Dr. Vanessa Wall
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Holdfast Bay MusculoSkeletal Centre
Servicing area
Glenelg, South AustraliaFocus areas
Hi! My name is Vanessa Wall.
Having a clinic focused on health and well-being and giving every patient the time they need has always been my dream, and in 2006 I was able to achieve this by taking over The Holdfast Bay Musculoskeletal Centre.
Graduating in 2004 with a 5 year double degree in Applied Science(Clinical) and Chiropractic Science, I moved from Melbourne to the Riverland in South Australia taking over a busy country practice. Working in the country exposed me to a diverse range of aches and pains and made me realise the focus should not just be on symptoms and pain but on the cause of the problem. Therefore advice on health, fitness and nutrition with an onus on posture and injury prevention made Chiropractic for me more than just back pain and headaches but about all pains and symptoms in the body and how they relate back to your Musculoskeletal system.
My focus in practice has always been patient care and that needs time. I provide one-on-one long appointments for standard fees with the option of double appointments if my patient has several issues to be resolved.
My treatments are musculoskeletal based and include any of the following techniques:
Soft tissue therapy,
Trigger point Therapy,
Manual Manipulation(Diversified),
Mobilization Techniques,
Dry Needling,
COX Flexion/Distraction,
Exercise and Stretching Programs.
So whether it be sore knees from cycling, headaches from too much computer work or just a keen interest in keeping your Musculoskeletal heath at an optimum level, we look forward to seeing you soon at The Holdfast Bay Musculoskeletal Centre!
We have had many questions over the years on what COX Flexion/Distraction technique is! Here is a small explaination of what is involved but please ring the practice on 8294 1364 for any further questions we have not covered.
Cox® Distraction Manipulation is a gentle, non-force adjusting procedure which works with the body's natural design to aid it in healing properly.
Dr. Cox, who developed the technique, explains Cox® Distraction Manipulation Technique as a marriage of modern gentle chiropractic principles combined with the far sighted treatment procedures set forth by pioneer osteopath Dr Alan Stoddard, DO.
Since the early 1970s, Dr. Cox has continually refined the technique, developing a hi-tech, state-of-the-art treatment table for effective use of the technique, conducted clinical and experimental research, lectured around the world, and written well-received articles, chapters for textbooks, and entire textbooks.
For patients with a "slipped/bulging/ruptured/herniated" disc (without cauda equina syndrome), Cox® Distraction Manipulation provides the following benefits:
1. Increases the intervertebral disc height to remove annular tension on the annular fibres and nerve by making more room and improving circulation;
2. Allows the nucleus pulposus -- the centre of the disc -- to assume its central position within the annular fibres and relieves irritation of the spinal nerve;
3. Restores vertebral joints to their physiological relationships of motion;
4. Improves posture and locomotion while relieving pain, improving body functions, and creating a state of well being.
For patients with other conditions causing back pain (facet syndrome, spondylolisthesis, sprain/strain, scoliosis, transitional vertebra, sacroiliac subluxation, and stenosis), Cox® Distraction Manipulation provides:
· All of the above benefits;
· Plus the ability to place the spinal joints into normal, painless movements so as to restore spinal motion without pain.
The Lumbar Spine Adjustment
After undergoing a thorough examination which may include x-rays and/or CT or MRI scanning and a diagnosis of the back condition to be treated has been made, the patient lies on a table that is built to distract the spinal segments and also to produce motions that are normal for the healthy functioning spine. These motions are often impaired or absent with many spinal conditions.
To attain these motions, the lower half of the table goes "up and down" (flexion and extension), goes "side to side" (lateral flexion), or moves in a circular motion (circumduction). All movements are slow and gentle.
The doctor may hold a spinous process (the back part of the vertebra that feels like a "bump" on your spine) to isolate a single segment for treatment when appropriate.
The distraction manipulation is applied manually by the doctor to the patient's low back at the levels of the spine to be treated or that are painful.
Tolerance testing on the table is performed prior to the application of distraction manipulation to be sure it causes no pain to the patient. This is a short description of the technique application designed to help patients with low back pain and/or leg pain.
The Cervical Spine Adjustment
Below is a short description of the technique applied to the neck (cervical spine).
The patient will lie prone (face down) on the table whose headpiece moves in motions that are normal for the healthy and functioning cervical spine (Flexion, Extension, Rotation, Lateral flexion, and Circumduction).
This headpiece allows gentle distraction to be applied to the cervical or thoracic spines alone or while these motions are being administered. The doctor may hold the appropriate spinous process (back of the vertebra) of the cervical spine (or the thoracic spine) to isolate the level of pain or the level of vertebra to be adjusted.
Monday: 4:00pm - 7:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 1:00pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 12:00pm - 7:30pm
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: 8:00am - 11.00am
- Bachelor of Chiropractic Science
- Bachelor of Science In Applied Sciences (RMIT University)
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