The AromaTouch Technique
The AromaTouch Technique is a combination of two of our most powerful senses, touch and smell. These are used in conjunction to establish one simple way to give those you care for an individual essential oil experience. Just because it’s simple doesn’t mean its not profound. Offering the AromaTouch Hand / Body Technique are both scientifically validated ways to develop a strong connection with someone and positively influence their well-being.
Have you ever wondered how walking through an orange grove can immediately induce powerful memories of your childhood or how a faint aroma of cinnamon can remind you of mom’s Sunday morning cinnamon rolls, even 30 years later? It is basic human biology. There is a direct connection between your nose and your brain’s emotional control centre , the limbic system. This is because the olfactory bulb is the only neutral structure in the forebrain that takes input to the amygdala yet does not receive projections. In other words, information from your nose goes directly to the limbic system, which controls mood, memory and emotions. Your body also contains over 400 different types of specialised smell (olfactory) receptors that work together to detect various different odours. Due to this you are capable of discerning countless aromas. This is one of the primary reasons why essential oils can be so powerful in influencing well-being.
The AromaTouch Technique is all about creating an emotional connection and the science behind that connection is as validated as it is compelling. Tactile communication is our first form of communication. We begin receiving tactile signals in the womb, and touch plays a critical role in parent-child relationships before verbal communication is possible. It is in essence the first sense we acquire. In recent studies researchers have shown that emotional communication is very effective through touch. Tender touch almost instantaneously activates the release of Oxytocin ( the “love” or “hug” hormone) which has stress-relieving effects on the body.
The AromaTouch Technique is a scientific approach to combining smell, tactile communication and the power of Doterra’s certified therapeutic organic essential oils to improve well-being.
1 hour • 85
Back massage with lava hot stones and foot therapy
1 hour • 85
Choose a combination of treatments to compliment your body massage - Hot Stone, moxi bustion , electromagnetic therapy
For all enquiries contact us today!