Sharacha Bangera therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2012

Sharacha Bangera


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As your Naturopath, my entire focus is person oriented and not system oriented. I believe in “Treating the Body as a Whole.”


Focus areas

Sinus Tension Vitality Detoxification Memory Hydrotherapy


The Naturopathic medicine is based on the concept of treating the body as a whole, With Panchamahabhuthas [5 elements of nature] that is Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether, which form the basic constituents of the body. These elements are used to revitalize and rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system against the disease causing agents present in and around him.

Naturopathy aims to:
1] Minimize symptoms

2] Support the body’s vital force (its capacity to self-heal)

3] Re-balance the system so that illness is less likely to occur in the future

4] Educate the patient to look after their own health and the health of their family.

The main principles of Naturopathy are as under:

1. All diseases, their cause and treatment are one. Except for traumatic and environmental conditions, the cause of all diseases is one i.e. accumulation of morbid matter in the body and their elimination from the body is preferred treatment.

2. The primary cause of disease is not bacteria or virus. Bacteria and virus enter and survive in the body only after the accumulation of morbid matter when a favourable atmosphere for their growth is established in body. Hence, the basic cause is morbid matter, not the bacteria. They are the secondary causes.

3. Acute diseases are self-healing effort of the body. Chronic diseases are outcome of wrong treatment and suppression of the acute diseases

4. Nature is the greatest healer. Body has a capacity to prevent itself from disease and regain health if unhealthy.

5. In Naturopathy, patient is treated and not the disease.

6. Naturopathy treats all the aspects like physical, mental, social and spiritual at the same time.

7.Naturopathy treats body as a whole instead of giving treatment to each organ separately.

8. Naturopathy does not use drugs. According to Naturopathy, “Food is Medicine”.

Naturopathy is a science of healthy living. It teaches us how we should live? What we should eat and how our daily routine should be?

Naturopathy not only helps us in attaining freedom from disease but also helps in acquiring positive and vigorous health. Its main objective is to change the living habits of people and to teach them the healthy lifestyle. Different modalities of Naturopathy are very helpful in the fulfilment of this pursuit.

Therapies in Nature Cure

Jalachikithsa (Hydrotherapy)
This therapy uses water at different temperatures, forms and pressure to alleviate the ailments of the body. Hydriatic application includes Hip Bath, Spinal Bath, Sauna Bath, Steam Bath, Water Massage, and Asthma baths. Plantain leaf baths, Neem Bath, Hepatic and Kidney packs. These specialized treatments like packing and sprays act as an agent to reactive the aging human system.

Pruthvi Chikithsa
This is a process where pure mud is applied over the body directly or in the form of packs. The cooling, chemical and mechanical properties of mud help to treat problems of skin, joints and metabolic disorders.

When applied to abdomen it relieves all forms of indigestion. It is effective in decreasing intestinal heat and stimulates peristalsis. A thick mud pack applied to head in congestive headache, relieves the pain immediately. Hence this is recommended whenever there is necessity for a prolonged cold application.

Application of the pack over the eyes is useful in cases of conjunctivitis, hemorrhages in the eyeball, itching, allergy, errors of refraction like short sight and long sight and especially useful in glaucoma where it helps to reduce eyeball tension.

Akasha Chikisthsa (Detoxification Therapy)
This therapy uses the purificatory properties of various fruits, vegetable and herbal juices to clean the body of unwanted and accumulated toxins, which are a result of unhealthy life style.

According to this therapy, the food must be taken in natural form. Fresh
seasonal fruits, fresh green leafy vegetables and sprouts are excellent.
These diets are broadly classified into three types which are as follows:

i). Eliminative Diet
Liquids-Lemon, Citric juices, Tender Coconut water, Vegetable soups, Buttermilk, Wheat Grass juices etc.

ii). Soothing Diet
Fruits, Salads, Boiled/Steamed Vegetables, Sprouts, Vegetable chutney etc.

iii). Constructive Diet
Wholesome flour, Unpolished rice, little pulses, Sprouts, Curd etc.

Being alkaline, these diets help in improving health, purifying the body and rendering it immune to disease. To this end, a proper combination of food is necessary. Our diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food for maintaining health. A balanced food is a must for any individual seeking good health. Food is regarded as Medicine in Naturopathy.

Vayu Chikithsa (Air Therapy)
Air, the very essence of life, now is the most polluted element in nature due to advancement of civilization. In this situation treatments like breathing exercises and fresh air baths helps to treat and recharge the respiratory system.

Mardana Chikithsa (Rejuvenation Therapy)
Massage is also a modality of Naturopathy and quite essential for maintaining good health

Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, and feet It aims at improving blood circulation and strengthening bodily organs. In winter season, sun bath/steam or sauna bath after massaging the whole body is well known practice of preserving health and strength

Acupuncture Therapy
This is a Chinese method of treating disease. Here fine needles are inserted at selected meridian points on the body, which activates the body’s immune system and removes the blocks in different channels through which energy flows.

