Danielle Schuster ND.
Holistic Natural Medicine
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Personalised health advise you can trust.
Holistic Natural Medicine
Servicing area
Adelaide Hills area, Mt Barker, Stirling, Blackwood, Nairne, SAFocus areas
Danielle Schuster ND is a regestered Naturopath and an Holistic Natural Health Practitioner who has been in clinical practice since 1998.
She established Holistic Natural Medicine Clinic at Gawler in 1999. Danielle treats health issues from an holistic (wholebody) philosophy, achieving profound results in her client's health.
Holistic Natural Medicine
Danielle treats everyone with a compassionate and caring approach to resolving health concerns. Naturopathic health care is designed around patients unique health needs, and has a strong focus on prevention and improving vitality of life.
The Naturopathic Consultation
An Initial Consultation will take 1 hour during which an extensive medical history is taken and you may be asked to provide information about diet and lifestyle. Your nails, tongue and skin may be examined to reveal your state of health. An eye photos may be taken for an Iris diagnostic analysis. Each subsequent or follow up consultations allow a minimum of 30minutes.
Information required
- Weight /height measurements
- Pathology tests, (blood, xray)
- Medications & Supplements currently taking
- Blood Type
- History about surgery/past illnesses
- Details about symptoms
Naturopathy is a system of healing that aims to provide holistic (whole body) healthcare by drawing on treatment
methods from several traditional systems of medicine. Naturopathy seeks to use the natural recuperative forces inherent in each person. It focuses on treating the cause of a disease not just the effect and prevention of disease is the highest achievement.
What does Naturopathy do?
Good health, wellness and prevention is what Naturopathic treatment is all about. The role of the Naturopath is to work with a person to promote the natural healing of the body. Health is more than just the absence of disease and Naturopathy works on strengthening the bodys natural defences. Suggestions may be made to nourish and cleans the body, by dietary changes, eating certain foods, taking various vitamins, Minerals, herbs or food supplements.
What do Naturopaths Treat?
- Women's health and fertility
- Migraine, Headaches
- Digestive complaints
- Auto immune diseases
- Endocrine disorders etc
- Stress management
- Musculoskeletal complaints
- Virus, Microbes and Parasites
Diagnostic Tests Available
- Iridology ( photographic eye diagnosis)
- Nail and tongue diagnosis
- Saliva Hormone Testing
- Hair Mineral Analysis
- Food SensitivityTesting (IgG blood)
- Complete Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA)
- Thyroid TSH, T3 & T4 (blood)
- Heavy Metal Test (Urine, Water)
- Intestinal Permeability (IP)
- Secretory IgA (slgA)
- Functional Liver Detoxification Profile (FLDP)
- 3 Day Parasitology
- Urinary Iodine (UI)
- Helicobacter pylori Stool Antigen Test
- Urine Analysis (for Ph, Blood, Sugar etc.)
- Blood Typing (A, B, O & AB)
- Homocysteine levels
- MTHFR Gene Testing
- Iron Studies
- Blood Pressure Readings
- Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL,, LDL
- Vitamin & Mineral blood tests
- Haematology & Microbiology
Costs of diagnostic tests from Healthscope Pathology can be discussed during Consultations.
Professional Membership
- ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
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