Highlands Holistic therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2017

Highlands Holistic

Highlands Holistic

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Linda Burgess is a qualified mental health social worker who provides transpersonal art therapy and counselling to those keen to improve their personal wellbeing and achieve their full potential in life.

Highlands Holistic

Servicing area

Mittagong, NSW

Focus areas

Transpersonal art therapy Face to face appointments Wellbeing Interpersonal Stress Management Self-esteem


I have over 20 years of experience in working with people who have mental health issues and trauma, as well as issues around family, parenting and other life stresses. Art therapy and counselling sessions can also be provided to children with mental health issues, on the autism spectrum, or with specific behavioural or health issues, e.g. encopresis (foecal incontinence or soiling). Sessions are also available online via zoom throughout Australia.

I have qualifications in transpersonal art therapy, psychology, social work and adult education. I am a member Social Worker with the Australian Association of Social Work (AASW) and a registered Mental Health Social Worker, which entitles clients to medicare rebates for face to face sessions, when referred under a Mental Health Care Plan through your GP, for 6 initial visits with a possibility of extending to 4 more sessions.


  • A greater understanding of issues you are facing, a feeling of peace.

  • Taking the focus from recounting sometimes difficult experiences, placing the emphasis instead on how to progress from where you are to where you want to be.

  • Cut through the noise of your mind and go straight to the intuitive part of your brain.

  • Increased confidence, a feeling of general wellbeing and balance, and being in-tune with oneself.

  • Using creative tools to get in tune with your inner wisdom.

  • Learn about identifying feelings, how to express yourself, improve self-esteem, and gain some insight into what is going on for you.


Using art materials (clay, paint, charcoal, pastels, textas, masks, etc.) without emphasis on skills or technique, take a journey through your inner landscape to learn about what you need to continue your story. Find ways of healing mental health issues, work through trauma, or finding answers without getting stuck on other people's agendas. Meditation, guided imagery, stories, discussion, music, movement, and other modalities may be used during the session. Essentially, Transpersonal art therapy is about meaning-making, rather than the creation of a finished artwork.


I offer counselling sessions as an alternative, or in addition to art therapy. These sessions can include focussed psychological strategies, such as Interpersonal Therapy, meditation techniques, behaviour modification, skills training, cognitive interventions, etc., with the emphasis being on what works for you.

Group sessions on various themes will be on offer from time to time to enhance the one-on-one experience. Group sessions build on individual work, or can be taken as a one-off. Sharing personal stories within groups is an individual choice, although it can be an important part of personal development process. Join our email list for the latest information, just send an email to linda@highlandsholistic.com.au and write “join mailing list” in the subject line. Alternatively, you can join the Highlands Holistic facebook page or the women’s mental health support group “Highlands Holistic – Women’s Wellbeing Matters” on facebook.

If you find it helpful, it can be good practice to write down your dreams in a journal and bring them along to sessions. Dreams can help you to consolidate what occurs in art therapy and counselling sessions; they are also a good way of getting in touch with your inner world.


  • Bachelor of Arts (psychology)

  • Bachelor of Social Work

  • TAE

  • Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy

  • Certificate IV Training & Assessment

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