The acupuncture theory is based on Qi (pronounced chee), the vital energy of the body. According to traditional Chinese medical theory, Qi is circulated in all parts of the body via energy channels, called meridians. This energy flow is more or less similar to the circulatory system and nervous system. In case, there is an interruption or blockage in the flow of Qi in the meridians, it causes pain and illness.

Various factors affect the smooth flow of Qi, such as poor nutrition, improper diet, polluted air and water, organ malfunction, injury and infection by harmful microorganisms. Another factor that disturbs the balanced flow of Qi is extreme climatic conditions (cold, wind, heat). The emotional state (pleasure, dejection, stress) of an individual also regulates the normal flow of Qi in the meridians.

The main idea behind acupuncture is to restore health by stimulating acupoints located in the meridians.

Yoga Therapy
Yoga is one of the six systems of Vedic philosophy. Maharishi Patanjali, rightly called "The Father of Yoga" compiled and refined various aspects of Yoga systematically in his "Yoga Sutras" (aphorisms). He advocated the eight folds path of Yoga, popularly known as "Ashtanga Yoga" for all-round development of human beings. They are:- Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. These components advocate certain restraints and observances, physical discipline, breath regulations, restraining the sense organs, contemplation, meditation and Samadhi. These steps are believed to have a potential for improvement of physical health by enhancing circulation of oxygenated blood in the body, retraining the sense organs thereby inducing tranquility and serenity of mind. The practice of Yoga prevents psychosomatic disorders and improves an individual’s resistance and ability to endure stressful situations.

Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, Shatkriya's, counseling and positive talking which is of very high therapeutic value, in stress induce disorders. “Stability" the main stay of life can be achieved by practicing asanas. It shapes the body and mind to attain holistic health.

Pranayama is an important means to have control over the mind. It also helps to relax and correct the faulty breathing pattern. On the whole the type of instructions and methodology adopted will help to overcome psychosomatics disorders.

Dhyana (Meditation)
It is effortless, uninterrupted flow of thoughts towards single objects which helps in slowing down the speed of mind.

Reiki/pranic Healing
Patients are encouraged to uncover a variable and vast treasure of the ‘vital’ force with on themselves through the techniques of Reiki and Pranic healing which improves the quality of living.


Cardiovascular system: High Cholesterol, High blood pressure, poor circulation, varicose veins, hemorrhoids

Digestive System: IBS, constipation, diarrhea, liver detoxification Immune System: Colds/flu, chronic fatigue syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis.

Respiratory System: Asthma, Bronchitis, and Sinusitis Musculoskeletal system: Osteoarthritis, gouty arthritis, Back pain, Osteoporosis, Cervical spondylitis

Nervous System: insomnia, headache/migraine, poor memory, anxiety, stress, depression Reproductive System: Pre and postmenstrual symptoms, hormonal imbalance, menopause, Dysmenorrhea

Skin: ACNE, psoriasis, allergy Nutrition and metabolic disorders,: obesity , Diabetes mellitus


As your Naturopath and Acupuncturist I am able to lead you on a journey to total wellbeing. My entire focus is on treating you and not the disease as the body has the inbuilt capacity to heal itself when given a chance. Therefore with the thorough understanding of your lifestyle, diet, level of Vitality, emotional and mental states and stress level I will be able to Assist the healing process by adopting an integrative approach of Naturopathy, yoga and acupuncture.

So all you need to do is RELAX and speak out all your worries, you will be given 100% care and attention and I will expect your trust and co-operation and mental calmness to get the best of the treatment With emphasis on prevention of illness, early intervention and Health Promotion.

A comprehensive history taking procedure is performed. Presenting Complaints, past illnesses and family health history are discussed and Recorded. Your present health is examined by asking questions about diet, Energy levels, sleep and exercise as well as questions relating to other Body systems. The treatment plan usually consists of dietary and lifestyle Advice, most likely an individualized yoga session and naturopathy/Acupuncture treatment

If you are taking medication you continue on that and on improvement of the Condition the dosage is slowly reduced if required. Treatment duration depends on the nature and the condition of the illness and may vary from 1- 6 weeks and you will be educated on follow-ups.

1] The Initial Visit:
45- 1 Hour consultation, in a relaxed home environment. Evaluation and treatment is either by Naturopathy or Acupuncture.

30 min free Personalized Yoga session depending on the case [eg: asana, pranayama, kriya, meditation, relaxation techniques]

A] Acupuncture [average 45 mins to 1 hour] Can include cupping, Auricular therapy, and moxibustion.

B] Naturopathy [1-1 1\2 hr. / visit]

Other naturopathic treatments like water therapy, Massage, Mudpacks, Yoga, Trataka, kriyas [body cleansing], pranayama [breathing techniques], and food and nutrition and lifestyle advice.

Treatment duration:
Treatment duration depends on the nature and the condition of the illness And the detox required and may vary from 2 – 6 weeks.

It’s a lifestyle modification so you need to stick on to this principle to be Disease free and follows up every 6 months may be required as a tool for Restoring and promoting vitality and general well being.
Follow Up Maintenance Care also given Depending on the nature of the Illness and the detox required.

Pensioners discounts, health rebates available please call me to know More about the exciting discounts available

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