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PPN - Service List
Servicing area
Mornington, Frankston, West Somerville, Rosebud, Sorrento, Malvern, VICFocus areas
Health assessment
Physical health
Muscle tension
Physical discomfort
Our professional Dietetics services include nutritional analysis and dietary prescription for both weight management and dietary management of diseases including Heart Disease, Pulmonary Disease, Diabetes, Coeliac Disease, Irritable bowel Syndrome, Nutritional Intolerances, IBS/Crohns, Malnutrition/Under-nutrition, Paediatric conditions and Eating Disorders.
What are Dietitians?
Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) are recognised professionals with the qualifications and skills to provide expert nutrition and dietary advice and information. They also have clinical training to modify diets to treat conditions listed above APDs have sound university qualifications accredited by DAA, undertake ongoing training and education and comply with the associations guidelines for best practice.
What will a Dietitian do?
An initial health assessment including body fat analysis, blood pressure, girths, current food intake, and exercise history. We can also assess your nutritional needs then develop a personalized eating plan based around the Australian nutritional guidelines. We can provide you with additional information on healthy meals/snacks/shopping lists, Reading food labels, and how to choose the best foods when eating out or getting take-away meals as well as healthy ways to prepare food at home.
Our Accredited Exercise Physiologists can design you an exercise program tailored to your needs to assist you to achieve your goals. Whether your goals are for Rehabilitation, Diabetes, Weight reduction, Osteoporosis, Heart Disease or other Health conditions, we can help you to achieve your strength and fitness goals.
What are Exercise Physiologists?
Exercise Physiologists (EPs) are 4-year University qualified allied health professionals who specialise in the delivery of exercise, lifestyle & behavioural modification programs for the prevention & management of chronic diseases & injuries.
EPs treat diseases & injuries across various areas of pathophysiology, including:
- Metabolic syndrome and disease
- Musculoskeletal injury and disease
- Cardiovascular disease
- Pulmonary disease
- Neuromuscular injury and disease
- Cancers and Mental health
Many of our allied health professionals at PPN are more than qualified to assist you in optimising you and your babies' health status prior to, throughout and after your pregnancy. Optimising your health will not only increase your chances of conception but there is a growing amount of evidence to suggest that healthier mums and dads give birth to healthier bubs who will begin life without a predisposition to many lifestyle diseases which have become mainstream in our society, such as obesity and diabetes.
Maintaining your health and fitness throughout your pregnancy will;
- Promote a healthy weight gain
- Improve circulation
- Reduce physical discomfort
- Improve mood
- Optimise lung & muscular functioning, including thermoregulation
- Decrease risk of miscarriage & unplanned caesarean
- Decrease risk for pre-pregnancy hypertension, pre-eclampsia & gestational diabetes
- Optimise fitness to assist in labour
Post-partum women will benefit by;
- Restoring pelvic floor strength and spinal stability
- Restoring anatomical aalignment & functionality, particularly around pelvic & shoulder girdles
- Reducing any abdominal seperation which may have occured late in the 3rd trimester or during labour
- Re-gaining fitness & ensuring your diet is adequate to support breastfeeding
Here to help are our;
Exercise Physiologists
Will prescribe suitable exercise programs through each trimester of your pregnancy as well as throughout the post-partum period. Specifically, Exercise Physiologists can help re-establish pelvic floor strength, restore abdominal separation and re-condition you back to optimum health.
Provide advice on necessary nutritional requirements pre and post-natally. We will keep you well nourished whilst educating you about foods which may be harmful to your fetus such as those with high mercury levels or those which may contain listeria. Our Dietitians are also trained to help you manage gestational diabetes as well as to ensure you maintain a healthy weight pre and post-natally.
Myotherapy/Remedial Massage
Therapeutic massage has been used for centuries to improve overall health, reduce stress and relieve muscle tension. Modern investigation and research is proving that pre-natal massage therapy can be a very instrumental ingredient in women's pre-natal care and should be given careful consideration.
For more information please contact us
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