The Herb Factory and Perth Herbs
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Western Herbal Medicine, Massage Therapy - Health Appraisals, including Pathology Assessment - Herbal Remedies - Iridology - Natural Fertility Management. No matter why you need to see a professional Naturopath, we here at The Herb Factory are here to help.
Click enquire button above to book your $150 1 - 2 hour initial consultation (valued at $300) follow up appointments $45
The Herb Factory - Health Appraisals
Servicing area
Mandurah, South Yunderup, PinjarraFocus areas
Alternative medicine
MedicalHerbalist, Naturopath,acupuncture,Deep Tissue Bodywork,
- Bodywork
- Health Appraisals
- Personalised Herbal Formula
Health Appraisals
To get a better understanding of which natural therapy is right for you, Debbie is able to perform various forms of health Appraisals. The services we provide include:
- Full Health Appraisal
- Child's Health Appraisal
- Oriental Pulse Appraisal
- Tongue Assesment
- Iridology Assessment
- Pathology Assessment
- Oriental Facial Assesment
Health Appraisal Questionnaire, please take our On-line health appraisal (which is included at no extra charge for this appointment) so Debbie may assess your current health state.
This is Consultation with our Herbalist, and a personal discussion about specific complaints, eating patterns, fitness levels. Includes Iridology, Oriental Pulse and Tongue Assesment, Oriental Facial Assemsment.
Assessment of your Blood Tests (Pathology) if you have them available on the day otherwise blood tests can be ordered through Clinipath one of WA's biggest Pathology Centres. A One hour consultation including full health appraisal and full discussions. From assessing your Pathology I can determine which herbs and foods would be best to assist your recovery.
A suggestion sheet is provided, detailing all natural therapies required to normalise health, including realistic time frames.
Follow up appointments from $45
Childs Health Appraisal - $60 (around 30 minutes)
Children are usually restless in a lengthy sessions so the Herbalist will do a quick Iridology, Tongue Assesment, and external examination of the child, followed by discussion with the Parent/s about the childs health since conception.
A suggestion sheet is provided, detailing all natural therapies required to regain health, including realistic time frames for anticipated recovery.
Oriental Pulse Assesment - $120.00 includes your first Acupuncture Session
A unique way to tap into the energies flowing through the organs and systems of the body. Gives a clear guide to which systems are deficient and which ones to work on currently.
A suggestion sheet is provided, detailing all natural therapies required to improve health.
Oriental Tongue Assement - $120
Assesment of the tongue is considered a most useful and reliable method of assessing a person. This is done by inspection of the body and coating of the tongue. A healthy tongue fit's nicely in the mouth, is smooth, moist, bright, pink and firm with a thin white fur which covers the upper surface. Splits indicate nutritional deficiencies, whilst coating represent mucous accumulation in organ areas.
A suggestion sheet is provided, detailing all natural therapies required to regain health, including realistic time frames for anticipated recovery.
Iridology - $145
Iridology is the science of assessing the entire body by reading the iris of the eyes. The eyes are a unique map to the health of an individual. I am happy to announce the arrival of the new Iridology Camera and Iridology Analysis software.
For Your Eyes Only (FYEO) Iridology software provides tools to allow for analysis of the iris, pupil and sclera through the scanning of the iris. Iridology is the science of assessing the entire body by reading the iris of the eyes. The eyes are a unique map to the health of an individual. Conditions that can be seen include: pathological disturbance, under and over active organs and systems in the body. Nutritional deficiencies.
A Report sheet is provided, detailing all natural therapies required to regain health, including realistic time frames for anticipated recovery.Each scan details areas which are in need of attention. Conditions that have been seen include: pathological disturbance, under and over active organs and systems in the body. Nutritional deficiencies.
This Assessment includes Full Health Appraisal. Time required one hour.
A suggestion sheet is provided, detailing all natural therapies required to regain health, including realistic time frames for anticipated recovery.
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!
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