best possible beginning.
Positive effects of Doula Care
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