Blazenka Bradley therapist on Natural Therapy Pages
Member since 2018

Blazenka Bradley

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I help people with anxiety and who want to better themselves using Kinesiology, 7 Chi Keys for Chakra work and Reiki.

Healing Inside Out - Blazenka Bradley

Servicing area

Servicing Sutherland Shire & St George Area

Focus areas

Purpose Wellness Nails Lifestyle Nurturing Love

My whole life I have been anxious. 

Or at least that was the way it seemed to me at 16 years old.

Hi, my name is Nanci Bradley, a Kinesiologist, Chakra Observation Specialist, and Reiki Healer.

At 16, I had gotten to the point where I could barely remember a time when the anxiety wasn’t stuck in the back of my throat. The thing that triggered it most, at that point in time anyway, was talking to people. From ordering a hot chocolate to a class presentation, interactions with my fellow humans generally made me anxious. Even with my family, who I felt totally comfortable with, the low hum of anxiety resided in the back of my mind.

There were many Kinesiology sessions, counselling sessions, and the like. But although there were improvements over the years it had never completely disappeared.

But at 16 years old I realised that actually, I didn’t want to keep living in this way anymore, and more importantly that I didn’t have to.

I wanted to feel confident, calm, and connected to the world. I wanted to feel balanced in myself.

I began making changes. The sessions continued, but I honed in on what I wanted. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone a little at a time, until I could order a coffee without planning what I was going to say, until I could make small talk with a stranger, until I spent a year overseas continuing to grow.

Are you at that same point of no return?

Are you ready to completely change your life?

Because, it does completely change. The Nanci of 5 years ago would barely recognise me today. But the core was there, I just didn’t recognise it back then.

Part of the reason why people felt so overwhelming and anxiety-inducing was an experience I had in a past life. In that life, the man I was going to marry saw me heal a bird and accused me of witchcraft. As a result my house was burned down, with my grandmother inside, and I was forced to flee. This man was someone I thought I knew and understood, but he had betrayed me. When I discovered this life during a Kinesiology session, the paranoid and distrustful feelings I had towards people made so much more sense. I had taken on that pattern and belief system from my past life into my current life. And by clearing that trauma, I was able to release the unreasonable paranoia I felt towards people in my life.

The modality that I use to help you achieve these shifts is Kinesiology, which you can learn more about on the Kinesiology page. At the moment, this is in the form of Stress Observation, the beginning section of a Kinesiology diploma, and over the next year I will be adding more and more techniques to my repertoire.

For anyone who is determined and ready to make the changes they desire in life, the sessions I offer are:

1 hour Kinesiology – $100

1.5 hour Kinesiology – $130

2 hour Kinesiology – $160


6 Services

Kinesiology Session

1hr 30min
Kinesiology Kinesiology Online
$170 Per session

Kinesiology Session 1.5 hrs

Kinesiology 1 hr Session

$140 Per session

Kinesiology 1 hr Session


  • Kinesiologist
  • Certified Sound Therapist
  • Diploma In Applied Physiology Kinesiology
  • Certified Transference Healer
  • Applied Physiologist
  • Certified PKP Kinesiologist
  • Group Sound Therapist

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