Health Inspirations Northside
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Health Inspirations Northside - Patricia Newton
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Who is Patricia Newton
All of these words have been used in an attempt to describe Patricia and they all apply, but there’s no neat box that could ever wrap around or pin down the essence of this truly remarkable, one-of-a-kind healer and nurturer of body, mind and soul.
How about guru as in teacher, guide, expert or master? Absolutely, but the literal translation from Sanskrit is closer – “dispeller of darkness”.
Whatever ails you, whether you’re aware of it or not, Pat can find it and transform it, because she lives and works on both sides of the veil. Her Celtic heritage imbues her with guile, resilience and tenacity to unearth the “truth” of a situation.
The” Seer” Patricia delves deeply into the abyss (the Dark Night of the Soul) revealing the shadows that create dysfunction, dis-ease, heartbreak and paralysis.
Descending into her true apothecary, she purges the pain bodies, re-invigorates the soul, restores supreme integrated function alchemising your mind body and soul revealing your true self – your Sovereign Being.
I liberate minds, remove issues from your tissues, engage your inner self to recalibrate your tune…
I help you answer questions with your body mind and soul and when I put you back together, you’ll be happy strong and whole
Categorised as a Multi-Potentialite Pat’s unquenchable thirst for life-long knowledge has driven her to study for incessantly, in fields scientific, traditional, esoteric and complementary; she seamlessly combines these forces to attain phenomenal client outcomes.
- Integrated Energy Medicine Specialist
- RN/University Clinical Facilitator BSc. Nursing
- Obstetric Cert UK
- Dip Health Visiting UK – Primary Health, Child Health, Preventative Medicine
- Dip Applied Science (Education) Nurse Educator
- Certificate IV Training/Assessment
- Dip Health Sc. Aromatherapy - Practitioner/Certified Teacher
- Emotional Freedom Technique EFT Adv Practitioner
- Matrix Re-Imprinting - Karl Dawson London UK
- Reiki Master – Six traineeships
- Touch for Health (Kinesiology)
- Esoteric Acupuncture
- Advance Spiral Practitioner
Above all’ Patricia’s strong connection to Source Energy guides her to continue developing a vast and ever-expanding treasure trove of wisdom.
“We are all destined for Greatness,” says Pat, “the Greatness from within; the stirrings of our soul which is the driving force of our BEING.
“We are truly wondrous BEINGS that, once connected, transmit love, wisdom and teachings beyond which we could possibly have learned. It is a line to the DIVINE that downloads all that we need to BE and implement our sacred mission – our life on Earth, our destiny, our legacy that we will leave for our children and so forth, stepping into the footprints that our ancestors left, moving forwards and elevating to heights that we didn’t deem ourselves capable of.”
Inspirational words from an inspirational Being, an Earth Angel you can trust to work only from the Light and help you with what you need most.
Patricia is the adventurous Medicine Womxn integrating multiple Archetypes into her Being
She who separates the dark from the deceitful illusions
Smashing illusions that stop us from living vibrantly
Patricia see’s multiple worlds through the lens of her eyes,
She channels your Ancestors healing retrograde patterns thus reconfiguring your future
She creates diverse dynamic fun-filled powerful workshops and formulates unique One on One sessions to transcend blocks and elevate your life to BE DO HAVE what you desire & deserve.
- Bachelor of Science In Nursing (BSN)
- Diploma In Applied Science (Education)
- Nurse Educator
- Clinical Aromatherapist
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