Harpreet Chadha
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Reiki and 'The Bars' Therapy Practitioner
Servicing area
Manor Lakes & WerribeeFocus areas
Unlock the Power of Your Mind, Body and Soul
Hi! I’m Harpreet Chadha, a holistic health practitioner and fitness coach who offers Reiki and Access Consciousness Bars in Wyndham Vale, Melbourne.
These alternative health treatments are available at my peaceful holistic centre Heal Mind Soul. They aim to promote relaxation, boost energy levels, and manage anxiety and depression.
Emotional distress, in particular, should not be taken lightly. It’s a health condition that may evolve into something more serious, or irreparable, if not addressed immediately.
I should know better as anxiety almost stole my mom away from my family. Her ordeal led me to the discovery of the health wonders of Reiki and Access Bars.
Both are deeply relaxing, therapeutic, and capable of alleviating physical, mental, and emotional pains.
My Journey to Healing
I started engaging in holistic healing almost 10 to 12 years ago when my mom started showing symptoms of anxiety disorder and depression.
Conventional medicine did little to help as it would only numb and put her to sleep, but it failed to cure her.
Being close to mom, I couldn’t bear seeing her in this state of mind every day, so I started exploring holistic treatments.
I took her to Ayurveda centres and let her try different kinds of remedies and massages out of desperation.
That was the time I learned about Reiki, essential oils, Access Consciousness Bars, and other holistic modalities. I am currently exploring Feng Shui and flower remedies.
Allow me to help you heal both mind and body and start seeing life from a fresh perspective.
My Mission Statement
With a passion for life, I am on a mission to bring together like minded people who are ready to share their experiences and help each other in transforming their own lives and lives of others through the practice of yoga, meditation, healing and spiritual development.
My Vision
My vision is for a happier world. I would like to see people dwelling within themselves and acting out of their consciousness, looking and supporting each other in whatever way they can. If this is something you would like to explore, please contact me. I look forward to working with you!
Experience the health benefits of Reiki and Access Bars. Book an appointment with me today!
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