Tony Jaafar
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Welcome to Health and FoodIntegrating Nature Wisdom with Modern Naturopath
About Us
Servicing area
Liverpool, Turramurra, St IvesFocus areas
We are specialists in the following areas:
- Food Allergy and how it can fuel your disease conditions.
- Optimizing your Immune System and fight back the Flu and Cold this winter.
- Why chronic fatigue and skin allergies are due to body overload of toxicity?
- The Road to Optimal Health “covers all diseases”.
- The Road to Wellness “covers all the secrets to keep you vibrant and healthy“.
- Stress Management without damaging your Body.
- Weight loss and management.
Our Philosophy:
Finally we believe that every one of us has the genetic potential to live happier, longer, healthier and disease free. The road to Health start only when we understand that health is a science and an art, and it can be reclaimed back when we start on focusing what our body need and how to maintain this need.
Our experience in the past with hundreds of Patients have revealed to us time after time that reclaiming back your health is not as hard as you think right now, but it is actually easier then you ever though, and when you start to do the right things every day from your side.
Tony Jaafar
Hi my name is Tony Jaafar. I have been practicing Naturopathy since 2007. During my studying period in 2002, I had the privildge to be under direct supervision of a friend and a doctor who has both degrees in the field of orthodox and complementary medicine. During the next five years, I gained valuable experience about specific diseases such as cancer, auto immune diseases, diabetes, stress, CVD, weight loss and more.
My ultimate goal to my clients is to bring optimal health and vitality to their daily life. My believes is that by achieving a healthy body and mind from inside and a vibrant skin from outside, one can reach his/her genetic potential that will serve him/her in all life aspects and events.
Come today and find out why hundreds of current clients who have achieved healthy body and mind by embracing Modern Naturopath concepts, have also completely changed their awareness of the importance of health and daily lifestyle activities, otherwise and unconsciously they could stay locked in the past in a vicious cycle that had impacted in every part of their social, health, work and daily life activities.
Our Other Services
Our services cover the following:
- Identifying and removing the allergic food that can underline most chronic diseases.
- Boosting the immune system can be your first defence against the Flu and Cold.
- Removing overload toxicity can improve chronic fatigue and skin allergies.
- The complete program for Health, Wellness and Vitality
- Controlling Stress can reverse or halt aging.
- Weight loss can reduce your risk of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer.
- Helping you understand the underline of your disease. How diet, life style and other emotional issues that could be involve in your disease? These services will cover all the symptoms and diseases below.
- Helping you once your symptoms and disease have improved, to keep optimising your health so that you can live life at its fulfilment level reaping the fruits of happiness all of us struggle to achieve.
- Putting stress under your control and how we can support you with that.
- Why by controlling dysbiosis, stress, and insulin resistance you can easily lose weight.
- Why your genes are programed to optimal health, and why all diseases have two things in common; A-an acidic body and B- an imbalance micro and macro nutrition.
Symptoms & Diseases That We Can Help Treat.
We can help treat a range of symptoms & diseases, including:
- Cancer in adjacent with other therapies.
- Cardiovascular diseases “Congestive Heart Failure, Development of Atherosclerosis, High Blood Pressure, High Blood Cholesterol”.
- Respiratory Conditions “Asthma, Hay-fever, Sinusitis, Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema”.
- Musculo Skeletal Disorders “Back Pain, Osteoporosis, Goat, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue”.
- Female Hormonal Problems “Endometriosis, Female In fertility, Menopause, Menstrual Headaches and Menorrhagia/Dysmenorrhea”.
- Male Hormonal Problems “Male Fertility, Erectile Dysfunction, and Prostatic Hyperplasia”.
- Immune Disorders and Infections “Colds and Infections, Candida Albicans and its connection, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Immune Disorders and Infections Connection”.
- Skin Disorders “Acne, Dermatitis, Eczema, and Psoriasis”.
- Neurological Disorder “Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, and Sleep Disorders”.
- Neurological Disorder for Children and Teenagers “Attention Deficit Disorders and Hyper-Deficit Attention Disorders, Poor School Performance, Memory Problems and Information Retentions”.
- Gastro-Intestinal Diseases “Mouth Arthur, Bloating, Reflux, Diarrhoea/Chronic constipation, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Peptic Ulcers”.
- Blood Sugar and Metabolic Disorders “Diabetes, hypoglycaemia, Obesity, Mood Swings, Low Energy and Self-Esteem, Low Energy Afternoon”.
- Thyroid Disorders “Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism”.
- Auto Immune Disorders “Multiple Sclerosis, Hashimoto's Disease or thyroiditis, Diabetes Type One, Crohn’s Disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis”.
"After suffering for three years with diarrhea and a constant burning in my upper stomach and after two colonoscopies and two endoscopies, I was diagnosed with IBS. I knew that the doctors did not know what was wrong with me and that they could not do anything to help me. I was referred to Tony by a friend who had described him as "more than just a Naturopath". I was skeptical about seeing a Naturopath at first because I had heard that they were expensive and often just prescribed you supplements.
I started seeing Tony in November 2007 and I have never looked back. He introduced me to ionized alkaline water, changed my diet and became my emotional support. He was always right and he always made me feel better, both physically and emotionally.
Within three months I felt like a different person with so much more energy than ever before. My diarrhea has stopped as has the burning in my stomach. I even managed to participate in the City to Surf this year (something I could not have managed 12 months ago) and now have a regular exercise regime.
Recently when I visited the dentist for my six month check up and clean, he commented on how my teeth were clear of plaque and how it looked like I had been bleaching them as they were so much whiter than he had ever seen them before. He agreed that my nutritious diet was having an affect even on my teeth by reducing the acidity in my whole system."
- Susan A. / Sydney
"Many people undervalue the importance of their health, and their diet. As a former professional tennis player and now Coach I can recommend Tony's teachings and nutritional advice as the finest quality I have been taught. Everyone will benefit from his expertise."
- Andrew T. Tennis Coach / Sydney NSW
"I have known Tony Jaafar for three years or since 2012. He has a genuine passion for helping people return to and maintain good health. He is unlike any other naturopath that I have had experience with.
He has a truly holistic and highly ethical approach to managing the health of his patients and to healing. Tony is highly qualified and has an amazing level of knowledge which extends well beyond the traditional approach of advising patients which supplements etc to take. I can recommend tony Jaafar to anyone seeking better health."
- Leony S. / St Ives NSW
"I have been treated by Mr Tony Jaafar for the past 18 months. I contacted Tony after I had finished chemotherapy following breast cancer. Tony believes in the holistic approach to health i.e. maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding certain food groups, exercise, naturopathic supplements, and focusing on the power of the mind through meditation and yoga.
Tony is an educator with a wealth of knowledge. He believes in taking proactive preventative measures to protect the body from disease. His mantra is "prevention is better than cure". In my case, I was very physically and mentally weak and depleted after chemotherapy. I also had chronic bowel problems which I've had for 20 years. Since taking the supplements and following Tony's dietary advice, I no longer have the chronic bowel problems.
Tony also gave me a range of supplements which greatly improved energy levels and improved my general well being. Each supplement I took targets different deficiencies in the body. Tony runs tests to decide which supplements you need and is continually refining the products he gives you as your condition improves. I would highly recommend Tony's naturopathic services as an effective way to improve your health and feel great."
- Andree M. / Five Dock
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give us a call!
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