Rechelle Webb
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Usui system of natural healing - Channelling energy through hands.
Rechelle can help you discover the amazing benefits of this ancient healing technique.
Healing Hearts Reiki-(Usui)
Focus areas
Chronic health issues
Personal issues
Weight management
Rechelle has over 20 years experience in the healing modality known as Reiki - (Usui-Tradional Japanese Style). I can help you with your spiritual development and healing in a relaxed, safe, non-judgmental environment. Reiki was first discovered by Dr Mikao Usui in Japan in the 19th century, he was a buddhist monk on a spiritual journey when he became enlightened through meditation and received certain Reiki symbols from a higher source. These Reiki symbols were used as tools for channelling the universal life force energy known as (Chi) which every living human, plant and animal has flowing through their aura.
Once a student is attuned by a professional Reiki master in Reiki level1, 2 & Master, they have the ability to help heal themselves and to help heal a patients body, mind and soul through channelling energy via the hands.
Reiki flows to where your body requires the energy, Reiki is an intelligent source of healing and therefore you have the ability to heal yourself through the Reiki healing sessions. I am a channel for the healing energy to flow through me into you "the client". Most people feel totally relaxed, tired, at ease, refreshed, revitalised or some people may release blocked energy by crying or being emotional, or just simply by letting go. I am a Reiki master practitioner, I can also teach Reiki 1, 2 & Master level. I have been using Reiki since my early teens and have practised for many years. My Reiki Lineage is as follows:
- Dr. Mikao Usui
- Dr Chujiro Hayashi
- Hawayo Takata
- Phyllis Lei Furumoto
- William L Rand
- Padma O'Gara
- Katherine Van Gend
- Patricia and Peter George
- Kerry Harrison
- Pam Reeves
- Trish Dixon
- Alesha de Thierry
- Rechelle Webb
For the benefit of your healing session it is recommended that no talking occurs so that you can experience the blissful relaxation which you will encounter. The client may fall asleep, see colours in their mind, just feel relaxed, or maybe feel tingles all over their body. The Reiki healing energy can also align each of your chakras and help to balance them back to their original flow. The benefits vary from client to client they include, total relaxation, clearer mind, ease anxiety& depression, assist with weight loss, pre-& post surgery, assist with the chronic illnesses such as cancer, fatigue management, emotional, spiritual and physical healing, maintain well-being, relationship issues, improve immunity, self esteem, mental clarity, etc. Each healing session is totally different and no two sessions are ever the same. Its important to come into the session with an open heart and mind, by doing this you are allowing the flow of chi to move easily throughout your body which then causes your own body to heal itself. I am merely a channel, I do not take on board any client’s personal issues as I have been attuned to the master symbols and therefore its like "water off a ducks back”. Each clients session is treated with strict confidentiality and your privacy is respected and you are treated with much loyalty. Healing is my spiritual path and you have been bought to my page for a special reason, this is your opportunity to experience the wonder, power, and amazing healing energy that Reiki is. I feel honoured and blessed to be able to assist myself and help others through channelling the Reiki-(Usui) healing energy. I look forward to meeting all who chose this modality of healing.
Peace be with you!
For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment - just give me a call!
Also servicing; Gauge, Goodwood & Norwood
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